Pirate’s General Tiger

Chapter 379 Arrival

The words "surrender" caught his ears, and Tang En's pupils shrank slightly, and the hand that raised the bowl paused.

In the room, after these two words were spoken, it fell into an eerie calm.

After a long time, Tang En suddenly brought the raised bowl to his mouth, drank it in one gulp, and let out a long breath.

"Surrender yourself?"

"Yes, surrender, I surrender to you, surrender to the navy!"

Roger said with a smile, the words were full of lightness and calmness, as if he was completely unaware of the heavy meaning contained in these two words.

"You should know that behind these two words is your result."

Tang En sighed, staring at Roger.

Even though he already knew what choice the other party would make, his heart still trembled when he sat face to face and heard what the other party said in person.

The face that has been through the vicissitudes of life, tortured by illness, and baptized by years of wind and frost is now covered with mottled faces.

Yes, the other party has become the supreme king, but at the same time, he is already an old man who will soon pass away.

In a pair of eyes, there is no fear of death, what can be seen is only the reluctance and apology hidden in the depths that seem to be concerned about something.

Tang En just glanced at Roger, and saw a lot from the other's eyes, which made his emotions complicated.

"I will die."

Calmly, with a smile, Roger said these three words slowly.

"I know my result, and I know it very well. I came here because I saw it."

There was a complex expression on Tang En's face, which seemed to be sad and regretful.

"Don't feel sad for me. I came here to find you this time. Apart from this matter, I have one more thing to ask you!"

Roger said with a smile, and when he spoke the second half of the sentence, his expression became more serious and serious.

"Speak, I can help, I will do my best!"

Tang En said solemnly.

Nodding his head, Roger was relieved by Tang En's straightforwardness and commitment, and a smile appeared on his face.

"I hope you can take care of my wife and son."

Tang En's eyes were fixed, and he said slowly: "You, why don't you go to Karp?"

Hearing this, Roger smiled.

"I just came from him."

"Among the navy, the only ones I can trust are you two, and Garp, although I also trust him a lot, I still can't let go of his temperament in my heart."

As he said that, a trace of worry appeared on Roger's face.

"Only you, Tang En, I can't see through you, but I understand you very well."

"I am very relieved of you."

A smile bloomed on his face. At this moment, in a trance, in Tang En's eyes, Roger seemed to be going upstream, becoming younger, more three-dimensional, and more vivid.

After pondering for a moment, Tang En finally nodded.

"I promise you!"

Facts in the future prove that Garp is not perfect in protecting Roger's wife and children. And Tang En, now in a high position, can he do better? To be honest, he didn't have confidence in himself. However, with the position of general and his own background, he has some certainty.

Roger smiled, and he breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had let go of something important.

In the following time, he ate and drank happily, and said some interesting things to Tang En from time to time, and the latter would also chime in from time to time, but most of the time, he was silent.

In the end, the meal was clean, and Roger stretched himself out.

"Tomorrow, you send me to the Navy headquarters!"

Tang En's mouth moved, and he asked, "Where do you want to leave this world from?"

"Rogge Town, that's my hometown."

A flash of memory appeared in his eyes, Roger said with a smile.

"Already, I haven't been back for a long time!"

Tang En nodded silently, everything seemed to be the same as the original.

As a result, nothing changed, only the process, he became the most direct contact, and participated in various processes that became legends in later generations.

That night, Tang En sent a message to the headquarters and used the phone bug to connect.

"General of the Warring States Period, is Marshal Kong here?"

He was very familiar with the voice of the connection on the other side, and he was obviously busy when he heard the sound of pages turning.

"Oh, Tang En, what's the matter?"

Warring States asked a question.

"I, arrested Roger."

After a pause, Tang En said in a deep voice.

The phone bug suddenly fell silent, and after a few breaths, it was obvious that the phone bug seemed to have collided somewhere, making a thumping sound.

"What? What did you just say? Repeat!"

Warring States said loudly, with an excited tone.

"I arrested Roger, last night."

Tang En said calmly.

"Roger!? Which Roger?"

There was some trembling in the voice, as if looking forward to it, but some couldn't believe it.

"Goldo Roger, Pirate King Roger, General of the Warring States Period, you don't have to doubt this time."

Tang En's voice was a little helpless, and Shen Sheng repeated it again.

"It's really him?!"

Zhan Guo exclaimed, and then he asked quickly.

"How are you? Are you injured? The fight, where did it happen?"

"There was no fight, he came to me and surrendered."

Tang En said.

Warring States was very surprised, and soon after, Kong quickly came here, and after asking about the situation carefully, he said in a deep voice.

"Stay vigilant at all times, Admiral Tang En, quickly transfer Roger to the Navy headquarters."

"No matter what happens, remember that your own safety is the most important thing."

Kong's words were heavy, and Tang En nodded in response.

The phone bug then hung up, and Roger stood behind Tang En, smiling and stretching out his hands.

"Let's go."

Tang En was silent. After a long while, he took out a pair of handshackles and shackles, and put them on for Roger himself.

"are you ready?"

"What is there to prepare for this kind of thing?"

Roger laughed, and soon his face was calm.

"If you have to ask, you can only tell."

The mouth suddenly grinned, and a strange smile appeared on the face.

"Maybe there are still some expectations!"

Tang En nodded and walked ahead: "Then, let's go!"

The warship set off at nine o'clock in the morning. Apart from Tang En, there were a total of twenty-two naval soldiers on board, who were strictly guarded. Sitting cross-legged in the center of the deck was Roger, the Pirate King.

Until now, the navy present still didn't believe that Roger turned himself in and was arrested and brought to justice by their general Twain.

If this incident gets out, it will definitely be a big case that shocks the world.

The Roger Pirates were disbanded, and the One Piece, who had disappeared for a long time, reappeared in front of everyone, and he was already a prisoner of the navy.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Tang En's warship hit the Navy headquarters, Marin Fando.

The port is densely covered with warships, and a large number of navies are holding their breath at this moment, nervously preparing for battle.

Facing the noon sun, the air station stood in front of the square and saw the warship slowly approaching the inner bay.

Tang En, who stood with his head held high, and Roger, the One Piece who was sitting cross-legged on the deck behind him, was smiling!

In an instant, his pupils shrank and his face was extremely serious.

Until now, he still couldn't believe that Roger, the pirate king, actually surrendered himself!

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