Pirates: Opening Nine Tails Bombs Mary Joa

Chapter 328: Sword Heart and Frost Moon

【Pirate: Nine-Tails Bombards Marie Gioia】【】

Regarding the Nika fruit, Genichi also thought about whether he should try to eat it for himself or his avatar.

But his gut told him that if he did, there would be consequences he didn't want to see.

He has long known that this world has its own consciousness in the dark, and this consciousness is promoting the development of this world. The more important people are to the world, the higher the emotional value they themselves provide.

When he didn't reach 100 million emotional points, the world was happy with his existence, and actively pushed him to become stronger and expand his power.

Because the power of Yuanyi will allow the laws from other worlds to be integrated into this world, thus making this world stronger, which is of great benefit to the world.

For example, now, an ordinary pirate world has accommodated the rules of worldviews such as Jackie Chan's Adventures, Death, and the Catalog of Magical Forbidden Books.

To the will of the world, Yuan Yi is probably an ultimate beater, who works diligently to bring the laws of other worlds to it every day, and then feeds it well.

The premise is that Yuanyi no longer thinks about the character card with more than 100 million emotional points...

This is also understandable, as long as it does not exceed 100 million, then everything is under the control of the world itself.

However, a character with an emotional value of 100 million is beyond the laws of this world, a level that this world cannot reach anyway. Once it appears, it will let the dominance fall into the hands of Yuan Yi, and Yuan Yi will gain enough to destroy the entire world. power of the world.

No one thinks that a person has the power to destroy himself, so the will of the world is very tolerant and happy to see the characters or props cards whose emotional value is less than 10 million yuan. When it's worth it, the world should turn against him, right?

The Nika fruit represents the most important part of this world, so the world will not allow it to gain the power of this fruit. Yuan Yi did not turn against it at this time, and it is not yet time.

So the fruit went round and round and finally reached Luffy's hands.

Genichi saw that Shanks stayed in Windmill Village at last, and he didn't know how he dared to use the place where Zefa and Garp often went as a temporary stop, but anyway, he managed to meet Luffy.

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Although Uta was angry, her strength couldn't stop the red-haired pirates, and it was the first time she met her for these pirates...

Not bad impression?

She knew that if her adoptive father found out about her idea, she would definitely be scolded, because Zefa taught that pirates are evil, and should be eliminated, and she is never allowed to have a good impression of pirates.

But at least the red-haired pirates didn't do anything outrageous in front of her, and treated the villagers in the village very kindly, so after a while, people let down their vigilance against the red-haired pirates.

Although Uta was still wary of them, as time spent together, Uta gradually wavered.

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【Pirate: Nine-Tails Bombards Marie Gioia】【】

In fact, there is no way to be vigilant, she cannot be the opponent of these people, and it is impossible to leave Luffy alone and go to the Navy headquarters for help.

How to say that sentence, life is like that, if you can't resist, then enjoy it.

In short, in the end, the windmill village regained its former harmony, and this also represents the passage of time.

During this period of time, Yuan Yi didn't pay much attention to the outside world, because he was making his final arrangement.

Now that Shanks has arrived at Windmill Village, it means that the plot will start soon.

Almost all the preparations he made were for Luffy to go out to sea, and now that moment was getting closer and closer, Genichi also truly felt that time was getting faster and faster.

While Shanks changed Luffy, another person also came to the East China Sea, and was about to transform another important person.


Donghai, Frost Moon Village

"I didn't expect you to come to such a remote place."

Frost Moon Village is near the sea, and two people are fishing here.

One of the two is old but energetic, while the other is in his prime but can only see a feeling of frustration on his face.

The identities of these two people may not be a big deal in today's sea, but they were both famous in the former Wano country.

Shimotsuki Kozaburo, Himura Kenshin!

The former is a well-known swordsmith in Wano Country, and the latter is the top swordsman in Wano Country. Although their reputation is gradually disappearing as Wano Country becomes an industrialized country, their abilities are comparable to those of Wano Country. Achievements have become an inseparable part of Wano Country's history.

In particular, Himura Kenshin is known as the founding figure of the Wano country. It was his existence that allowed the new government to defeat the rule of the Kozuki family, but at the same time he had a very bad reputation. Some people think that it is the existence of Himura Kenshin that caused Wano Country to experience a long bloody.

Therefore, the name of Jianxin, the executioner, is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Although according to the previous rules, Kozaburo Shimotsuki has a higher status than Kenshin.

Because he is a member of Shimoyue's family, and Shimoyue was the famous name of Wano Country in the past, the word Shimoyue was even more prominent than Guangyue at certain times~www.wuxiaspot.com~However, after going through the Blood Revolution Today, Wano Country has abolished all the old nobles, and all the rights they enjoyed in the past have been distributed by the new king to a brand new interest group.

In the past, the Wano country was a feudal system, but now the Wano country is centralized. Although the Shuangyue family has no problem standing in line, they have lost their previous rights.

But after all, Kenshin is a person who came from the old era, so after seeing Kozaburo Shimotsuki, he still calls him "you".

Shimotsuki Kozaburo is dozens of years old, but he is in a good state of mind. While fishing and smoking, he said, "Isn't it the same for you? The famous Feicun Kenshin came to a small corner of the East China Sea. This Frost Moon Village is completely stained."

Kenshin laughed at himself and said, "Famous? Kenshin is just a reckless person, and that reputation is just a rumor. After the founding of the Wano Kingdom, there is always a hero to be erected, and neither Roger nor Machima are from the Wano Kingdom, so they can only I'm going to be the 'big name'."

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【Pirate: Nine-Tails Bombards Marie Gioia】【】

"Speaking of which, I took the credit for Brother Roger."

In fact, it is not difficult to understand that this is a process of creating gods.

The establishment of a new government always has to create gods. Roger and Machima are pirates from the outside and people from the world government. People in Wano cannot be allowed to worship them.

Therefore, Kenshin, who is a samurai of Wano country, was touted by Wano country officials as a matter of course, and there was even a false statement that Himura Kenshin defeated Kozuki Oden by himself.

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