No one answered the phone bugs.

A certain phone call reached Polusalino.

"Gulu Gulu!"

"This is Lieutenant General Polusalino, the Lieutenant General is in a coma!"

"...I'm Sora! How's the battle going?"

"Marshal Sora!! General Zefa died in battle! Whitebeard escaped! Kaido is not dead! Lieutenant General Sakaski was also seriously injured and has not yet awakened!"

"Amazon Doflamingo, who killed General Zefa, is chasing and killing Lieutenant General Kuzan! Marshal! We are defeated!!"

"I get it, I'm coming, hang in there."

After hanging up the phone.

The sky that was passing through the former golden lion sea area was filled with gloom.

Is this a conspiracy between Whitebeard and Kaido?

Why did Amayasha join the battle suddenly?

What did the five old stars do?

Killing Zefa, has Tian Yasha reached this point?


empty island.

immigration area.

"Mom, Rummy, this way!"

Luo, who had grown up a bit, took his mother and younger sister to Apayado.

The pick-up vehicles at the gates of the various communities in the immigration area are constantly broadcasting.

"Citizens, please follow the fighters of the war department, they will lead you to Apayado."

"Enemies from the World Government are about to attack the Kingdom!"

"Please don't stay, the kingdom will bear all the losses!"

"Please don't linger! The visitor is a member of a very evil slave catcher!"


This big battle of promises caused the crowd to talk a lot.

"how so?"

"Why is the world government attacking us?"

"We didn't do anything?"

"Fools! Because we're having such a good time!"

"How do you think we have such a good life?"

"This is all obtained by maintaining independence, not joining the world government, and not being attacked by the world government!"

"If we pay the heavenly gold, we will not be harassed by pirates now,

Where is such a beautiful life now? Hurry up and don't interfere with the kingdom to deal with the enemies! "


time flies.

The wood turned from barren pasture quietly approached this area.

"What did Doflamingo do? It's completely different from when he came here before."

In Huang Mu's unforgettable memory.

This area is still empty.

Also, why is the room area empty.

"Hey! Isn't it Huang Mu? Are you here to donate blood again?"

A mocking voice sounded.

was discovered? !

"Bang!" The wood exploded, and Huang Mu appeared on the shore, feeling a sense of security in his heart.

Looking up, the Thunder boy who has grown up a lot is standing on the cloud and looking at him.

Damn, he was found again!

but why?

"Hahahaha, why don't you say it? I'll let you speak!"

Enil's excitement became more and more intense, and it was finally his turn to beat someone up.

A bolt of lightning plunged from his body into the sky.

"If Doflamingo isn't here, you're the only one who dares to talk nonsense!"

If he can't keep concealed, Huang Mu will stop pretending.

The devil is not there, is there anyone else who can stop him?

its foothold.

vine. Flowers, trees grow.

"Then try it! A loser who was pumped!"

Enel stretched out his hand.

The giant thunder bird rushed out of the clouds, accompanied by the sound of zizzing.

A stench appeared in the air of high-voltage lightning.

"Two hundred million volts Thunderbird!"

"Loser?!! The insulation of the forest will make your Thunder desperate!"

Huang Mu, who poked the sore spot, instantly became red and warm, and his power burst out.

A mushroom-like shield covers Huang Mu.

The vines around shot to the sky, and returned the color.

Everything that Doflamingo has done to him will be enjoyed by his subordinates this time.

In a daze, Huang Mu had already seen the scene of Doflamingo being humiliated.

"What a naive husband! Thunder is more than lightning!"

Enilu once again realized the benefits of reading more books, with a mocking face.

"Explode Thunderbird!"

The Thunderbird approaching Araki transformed from a lightning state into light and heat energy!

The huge heat exploded instantly.

Like a small nuclear explosion.


Aramaki's pupils shrank.

The trees that made him full of confidence instantly vaporized or burned in the high temperature.

A layer of the white cloud under him was also abruptly scraped off.

"Electric light, 200 million volts!"

Anilu stretched out his finger, and the thunder transformed into a high-temperature laser gushed out from the fingertip.

Headed towards where Huang Mu was hiding.

With his radio knowledge, he can naturally sense that Huang Mu is healthy now.

In a piece of scorched earth.

Flowers and vines grow, and barren pastures emerge green, and I feel disdainful in my heart. .

So proud of just a little heat?

Just now, he just sneaked up on him while he was not prepared.

"Fireproof forest!"

Big trees that couldn't be hugged by ten people rose from the clouds.

Block in front of Huang Mu.


The smoke cleared.

The special tree took this blow and only slightly carbonized the surface.

And is still growing.

Let the two people living in the nearby loser's house be clearly visible.

"The nature department uses **** like shit!"

Barrett disdains, if you give him any one of the two fruits, he can surpass Doflamingo and Roger!

"This is... an official of the World Government?"

With a smile, he recognized Huang Mu's clothes through his knowledge-colored vision, feeling a little sad.

In the battlefield.

Enilu looked at this scene and twitched his mouth.

"It's just that the temperature after lightning conversion is too stable, even if it is lightning.

Also enough to crush you! The resistance of any item is relative! Zhang Yu! "

The thunder gathered in his hands shot into the sky.

It was as if a gigantic object was about to emerge from the sky, and the clouds turned.

"Hahahaha, you are too slow! Boy Thunder, is this how you grow up?"

Araki laughed, if it was only Enilu at this stage, then he would win this time.

The giant trees merged into one under the control.

Huge treants stand on the ground.

The vine javelin in his hand shot into the sky one by one like machine gun bullets.

Densely packed, wrapping Enilo.

"Slow? Enough to destroy you!"

Enilu finished charging, raised the golden rod and pointed it at the sky.

A huge head emerges from the figure.

Antlers, eagle eyes, fish whiskers, and scales, slowly and vividly.

It shows the improvement in the manipulation of power after Enilo was beaten.

"One billion volts brontosaurus!!"

The thunder dragon rushed down swiftly, and the thunder speed was unavoidable.

"Disappear with the thunder!"


245 I used the most brutal means to bombard and kill the scum! !

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