Pirates: Check In From Mariejois

Chapter 223 The War Has Just Begun!

"I am the remnant of this era, and the new era will no longer ride on my ship!"

Whitebeard laughed, and he looked back at the sea. As the Moby Dick, which he had fought with for many years, was also buried in the sea, he knew that this was his burial place.

Whitebeard thought back to when he was on the Rocks Pirate, when he was an outlier on the ship. At that time, his companions asked him: "Pirates are not interested in treasure, so what do you want?"


Whitebeard replied. He was born in a non-franchised country that suffered from turmoil. He suffered from slave traders and pirates since he was a child.

He had already gone to sea when he was a child, so he had always longed to have a family, which became his lifelong pursuit.

So many years have passed in the blink of an eye, the Whitebeard Pirates have become the number one pirate group in the world, and he has also gained so many sons. He has been very happy for so many years, and now everything should be over.

"It's been such a long journey, just like a dream!" Whitebeard sighed.

Whitebeard's eyes returned to coldness, and then a white circle of light appeared above his fist. He swung his fist violently at 550 degrees, and with a burst of air, the wall in front of him shattered.

Whitebeard exerted a strong force, and he pushed the big ship towards the outside of the Naval Headquarters.

"Dad, no!"

Looking at Whitebeard who strode decisively towards Naval Headquarters, Scuyard let out a loud cry.

As Whitebeard punched the air in front of them, all the Marines were shocked to find that the Naval Headquarters building shattered in an instant, and the plaque with justice written on it was also smashed to the ground by Whitebeard.

"Ahhhh! Marine... Marineford is in danger!"

All the Marines there were shouting like frightened birds.

"Hey, he really plans to destroy this island!"

"Stop Whitebeard!"

Of course, the Marines would not let Whitebeard continue to act recklessly. I don't know how many soldiers rushed this way again.


The captain and captains are still calling dad, hoping he can come back.

"We can't leave dad behind! If we want him back, we'll have to

Get up and go back!"

Whitebeard turned back to his son and shouted sternly: "Do you want to disobey the (bfef) captain's order? Leave quickly! Silly sons!"

"Bombard Whitebeard, he is already dying!" The soldiers behind aimed their guns and cannons at each other.

Whitebeard, bullets and cannonballs were fired one after another.

Whitebeard swung his knife suddenly, bullets and cannonballs flew through

The crowd seemed to be frozen, frozen in the air, and then exploded one after another.

"Dad!" One of the captains had already burst into tears. He saw his father fighting to the death to block the sea for them.

The army wanted to go up and help, even if they had to die together.

Suddenly a captain pressed his shoulders and said

: "Go quickly, this is dad's order!"

"Everyone listen to dad! Get ready to sail and set sail!" Although a captain said this, his heart felt like a knife.

Looking at Whitebeard's fighting figure, Marco was in a daze.

"Marco, go quickly!" the other pirates urged.

"Marshal Sengoku!"

A sergeant major who was responsible for delivering the order ran over and asked for instructions on the next step. "

"He's not worried about Ace now, he's

He wants to sink the entire Marineford and perish with himself..."

Look over there, Whitebeard is showing off Kamui, Sengoku

His face is not very pretty.

"Everyone, hurry up and run to the coastline and get ready to sail!"

"You can't let the pirates run away. Attack them."

Every one killed counts as one!"

Throughout the Marineford battlefield, Marines and pirates were in chaos.

"Your opponent... I am the only one!

Whitebeard doesn't know when those will arrive

Behind Marine who was blocking the pirates, to Marine, the big sword in his hand was like a life-threatening Shinigami.

With just one wave, it's like a strong wind

Like a huge wave, the Marines were almost blown into the sky

Whitebeard's desperate blocking indeed relieved a lot of pressure on the pirates.

The ice cubes on Diamond Qiaozi's body were broken, and he was frozen by Qingwei just now.

"Captain Joz, are you okay?"

Qiaozi's expression was as usual, it seemed like there was nothing wrong with him.

What a life-threatening situation.

"Breham, quickly carry Captain Joz down to rest!"

the other side.

"Straw Hat, Ace, what are you doing standing here?" Ivankov said.


They saw Ace running towards Whitebeard and shouted in unison.

"Let's go, Uncle Whitebeard has already made his choice." Luffy was afraid that Ace would make a fool of himself if he went back, so he quickly dissuaded him.

Ace's face was solemn: "I understand, I won't let dad's efforts go to waste!"

"You all get out of my way!"

"fire punch!"

After Ace finished speaking, he rushed over, and the high-temperature fist swept over, blasting away a piece of Marine like it was destroying everything.

Whitebeard glanced over with his peripheral vision and saw Ace coming over, kneeling down directly to him.

Ace didn't speak, just kneeling like this.

"No need to say more, I just want to ask you one thing, Ace..."

Whitebeard spoke slowly: "I am an old man.

Dad, are you qualified enough for this job?

Ace burst into tears and knocked his head on the ground. His voice shook the entire Marineford: "Of course."

"Ku la la la la!" Hearing Ace's words

As he spoke, Whitebeard's unique knowing laughter echoed throughout Marineford.

Then Ace wiped his tears and looked at Bai

Beard as a farewell.

If a man has the consciousness of dying in battle, then any sympathy can only be humiliating to him.

Ace turned around and joined Luffy and the others.

"Run quickly! Run to the ship!"

Jinbei also hurried over and protected everyone: "Luffy, Ace, you run in front!"

Luffy said in shock: "Jinbei, won't you run with us?"

"Their target is you, live three more years

One is one, this is also dad's wish. "At this moment, the blue fat man's eyes were full of seriousness.

"Boss, what should we do if the Whitebeard Pirates begin to withdraw?" Trafalgar Law came over with Ghost Crying on his shoulders.

Levi had finished the battle with Garp and Whitebeard. He saw the pirates beginning to retreat, so he said to Luo: "Let our people retreat together!"

"What about you, captain?" Luo asked curiously. He saw that Levi had no intention of retreating.

"Luo, this war has just begun!" Levi laughed at Luo.


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