Pirates: Bleach Vice-Captain

Chapter 343 The civet cat and kappa lying at gunpoint

The front entrance of Ryugu Castle.

"Anyway, isn't this going too far?"

Brooke: "Yes, let's reflect on it!"

Zoro looked angrily: "You were the one who started the trouble, right?"

Usopp: "We just wanted to scare them and run away!"

Nami covered her face and looked troubled: "I was looking forward to peaceful sightseeing and shopping."

Kemi and Papagu screamed in fright.

It turned out that after a less fierce battle, they, led by Sauron, tied up all the Neptune troops, including Neptune.

The scene in Dragon Palace City is extremely spectacular.

Sauron yelled: "The matter has reached this point and is irreversible. Stop talking nonsense!"

Nami covered her head and looked annoyed: "Is it okay to say it's irreparable? I passed by Fish-Man Island and accidentally occupied the Dragon Palace. We pirates are really vicious, aren't we?"

Zoro looked at her: "According to what you said, you would be satisfied if we were killed by them?"

Usopp also said: "Didn't I tell you many times to find the right time to escape?"

Brooke: "I don't know where to go. Besides, Luffy and Chenqi are not here now."

Usopp: "That is to say, that boy Chenqi is still missing, and Luffy doesn't know where he went."

At this time, Nami looked at a fish-man soldier with a sincere face: "We are really in a hurry, please tell us where the key to the treasure house is?!"

Everyone fainted!

I thought you were going to ask about the captain’s whereabouts!

Brooke put on the same outfit as when she was a singer, played the guitar and sang loudly.

Usopp's teeth sharpened and he shouted at him: "Shut up! King of Souls!!"

King Neptune and his men were all tied up. Kaiba's right minister asked anxiously: "Are you okay? Your Majesty? I didn't expect King Neptune, the knight of the sea, to end up in such a situation."

Neptune was tied tightly by the iron rope: "Hey, I slipped up to my waist. I can't fight even if I want to. Time is not forgiving. I was negligent. I'm really sorry!"

Kaiba's right minister looked at Sauron and others with hostility: "Hey! You guys! The three princes will be back soon. They are the three strongest in Neptune's army. When they come back, don't even think about it. Escape intact!"

Brooke took the guitar and said to his friends: "If the whole city is submerged in the sea, we have no chance of winning! But we didn't expect that all the water would be drained."

Usopp: "In short, I can't stay on Fish-Man Island anymore."

They simply ignored Kaiba Right Minister's threats.

Zoro said: "What's so good about Sonny? Let's all gather and prepare to sail!"

Kemi: "Hey? Do you want to leave?"

Nami looked at the pointer on her wrist: "There is something wrong with the recording pointer. It has not been very stable since arriving on the island."

Minister Catfish Zuo couldn't help complaining: "I can't stand it. You can't reach the new world with such a simple pointer! Ignorant pirates."

Hearing his words, Nami turned around and asked, "Hey? Doesn't this pointer work?"

Catfish Minister Zuo: "Untie me and I'll tell you!"

"Ding dong! Ding dong! Ding dong!"

At this moment, the doorbell rang in the Dragon Palace.

Someone is back!

When the left and right ministers heard this, they were immediately overjoyed: "The eldest prince must be back!"

The gate of Dragon Palace City.

The three princes rang the doorbell outside, but no one came to open the door.

They couldn't help but wonder. The eldest prince Shark Xing said to the inside: "I am Shark Xing, what happened inside? Put down the communication bridge immediately and open the main gate and the inner door of the palace!"

Zoro picked up the phone without thinking and said to the outside: "We can't do this!"

Usopp was so frightened that he leaned back: "Hey! What are you talking about?!"

Kemi and Papagu were so frightened that they hugged each other. Papagu said: "You might as well tie me and Kemi up. We will be regarded as accomplices!"

Kemi almost cried: "Brother Sauron is so scary!"

At this time, Shark Star outside basically knew what was going on inside. He adjusted his emotions and said, "Are you members of the Straw Hats?"

Inside, Neptune quickly answered: "Star Shark! He is the three-sword swordsman of the Straw Hats and the pirate hunter with a bounty of 120 million, Solly!"

Hearing this, Zoro's teeth sharpened and his eyes turned white: "My name is Zoro!"

Sauron spoke to the microphone again: "Did you hear that? There are a large number of hostages here, including Neptune. If you still want their lives, arrange for us to sail immediately! Our Sonny needs to be covered with film, and The remaining crew members include a black-robed swordsman (Chen Qi), a dark girl (Robin), a robot (Franky), a tanuki (Chopper lies down with a gun), and a playboy kappa (Sanji lies down). Got shot three times)."

Nami quickly added: "Zoron, I need another billion Beli!"

Usopp complained loudly to Nami: "Are you still finished?"

Brooke laughed so hard that tears burst out of his empty eyes: "Flower Kappa, yo ho ho! Classic, this is really a classic, yo ho ho!"

Shark Star knew that his father and others had been kidnapped, but his tone remained calm: "I understand the conditions. I will immediately arrange for your crew to leave the country. In exchange, the hostages must be safe!"

The second prince, Huang Xing, didn't know what to do: "Brother Emperor!"

The eldest prince Shark Star sighed: "There is no way. For us, the communication bridge is the only way to Dragon Palace City. The rest of the way is blocked by many bubbles, making it impossible to enter."

After Shark Star finished speaking, he continued to speak into the microphone: "Can I say one more thing? Zoro? Although it is not appropriate in this situation, there is something I must tell you. The former King Shichibukai Kaisha Jinbe asked me Tell Luffy and Chenqi two things. First, don’t fight Hody Jones, and second, I’ll wait for you in the Sea Forest!”

Of course Sauron didn't understand: "Hody Jones? Forest of the Sea?"

Fishman Island, Coral Hill.

"Awesome! It is said that the Straw Hats have occupied Ryugu Castle!"

I don’t know how this news spread quickly on the island.

Many fish and mermaids couldn't believe it: "Hey?! What is their purpose?"

The mermaid who was playing with Sanji and others just now had even more doubts on his face: "No way? It seems like they are all good people!"

"That's right, it's impossible to do such a thing, right?"

"They are undoubtedly the ones who kidnapped the mermaid girl from the bay and what Madam Charlie predicted! But the abnormal development is completely consistent with the divination!"

"They finally revealed the fox's tail!"

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