Pirates: Bleach Vice-Captain

Chapter 570 Momonosuke’s true identity

Zou, the whale forest.

"Please stop fighting!" Kinemon shouted, trying to dissuade the two.

Usopp looked shocked: "Hey, you idiot! What are you shouting for?"

The other fur tribesmen who saw him were also shocked: "Huh? That is -"


Usopp pounced on Kin'emon, pulling him to run away: "Look, haven't we all been discovered? Run away quickly, Kin'emon, he will be killed!"

It's probably too late.

Because Inuarashi and Neko Viper have already seen him.

"Please let me go! Please!" Kinemon said while trying to get rid of Usopp.

"What are you doing? Why are you so excited?" At this time, Usopp saw Kanjuro and Momonosuke running forward and shouted, "Don't come over here, run quickly! Neko Viper, Inuarashi! Wait a moment! They really don’t mean any harm!"

Unexpectedly, Inuarashi and Neko Viper walked up, making Usopp even more panicked.

Seeing the two kings coming up, Kin'emon loudly began to announce his family status: "Everyone from Zuwu! I am Kin'emon, the retainer of the Kozuki family of Wano Country! I am only bothering your country this time to find someone." The martial artist is my companion Raizo! I wonder if Raizo is here?"

Chopper almost cried in fear: "So, it is because he is not here that this island has suffered such destruction!"

But what happened next shocked Luffy and the others.

Inuarashi and Neko Viper did not make things difficult for them, but sat on the ground in front of them: "His Excellency Raizo, he is safe and sound!!"

"Huh?!" Luffy's mouth was so big that he couldn't close it for a long time.

Kinemon smiled: "It turns out that he is safe and sound, that's great!"

Inuarashi smiled and nodded.

Usopp was stunned for a long time before saying: "Hey! Wait a minute! So Rai is hiding here? Has he always been here? And are all of you here?"

At this time, all the surrounding fur tribes smiled, expressing their acquiescence.

Usopp didn't know what he was feeling, and shed tears: "You guys! You're only a little bit dead! This city that has existed for thousands of years has been destroyed in one fell swoop!"

After hearing the truth, Nami was moved to tears.

Chen Qi also felt a strong warmth from inside.

Cat Viper also came over with a smile and said to Chen Qi and others: "I'm sorry for keeping you in the dark. We and the Kozuki family of Wano have been brothers since a long time ago. No matter what those people want to destroy No matter what happens, we will never betray our companions!”

Hearing this, Luffy smiled from the bottom of his heart.

"I cannot thank you enough for the high righteousness of all of you here!" Kinemon said, taking off his shirt, "Please take a look at this sign."

He has a bird-shaped coat of arms tattooed on his back.

Sicilian: "Indeed, this is the family crest of the Kozuki clan, just like the Duke, the shopkeeper, and Mr. Raizo!"

Luffy: "The Kozuki clan?"

This is a legendary bird - the eight-foot bird.

Nami sighed: "I didn't expect them to know each other."

Usopp felt that he was not in danger: "I am mentally prepared for a conflict with the fur tribe, really."

Robin smiled: "There's no way, they really didn't tell us the truth about these things."

Chen Qi said: "Just now they said that cats and dogs have family patterns on their bodies. Maybe the relationship between them is much deeper than we thought."

Kinemon continued: "However, Neko Viper and Inuarashi! I never thought that these two are still alive in the world, but I am really surprised!"

Duke Inuarashi: "I have indeed managed to survive. I have been waiting here because of those words I said that day!"

Cat Viper smoked his pipe: "Ah, I knew I would definitely see you again one day."

Upon hearing what he said, Inuarashi became unhappy again: "Hey! You stinky cat demon! I'm talking to Kinemon now!"

Cat Viper also scolded him: "Huh? When I think of your ridiculous dialogue, I have to talk to Kinemon!"

Wanda dissuaded her: "You two, stop arguing! It's not easy to find the person you've been waiting for."

Inuarashi was still shouting: "It's none of your business here! Get out!"

Cat Viper also retorted: "If you want to go away, go away first!"

"Inuarashi! Neko Viper! Please stop arguing!" At this time, Momonosuke suddenly shouted to dissuade him, "The two of us who were such good friends have been shouting and killing here! I won't allow you to wait any longer. We are quarreling! If it is because of my father, it should not be like this! If I see you now, my father will be so sad!"

Nami: "Eh? Taotao?"

Usopp: "He said my father? Isn't Kinemon right over there?"

Of course, among the Straw Hats, only Chen Qi knew what was going on.

After Momonosuke finished speaking, there was silence for a while.

Duke Inarashi knelt down directly: "I'm extremely sorry!"

Cat Viper also knelt down: "Your Highness Momonosuke! We are extremely ashamed! What you said is absolutely true!"

The knights and musketeers were stunned: "Huh? Your Majesty the Duke?"

"The shopkeeper actually kowtows to someone else?"

"Could it be that child?"

At this time, Kinemon said: "It is indeed as His Highness Momonosuke said, even Your Excellency Ji Ji has expired, please forgive me! In fact, I and His Highness Momonosuke are not father and son!"

"What rice?!" Luffy, Usopp, and others opened their mouths with exaggerated expressions.

The plot seemed to exceed their expectations once again.

Kinemon sighed and introduced everyone again: "The person in front of you is the daimyo of Kuri of Wano Country, the successor of Kozuki Oden-sama, Kozuki Momonosuke!"

As soon as this statement came out, the scene was in an uproar.

"He is a descendant of the Kozuki family! So he is the blood of His Highness Oden?"

"What a mistake!"

Frankie said: "It turns out that Taotao's identity is so prominent!"

Robin said: "If they are representatives of retainers, they should be quite authoritative masters."

Kinemon: "In other words, His Highness Momonosuke is the lord of Inuarashi, Nekoma Viper and us! However, if you reveal your true identity while traveling around the world, it will only increase the number of enemies, so you have no choice but to pretend to be father and son! This is an unspeakable secret. Please forgive me!"

Luffy picked his nose and said, "So you are not father and son, but you do look quite similar."

(I don’t know where it looks like.)

Now that his identity was revealed, Momonosuke put on his airs: "I'm sorry for deceiving you before, but I do have a noble status!"

Chen Qi thought to himself: Who else talks about himself like this?

Luffy walked up to him: "It doesn't matter, it can be anything."

Momonosuke looked arrogant: "How can you be so casual! Luffy, you are really rude!"

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