Pirate’s General Tiger

Chapter 505 Saved


Standing in the forefront, Zuomen, who was crazily carrying a gun and shooting, was startled, and then he reacted.

His eyes quickly looked forward, and soon he saw black spots appearing on the surface of the sea.

His whole body was shaken, Zuomen didn't hesitate, and hissed at the soldiers beside him.

"Attention everyone!!"

Amidst the sound of shells, the marines could hear the roar of the broken sound very clearly, and their eyes all glanced at Zuomen.

"Our support is here, all retreat!"

"Withdraw to a hundred meters behind the base!"

His voice was loud, and his expression was even more exciting.

At this critical moment, they were even ready for annihilation, but support came! In one heart, great hope gushed out in an instant.

When the soldiers received the order, they turned their heads and ran behind, and the frontline position was immediately abandoned.

The sound of gunfire beside Zuomen was deafening, and the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke made people dizzy. He took a few strides to Bermer's side.

"What are you doing here in a daze? Get out with us!"

Glancing at the two unconscious girls in the opponent's arms, Zuomen yelled again with a dark face.

"Take these two little guys!"

"Don't get lost!"

After finishing speaking, he grabbed Bermer and pushed him in front of him. He picked up one of the children, held him in his arms, and ran frantically towards the back of the base.

In a blink of an eye, only a few navies left had already evacuated from this station.

At the same time, on the sea surface, the black dot that Zuomen saw was getting closer and closer, gradually getting closer and closer to the pirate fleet in front. The former also noticed them at the same time.

"Dorrance, Cyrus, Watford listen!"

On the bow, Tang En stood upright, with a serious and icy expression on his face.

The bloody smell in front of him had already wafted along the sea breeze, and the smell in his nose made his expression heavy again.

The three of them strode forward, their faces grim.

"Lead the teams and annihilate the pirate fleet ahead!"

With a loud shout, Tang En's eyes showed killing intent.


The three responded in unison, and in the next second, they turned around and led the recruits, rushing towards the warships ahead.

These pirate fleets, which are active in the first half of the Great Channel, can be called rookies, but they really don't pay attention to them. They can easily solve them as long as they spend some time.

Tang En watched the three of them lead the recruits to set off, his eyes were gloomy, and he raised his right hand high.

Behind him, the recruits stood straight, and the pitch-black cannons had already been filled with shells.

The sea breeze blew in, and the smell of gunpowder smoke also passed into his nose, making him smell the same battlefield smell as Captain Zuomen.

The heart net covers the battlefield in the base, and he sees everything in his eyes, and the coldness and coldness in his eyes are getting deeper and deeper.

He saw Captain Zuomen and others retreat quickly after getting the news, and also saw the pirates behind, catching up closely. The nervousness and anger on the navy's face, the ferocious and crazy eyes of the pirates made this small battlefield look like a terrifying scene of thunder and a tsunami.

The whistling traces of the bullets tearing through the air, and the details of the bombs being torn apart, all clearly appeared in his mind at this moment.

Tang En was able to see everything on the battlefield, which made his heart agitated.

He was waiting quietly, waiting for Zuomen and others to exit the range covered by the shells, waiting for the best time to fire.

On the warship, the recruits looked solemn, their waists straightened, and their eyes were fixed on the battlefield filled with flames ahead.

"Hurry up!!!"

Zuomen continued to roar, and the sound of shells behind him became more and more intense and dense.

Almost as soon as they ran on their front feet, all the pirates on their back feet had already caught up. The other party had no intention of letting them go. There is no doubt that this is a group of crazy, bloodthirsty, and vicious people with clear goals.

Bermer's forehead was covered with sweat and her cheeks were messed up. With the little girl in her arms, she strode wildly. Seeing the companion in front of her, she suddenly let out a muffled groan while running, and then froze, but immediately after, the other party stepped forward and ran wildly again.

At this moment of fleeing, even if they were shot, they couldn't stop everyone's actions.

"Is it 100 meters?"

"Have you run a hundred meters?"

"The pirates are about to catch up!!"

While running wildly, the marines asked their companions loudly.

But at this critical moment, where did they bother to count how many meters they ran, they just buried their heads and ran like crazy.

"It should be here!!"

The scenery beside Zuomen flew, and he replied loudly in his heart.

"Keep running! Don't stop!!"

But when he opened his mouth, he said something like this.

The stagnant figures of the marines suddenly started to run again.

Sweat was pouring down like rain, sweat was dripping from every soldier's body, and some people stepped on every step, blood was squeezed out of the body like a fountain, and sprinkled on the ground.

In this critical situation, they couldn't even feel the pain of their own injuries.

At a certain moment, above the warship, Tang En's hand suddenly swung down.

His expression suddenly became extremely serious, and a loud roar spewed out from his mouth.

"Fire me!!!"

The recruits suddenly ignited the artillery fire, and in an instant, the brewing shells roared fiercely from the barrel of the artillery, making a loud bang.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

I don't know how many cannons, pouring out angry flames at the same time at this moment.


The sharp piercing sound tore through the air and was immediately heard by everyone on the island.

The sailors paused in their running steps, and couldn't help turning their heads to glance back.

A mass of black cannonballs, like seabirds gathering together to migrate, came to the sky above the base in an instant, covering the sky above.

The pirates also raised their heads at this time. When they saw the objects covering their heads, their mouths opened wide, and their minds fell into a blank.


When the first shell fell into the crowd and exploded, it was followed by a thunderous sound. In an instant, like a circle of ripples, the sea of ​​fire was churning, covering all the places where the pirates were active. in it.


The screams sounded one after another, but soon disappeared in the continuous sound of shells.


Captain Zomen and Bermer were standing there at this moment, their expressions changed as they looked at the battlefield ahead.

In addition to the flames when the shells exploded, they also saw blue arcs of electric arcs chopping down in the clouds above, cleaning the entire battlefield.

The dull vibrating sound and the tangy heat wave made everyone's hearts almost stop beating at this moment.

"The fleet on the sea also exploded!!"

At this moment, a soldier pointed forward blankly.

Captain Zuomen turned his gaze and saw pirate ships bursting apart along the sea, flashing hot flames.

"We are saved!"

Taking a long breath, Captain Zuomen said with a complex expression.

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