Pirates: Bleach Vice-Captain

Chapter 450 Uninhabited Island, Greenbit

In Dressrosa, on the bridge leading to Greenbit, Law, Usopp, Robin, and Caesar are running wildly.

Seeing that the school of fighting fish was getting smaller and smaller, Usopp looked ahead and shouted: "Hey! It's not good! The bridge is broken! And there is heavy fog shrouding the opposite side, so you can't see clearly at all. The front is still there. There are fighting fish coming! We can’t let them destroy the bridge anymore!”

At this critical moment, another fighting fish swooped up.

However, just as it was about to hit the bridge, a huge fishing net fell from the sky and directly caught the big betta in it.

Usopp and others were shocked.

"Okay, pull it!"

"Caught, caught!"

"Today is a decisive battle! Let's replenish your strength with stewed betta fish!"

"Okay! Pull harder!"

Shadowy. Usopp and others heard a group of cute voices talking to each other not far away.

Robin's face was full of confusion: "Whose voice is it?"

Luo: "Are they residents of the island?"

"Isn't this an uninhabited island?" Suddenly, Usopp shouted to the other side, "Hey! Who is that on the other side? We want to cross the bridge!"

Residents on the other side of the bridge: "It's human!"

"Quick! Run!"

The big betta was dragged away like this, but the iron bridge was broken in the middle, making it impossible to cross on foot.

However, there is no way out if you want to get over it.

Let Caesar use the power of the gas fruit to expand his body and form a huge hot air balloon to carry the three people there.

The one who came up with this clever trick was of course Trafalgar Law.

"Luo! Remember this for me!" There was no other way. He had to lower his head under the eaves, and his heart was being held in his hands. Caesar had no choice but to do it. While doing so, he complained, "Are you kidding me? ! Do you know how much gas energy it costs to fly three people? I am an important hostage!"

Complaints be damned, Caesar's human hot air balloon was really not covered, and he brought everyone to the other side in a short while.

Robin's gait right eye: "It seems like the other party hasn't seen it yet."

Luo looked around and analyzed: "The surrounding sea is full of shipwrecks that were knocked over by fighting fish. There are no traces of dragging the fish here. Who were those people just now?!"

"But, having said that, this is really a wild forest!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Usopp couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

In front of you is an endless forest with extremely tall vegetation.

This is the uninhabited island of Dressrosa, Greenbit.

"Hey! Clown! It's me! Come and take me away!" Caesar shouted to Doflamingo.

"Is this Greenbit here? What's going on with these huge plants?!" Usopp said again.

Luo looked calm: "That's the southeast coast of the agreed place. I'll put you there at three o'clock in the afternoon."

"Hey! Look over there, everyone! Is that a navy warship?!" Usopp yelled, and everyone focused their attention on it.

Everyone saw a medium-sized warship stuck on a huge plant, which made everyone marvel.

"How was that done?!"

Luo took a telescope and observed the opposite side carefully: "The scars on the plants are still very new."


"That warship looks like it just arrived here, right?"

"There's not much damage visible on the hull."

"You mean you passed through the fighting fish school and got here? Then it's probably only a matter of time before the navy comes here, right?"

Caesar shouted like a lunatic: "Hey? Is our transaction exposed this time? Why didn't you hear about it beforehand?"

Usopp made a silencing gesture: "Shh! Idiot scientist, lower your voice!"

Caesar retorted loudly: "Hey! I'm a bounty criminal! After the clown dismissed the Shichibukai, I won't have any protection! If you leave me in handcuffs on this island infested by the navy"

Luo interrupted Caesar: "Speaking of which, the Joker is just an ordinary pirate now."

Robin smiled: "You seem very proud?"

Luo looked at her: "You are wrong. Why should I let the navy make trouble?!"

Caesar almost cried and shouted at Luo: "It is absolutely inappropriate to conduct a transaction here! Stop this transaction quickly!"

"I am also regarded as an enemy by the Navy, ever since I joined forces with the Straw Hats." After Luo yelled at Caesar, he then said to Robin and Usopp, "There are still fifteen minutes left before the deal. Please take care of you two. Use 'sniper' and 'intelligence' to complete the original work for me! I don't know who is lurking here yet. There is something abnormal in the forest. If there is anything unusual in the forest, please contact me immediately."

Robin: "Yes, I understand."

Caesar complained to Luo: "You guys didn't plan this a long time ago, right?"

Luo: "The arrival of the navy was indeed unexpected."

While talking, according to the lie, Robin and Usopp first walked into the woods to check the situation and see if the navy or anyone else had come here.

"Robin Robin! This forest is very dangerous! Be careful! Don't leave me too far!" Usopp felt that the atmosphere was not right as he walked further. Although he was very scared in his heart, he still pretended to be tough.

Robin smiled and teased: "Haha, Usopp, you really sound like a man when you say this."

"Ah! You are too loud! I beg you, don't leave me behind!" Because Robin walked too fast, Usopp couldn't keep up behind him, so he said in a low voice.

"Who is it? Is it the Straw Hats?" As the two of them were moving forward, they suddenly heard a voice coming from the front.

The two hurriedly hid behind a huge plant and secretly observed the situation ahead.

Five or six marines were surrounding the city with muskets in hand, looking around eagerly.

The person who just asked "Are they the Straw Hats?" was a captain of the Navy.

Usopp, who was observing secretly, muttered in a low voice: "It seems there really is a navy."

"No, my name is Leo!" Such a response came from around the forest, but the location of the voice was unknown.

"Where are you? Who are you? Come out quickly!" the navy asked loudly, holding a gun.

Usopp laughed in the distance: "Who are they talking to?"

Robin whispered: "They don't seem to know that we have arrived on this island."

"Are you good people or bad people?" the voice in the forest continued to ask.

Navy captain: "We are the navy and we protect the citizens. Of course we are good people!".

Voice in the forest: "Then give us your weapons!"

Navy: "We can't give you weapons! We still have missions to perform! Please show up!"

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