Pirate’s General Tiger

Chapter 468: The Man Who Left the Island

The puppet fruit can create an excellent puppet clone, but the control distance between them is strictly limited. That is to say, within certain limits, Tang En was able to establish contact with this clone.

Once this distance is exceeded, he must find another way. And such a clone is obviously not what he wants.

The perfect doppelgänger that Tang En thinks of is that no matter how far the distance is, there can be a connection between the two. He can know exactly what the puppet sees, hears, and feels, and he can control it beautifully and precisely.

To achieve such a goal, the only way is to use the power of the thunder fruit, that is, the electromagnetic force.

Through the field, he easily planted a base point in Payne's body to receive his signal instructions. He called this field the second spirit. This spirit could allow Payne to act precisely according to his thoughts, endowing the avatar with a soul-like nature.

With this spirit, the delay of the puppet clone Payne can be effectively reduced, and it is almost synchronized with Tang En's thoughts.

Of course, it will take a lot of time to establish a base point for connecting with each other.

But fortunately, this is to use the tacit understanding and running-in between the two, as well as the signal generated by the ion, which can also be attributed to the power of the field. For him, the difficulty is not too great.

It took about a month for this base point to form in Payne's mind. With a crackling sound, a blue arc flashed on Payne's body. At the same time, Tang En closed his eyes and easily felt what Payne saw with his eyes.

Like looking in a mirror, he saw himself through Penn, with almost zero delay.

In a moment of thought, Payne stepped forward and walked around him, which allowed him to see his back, which was very miraculous. In other words, Payne's eyes at this moment are his eyes, and his ears are also his ears.

This avatar is almost perfect.

Tang En sat cross-legged. He closed his eyes and gathered his mental strength to feel the control of Payne's avatar.

In the next second, Payne flew up quickly under the traction of invisible force. His flying speed became faster and faster, with intense electric arcs flashing on his body, and he rushed to the edge of Lei Island in the blink of an eye.

In another flash, his figure had rushed into the thunder curtain, and a large number of lightning gathered and struck him, but he couldn't do any harm to him. After a few more breaths, Payne had already flown out of Lei Island and arrived at the sky above the vast sea.

Looking down at the sparkling sea, Tang En controlled Payne and continued to fly into the distance.

Two hours later, he had reached the sky above the capital of seven waters. Payne lowered his figure, swept through the air, and finally landed on the highest building in the capital of seven waters.

I don't know how many miles away, Tang En is among the barbarians of Lei Island, but his mind directly presents the scene in Payne's eyes at the moment.

The sound of the wind and the chirping of birds all entered his ears one by one, making Tang En feel like he was there in person.

And there is almost no delay in the connection between the two. The establishment of the base point makes the two of them seem to start video calls all the time, and they can feel all the information that each other sees.

It can be said that Tang En has used the magical effect of thunder and lightning to the extreme, it is very mysterious.

"Enough, the problem of delay is solved, and Payne's combat power will not be much worse than mine!"

"Compared to the battle with the Golden Lion, even stronger!"

Tang En was very satisfied. With a thought in his mind, he gave the order to the puppet Payne to come back.

This avatar is no different from himself when he controls it, but when he cuts off the connection, it is like his most loyal servant, no different from a robot, and can execute instructions rigidly.

The problem of Payne's avatar was resolved, which made Tang En feel relieved, and it also relaxed a lot.

A world-class criminal, Payne, who has a bounty of more than 500 million, is also an admiral. Only Kuzan knows this secret, but this friend has chosen to hide it. As long as it is not exposed, no one will know this secret.

An hour and a half later, Payne returned to Tang En's eyes, a red-purple streamer flashed, and it turned into an amber knife hanging on his waist. It didn't look much different from before.

Nodding in satisfaction, Tang En stood up and walked towards the highest point of the barbarian tribe.

"Gu Lan!"

After summoning the barbarian patriarch, Tang En's expression became much more majestic.

Gu Lan stood in front of Tang En with a respectful face and bent slightly: "Master God."

"I'm going to take some barbarians out of Lei Island, do you have anyone to recommend?"

Tang En said in a deep voice.

When Gu Lan heard the words, his body shook, and his expression became extremely surprised.

"Master God is going to take us away from Lei Island to see the outside world?"

"No, Gu Lan, I can only take a few people away this time, and Lei Island is the home of the barbarians, are you really willing to leave?"

Tang En shook his head.

"What does Lord God mean?"

Gu Lan was puzzled.

Their curiosity about the outside world is unimaginable to outsiders. Countless years of anticipation and anticipation have almost turned into obsession in this barbarian bloodline.

"The homeland of the barbarians is still on Lei Island, and the outside world is only left for the barbarians to explore and learn. When the leaves fall and return to their roots, they will eventually return here to live, grow old, get sick and die."

"Everyone has his roots, and the roots of the barbarians are here."

"With me here, the outside world will no longer be a secret and unpeepable secret to the barbarians."

Tang En said slowly.

Gu Lan understands that the Lord God will take them out, but those who go out will come back, and they will unveil the mysterious veil of the outside world, but their home is in Lei Island, which cannot be forgotten.

"Follow the decree of the gods!"

Bowing down respectfully, Gu Lan looked excited.

"Quickly select the first batch of entourage to go out with me. I need them to follow my instructions. In terms of strength, they must also be strong!"

Tang En said.


Gu Lan immediately took orders, and then went down quickly.

For the first batch of candidates, Gu Lan naturally wanted to go out very much. The outside world was almost a lifetime dream for him, but he quickly restrained this desire and left this opportunity to young people.

In the end, Gu Lan chose four barbarian youths who were strong and in their prime.

They are physically strong, generally more than 1.9 meters tall, the tallest is 2.4 meters, standing there like a hill, very burly.

Looking at the four people in front of him, Tang En blinked.

"Are they the only ones?"

Gu Lan nodded, then shouted at the four of them.

"Tell Lord God your names!"

"My name is Gu Jie!"




The four of them looked at Tang En with awe in their eyes, bowed down and said respectfully.

"Okay, the four of you are the first group of barbarians to follow me out of Lei Island."

"After you get out, follow my instructions!"

Tang En said.

The four nodded in agreement, not daring to refute.

After slightly nodding his head, Tang En threw four black-and-white-patterned robes at the four of them.

"Put it on!"

Not long after, behind Tang En, there were four more stern barbarian warriors of different shapes but with uniform robes.

"Set off!"

Seeing the appearance and momentum of the four of them, Tang En nodded with satisfaction, turned around and left the island.

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