Pirates: Bleach Vice-Captain

Chapter 119 A sweet critical hit!

It was night, after a long journey in the desert and a hard fight, everyone was tired and staggered to sleep in the bedroom, and snoring could be heard one after another.

Weiwei looked out the window at the still heavy rain and listened to the snoring in the house. She felt at ease and smiled sweetly.

The next day.

Due to the fierce battle, everyone was injured to varying degrees, and Chopper was preparing medicine for everyone.

An old doctor wearing glasses came over. Seeing Chopper's method of preparing medicine, he nodded and praised:

"Oh my god, this medicine is really well prepared, and the technique is really clever. I have never seen anything like this after practicing medicine for several years. May I ask where did you learn medicine?"

When the old man said this, Chopper was nervous and sweaty at first, and then he danced and laughed: "You idiot! Stop staring at me, get out of here!"

"Wow! I slept so comfortably!!"

As soon as Luffy woke up, he raised his fists and shouted: "Where's the hat? Where's my hat? Where did the breakfast and my hat go?"

Sanji lit a cigarette: "It's already night now."

Usopp handed him the hat: "Here it is."

"Great!" Luffy put the hat on his head, feeling much more at ease.

Weiwei smiled and looked at him: "Great, you are energetic again."

"What are you talking about? I've always been very energetic."

Nami: "Idiot, you were poisoned and unconscious for several days. Thanks to Chopper and Vivi for taking care of you!"

"Really? Thank you so much."

While everyone was talking, the door opened and Zoro and Chenqi came back: "Luffy, wake up."

"Chen Qi, Sauron. Long time no see." (Drown for too long)

Chopper was shocked when he saw Zoro: "Hey!"


Chopper's little hooves went up and grabbed Zoro's trouser leg: "You ran out to practice again, right?"

Zoro poured wine as soon as he came back: "What's wrong? I can do whatever I want."

"No, I'm the ship's doctor! If I say no, I can't! Don't touch your injury!"

Hearing what Weiwei said, Luffy sat up in shock: "What? I've been sleeping for three days?! What do you mean, I missed fifteen meals?"

Chen Qi broke into a cold sweat: "Mao, why do you calculate this so quickly?"

Usopp: "And it's still calculated as five meals a day?"

Weiwei smiled: "I have already asked people to prepare the dinner. We can have dinner at any time."

As soon as he got to the dinner table, Luffy was like a large vacuum cleaner. All the dishes within the two-meter "sphere of influence" near him were quickly swept away, and his "devil's claws" stretched out farther away.

Zoro was shocked: "Eat quickly, or it will be gone!!"

The plates in front of Chen Qi were all empty, but he didn't take a bite. He stood on the stool and pointed at Luffy: "Hey, don't grab my food!!"

After listening to Zoro's words, Chopper stuffed it into his mouth in large quantities, even holding it in his mouth (for fear that Luffy would snatch it all).

Sanji: "You eat so fast, don't choke."

Nami punched Luffy on the head: "Hey, all your food spilled on me."

Luffy's mouth was full, and his head was more than five times bigger than usual. He was eating happily, but he was completely immune to Nami's fists.

Karu took a swig of his drink and said, "Quack, quack, quack!"

Weiwei looked at everyone covering their mouths and smiled: "Don't worry, everyone, there is still a lot of food."

Seeing Luffy running around on the dining table, Usopp came up with a clever plan: "Damn Luffy! He took away everyone's food. It seems I have to teach you a lesson."

He murmured and poured a can of chili sauce into a rice ball: "Look at my new chili sauce star!"

Luffy's hand reached for the rice ball without looking, grabbed it and stuffed it into his mouth.

Then, "fire" came out of Luffy's mouth.

Chenqi and Zoro gave Usopp a thumbs up at the same time: "Great job!"

Sanji ate a very delicious dish and asked the chef next to him: "What kind of dish is this?" The chef next to him heard people praising his skill and naturally explained happily.

Zoro raised a large wine glass: "Hey! Is there any more wine?"

Chopper ate so fast that he choked with tears and waved his two little hooves desperately.

Chen Qi quickly went to pour a large glass of water and gave it to Chopper to drink.

The scene was extremely lively, much more noisy than the market in the morning. Weiwei laughed very loudly, not at all like the noble princess of a country...

Everyone was full of wine and food, and King Kobra took everyone to the royal bath.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I saw a rockery with two lifelike lions and a fountain. The floor tiles under your feet are inlaid with gems, which is very comfortable to step on.

It is indeed a royal bath, it is truly magnificent.

In the men's bathhouse, all of them had taken off their naked bodies. Luffy, Usopp, Chenqi, and Chopper were like four twos, rushing forward in exactly the same posture. They were competing to see who could jump into the bathhouse first.

As a result, there was a little water in front, and four people slipped in the same position.

Sanji: "Hey, are you guys interesting?"

After entering the bath, Zoro rubbed Chopper's back. And a few of them were playing in the water.

Sanji went over and patted the guard captain Ikarem on the shoulder, with a sullen look on his face: "May I ask, where is the women's bathroom?"

Ikarem was furious: "Princess Weiwei is taking a bath, how could I tell you?"

Kobra was quite grand and pointed to the next door: "It's right on the opposite side of the wall!"

Ikarem: "King, you actually betrayed the princess?!"

Chen Qi broke into a cold sweat: "The king is really powerful."

This is the women's bath.

Nami and Weiwei rubbed each other's backs.

The two were chatting and looked like a pair of sisters who were very close to each other.

At this time, Weiwei was suddenly startled and wrapped her bathrobe tightly around her body: "Hey! What are you doing up there?"

It turned out that under the guidance of Sanji and Kobra, the gang in the men's bathroom climbed up the wall and were looking at them! !

Nami sighed and said "These perverts", then stood up and suddenly opened the bathrobe in front of her.

【Sweet crit! ! ! 】

For a time, the scenery in front of the men was infinite!

Weiwei seemed to be in disbelief. Her mouth and head grew bigger, her teeth became sharper, and her eyes protruded: "Nami?!!"

Suddenly, the men they saw had nosebleeds spurting out and fell back into the men's bath.

Especially Sanji, his spurt was more than ten feet long, and his blood volume was more than five times that of others.

"No one has a hundred thousand!" Nami said thiefly, and all the heads on the wall that no one was peeking at were knocked back by this "sweet blow".

After this episode, Nami and Weiwei returned to the bathtub again.

In the men's bath, Kobra was lying on the ground, with nosebleeds still flowing from his nose, with a serious look on his face: "Thank you so much!"

Everyone's nosebleeds also flowed out, and they said in unison: "You perverted old man!"

Kobra's head grew larger and his teeth became sharper: "That's not what I'm referring to (peeping at the opposite person taking a shower)!"

Then Kobra wiped the blood from his nose again: "I mean this country, thank you!"

With that said, he sat down and bowed deeply to everyone.

Sauron: "Okay, how can you, a majestic king, bow to others casually?"

Chen Qi smiled: "That's right, how can a king without clothes salute a group of pirates?"

Cobra raised his head with a smile on his face: "No matter what, thank you very much!"

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