On Maple Leaf Island, Tang En received the bosses from all sides in a relaxed mood. His expression was very casual, but the people sitting opposite all seemed restrained.

These people include ministers from various countries, leaders of dark forces, and even patriarchs of some mysterious races.

The purpose of coming here is somewhat the same, to discuss cooperation with Tang En. Or they want to use his reputation to suppress, deter foreign enemies, or seek some benefits.

The entanglement of interests in the world, the reality is so conspicuous here.

But Tang En didn't care. He had already come into contact with the true face of the world. In this conversation, his purpose was also to find a good point of interest for himself.

"So, what do you mean, can you provide me with the new weapons that you have researched privately?"

Holding the tea in his hand, Tang En took a sip and asked in a flat tone.

The person in front of him is a well-known arms dealer among the dark forces. Sitting across from him, he was wearing a suit and leather shoes, and his leather shoes were polished to a shine. He looked very personable and dignified. But the sweat on his forehead betrayed his nervousness.

Facing the most powerful man in the world who is rumored today, who would not be nervous?

"Yes, as long as you need something, General Wenhu, I can provide it for you."

"I just hope that you can allow us to use your name to deter some people who want to harm me now!"

The arms dealer named Aken Roland took a deep breath and said seriously.

"If my guess is correct, your enemies seem to be nobles of some countries, or high-ranking officials. Using my name, it is very risky for me!"

Tang En said lightly.

Aken Roland was embarrassed. He didn't know what to say for a while. He could still persuade others with his three-inch tongue, but he didn't say anything when facing Tang En.

The opponent's strength beyond everything has already crushed everything.

"However, they are nothing to me, and your weapons are quite useful to me and the navy."

Tang En suddenly changed the topic and said again.

Aken Roland was shocked, and then excitedly said: "Thank you, General Wenhu!"

Tang En nodded, and then asked Dorrance to draft the agreement.

After a while, Aken Roland excitedly signed his name, turned around and left quickly.

On Tang En's desktop, there were many blueprints of novel and powerful weapons. On one of the pages, there is a gun, which looks like the one in the previous life.

"98K? This world has also invented it, but I don't know when the 8x mirror will come out!"

Tang En murmured.

In terms of weapons with huge destructive power, Pirate World may not be as good as the previous life, but in some aspects, it is not bad.

Afterwards, Tang En received one by one and chatted with all the dignitaries on the list. These people have high positions and authority, and they are all powerful people on weekdays.

But after seeing Tang En, everyone was very quiet, as good as a cat.

Some of them were driven away by Tang En in a few words, while others signed an agreement with him and reached a consensus.

Such a process lasted for three full days before Tang En finished meeting the guests.


"It's finally over!"

He let out a long breath with a relaxed look on his face.

Although it is just a constant conversation, it is also a laborious and laborious thing to understand the information of these people, the people behind them, and the value and benefits they possess.

"In just three days, behind you, Tang En, you have initially gathered a dense and huge network of relationships!"

Dorrance said with a smile.

"This is also a helpless move, I am already many steps behind!"

Tang En shook his head.

"Yes, the three generals have secured their position as generals over the years. Behind each of them, there is an intricate network of relationships. The power that can be attracted is not visible on the surface."

"Dang En, you served as a general before, but you didn't have time to do all this."

Dorrance nodded.

"Wanting to sit in that position and actually do something, these are just foreshadowing."

"Until the result comes out, no one knows what will happen!"

Tang En said lightly, picked up the jasmine tea on the table, and took a light sip.

Dorrance's eyes flashed, and he naturally knew what the result Tang En said was referring to.

There is no doubt about the position of general, and in recent days, there have been rumors in the navy. That is the day when Warring States is about to reach retirement, that is to say, the position of the next marshal will be vacant!

Admiral of the Navy!

For the Navy, this is the absolute supreme position! It is also an important position that countless pairs of eyes are staring at!

It's impossible to say that Dunn didn't have the slightest thought about it! This series of actions is also preparing for that position.

If he wants to do big things in the future and change something, then this position must be in his hand!

General is tall enough, but not tall enough!

"There shouldn't be any problem with what you said. Marshal Warring States seems to have conveyed this meaning many times!"

"If you say that before you wake up, there may be another person, but your awakening makes this matter affirmative!"

"For the position of Marshal, there should be no one else but you!"

Dorrance spoke softly.

"The result has not yet come out, and it can even be said that there is still a long time, which means that there is room for maneuver in this matter."

Tang En said lightly.

"Of course, before that, I have to wait for the appointment letter from the headquarters for the position of general!"

With that said, he took another sip of tea.

The headquarters of the Navy is temporarily stationed, a military base port not far from the original Marin Fando.

"Appoint Tang En as a general now?"

"Are you kidding me? Look at me, come here in a hurry? During the battle on the top, those damaged and affected towns and bases are under urgent repair!"

Warring States loudly refuted Kuzan's proposal, leaving the latter speechless.

"Besides, even if that guy doesn't have any position on him, which one of you didn't call him a general when you saw him?"

"Wait a little longer, at least wait for the system of the headquarters to operate normally. Do you want me to confer the position of general on the deck of the damaged warship?"

Kuzan twitched the corners of his mouth, then looked around at the warships that were being repaired, with constant knocking and sparks flying, and remained silent.

Not long ago, Tang En's phone bug surprised him.

The guy who had known him for many years, the first sentence he called made his whole body shake.

"Kuzan, help me ask when the Warring States will resume my general position!"

Does this guy care so much about being promoted?

"The lieutenant general's salary is too low, I can hardly afford to eat!"

The second sentence made Kuzan hang up the phone bug. He felt that there was something wrong with the other party.

Of course, the relationship between the two is deep, and Kuzan only asked that question with a cheeky face.

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