Pirates: Bleach Vice-Captain

Chapter 156 Happy Friends

Suddenly, Chopper opened the bathroom cabin door.

His face was filled with tears, and he couldn't stop crying: "Wuwuwu...Chenqi...Chenqi...Chenqi..."

Zoro couldn't sit still: "What happened to him?"

"He...his heart started beating!"

There was a brief silence for three seconds.

"So... great!!"

"He's fine!"

After hearing the news, everyone was so excited that they almost flew up and rushed to see this person who had returned from the gate of hell.

Chopper waved his hands to everyone: "No... no, you will disturb him if you go in now!"

What Qiaoba meant was that Chen Qi had just been rescued and needed to rest.

Sanji pointed at himself: "Hey, Doctor Chopper, let me cook something for them to eat."

Chopper showed his usual funny look, his little face was red and he was dancing: "You...you think I will be happy if you call me doctor? You bastard! Eat something to warm up after he wakes up. Just the stuff. We'll carry him to the bedroom after a while."

At this time, Usopp sat on the ground in a group, with a worried look on his face, and let out a long sigh.

Zoro turned to look at him: "What's wrong with you? Usopp? Are you relieved that the general is gone?"

When Zoro said this, Usopp lay down on the deck like an eggplant beaten by frost, and said with a depressed look on his face: "Will such a powerful guy come back to hunt us down in the future?"

Zoro: "..."

Usopp continued: "A person like me will be eliminated in a few or two strokes..."

It's night.

"Don't think so much, go to bed quickly."

That night, Chen Qi woke up, thinking about his battle with Qing Pheasant.

It seems that I am still far away from the path of the world, and I will have to work harder in the future.

However, if you casually become invincible, then it probably won’t be that interesting.

The most important thing is that Chen Qi feels that he has a group of partners worthy of his protection.

He has become a member of this family.

This is enough.

For them, I have to become stronger.

Thinking like this, Chen Qi had a smile on his lips and fell into a sweet dream again.

What he didn't know was that in the darkness at this time, Robin had his eyes open, thinking about Qing Pheasant's words during the day, and couldn't fall asleep for a long time...

The next morning.

The sun is shining on the sea, and the sea breeze is blowing, making people extremely comfortable.

Nami was wearing a swimsuit, lying on the beach chair, stretched out, and enjoyed the comfortable sea breeze.


At this time, Sanji's whole body was twisting like noodles, his eyes were filled with peach hearts, and he ran over with a mean look on his face, holding a fragrant plate in his hand.

"Nami-san, this is my new specialty, fried mashed potatoes, welcome to try." Sanji held the plate of rice and gave Nami a knight's salute in a very gentlemanly manner.

Nami took the plate, took a spoon and put it in her mouth, then put a sweet smile on her face: "Hmm~ It tastes really good!"

Hearing Naomi-san's praise, Sanji raised his arms like a fool and shouted at the sea: "How happy!!"

"It's so noisy, you bastard! Are you letting anyone sleep?!"

Sanji's yelling disturbed Zoro who was sleeping on the deck, and Zoro shouted at him very dissatisfied.

Sanji waved his hands with a bad look on his face: "I know, I know, I'm sorry, Mr. Cactus (Cactus is green, Zoro's head is green)."

"If you dare, tell me again, you bastard perverted cook?!"

The two were arguing when Luffy asked about the aroma of fried mashed potatoes and ran out of the cabin as fast as he could.

He was also frozen, but he was very lively today: "Sanji, give me two plates of mashed potatoes too!"

Usopp and Chopper said in unison: "We want it too, we want it too!"

"okay, got it!!"

When Sanji made the mashed potatoes, everyone started to enjoy them.

At this time, Chen Qi ran out of the cabin.

It seems that he slept soundly last night.

"Wow! What is this? It smells so good?" Chen Qi couldn't help but see Luffy and the others eating something on their plates.

"Wow, you guys are so uninteresting. You don't even call me to eat good food!"

Usopp's mouth was filled with words: "When I got up, I saw you sleeping so soundly, and you are still sick and should get more rest, so I didn't have the heart to call you."

Chen Qi might have been woken up by the smell of food.

"Hey, Sanji, give me a plate of this too, I'm hungry!" Chen Qi called to Sanji loudly.

Only Sanji and Zoro were seen on the deck on the other side.

Sanji held a cigarette in his mouth and looked at Zoro with an unhappy expression: "How long do you want to sleep?"

Zoro also looked at him: "I can sleep as long as I want, you have nothing to do with me!"

(Are these two guys still arguing? You have to check the time to show your affection, right? Some people are still hungry.)

Chenqi saw that it was hopeless to ask Sanji, but he saw a plate of fried mashed potatoes next to Luffy (Luffy ordered two plates).

Chen Qi didn't say anything, just went up to grab the plate and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Hey! That's mine!"

Sure enough, Luffy was unhappy. (Hit me, scold me, steal my food, just dream!)

Chen Qi was also afraid of being snatched back by him again, so he wolfed down most of it in less than three seconds.

With his mouth full, he said vaguely: "It's so fine (it's) good to eat (it's)."

"You bastard, don't take it from me!"

"But I've already eaten, what should I do?"


Luffy went up and struggled with Chen Qixiang and the two children.

Qiaoba came over: "Hey, Chenqi, you've just gotten better. You need to have a good rest and don't play here."

"I can do whatever I want!"

"No, you have to listen to me, I'm the ship's doctor!"

This extremely lively boat made Robin's flowers tremble, but no one saw that the smile on her face gradually disappeared, and she gradually turned into a melancholy look. She didn't know what she was worried about.

Sanji ended his argument with Zoro and saw Robin.

The same eyes are full of excitement, and the noodles are also twisting their bodies.

At the same time, he looked like he was in need of a beating: "Robin-chan, let me make you some food to warm yourself up. What do you want to eat?"

Robin thought for a moment and said, "Bring me a cup of hot cocoa."

"My pleasure, Robin-chan!"

Seeing how happy everyone was eating, Sanji made some extra mashed potatoes. At this time, the captain and mate on the ship calmed down a bit.

Luffy: "This is so delicious!"

Chopper: "What is this made of?"

Chen Qi: "Bah chi, bah chi..."

Usopp: "This is the tail meat of a large sea king. I killed it. Its total length is more than 100 meters."

Chopper looked at Usopp with great admiration: "More than 100 meters? You are so awesome, Usopp!!"

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