Pirates: The Black Earl

Chapter 140, Fishman Island

"Cooked" is an internal term.

The specific reason is that the activity of these things plummeted after being sealed, and they were in a state of hibernation. They needed to be reawakened in order to exert their effect and strengthen the eater.

Otherwise, it's really no different from lunch meat.

And the process of awakening is simple and easy to understand...


Heating them at a high temperature of about 100°C for 10 minutes will stretch them out and restore their activity.

Then, according to the upper limit that the eater's body can bear, it is cut up and eaten in batches.

That's why Saab was so confused at the time, thinking that they had robbed a batch of food, because these precautions were engraved on the outsourcing iron sheet with a press!

Except that there are no suspicious words, it is completely complete, and it is no different from ordinary canned food.

The most suitable way to meet this condition is undoubtedly boiled.

Therefore, during the previous human test, a certain researcher had a frenzied whim and used it to make oden, but was surprised to find that it did not affect the original effect at all.

Ever since, the term "cooked" has spread internally.

The pirates who were caught for human testing thought that what awaited them would be some kind of torture, but what they were waiting for was all kinds of delicacies, helping researchers to understand how many ways to eat this thing...

Of course, in the end, these people would turn into irrational Roshan monsters because they ate more than their bodies could bear... and then sent them to feed the Blood Curse Weapon.

After being speechless for a long time, Long asked.

"Does it have a specific name?"


To this, Xiong solemnly replied: "Gluttony!"


【Gluttony】, an eating disorder syndrome, is also one of the seven deadly sins.

It can be called this name, and its origin is obvious...


A skeleton face appeared on the bow of the ship,

Opening his mouth to spit out bubbles, he quietly watched them float to the surface of the sea above.

As the depth goes deeper and deeper, the sunlight gets darker and darker.

Looking at the completely unprotected wooden sailboat floating in the sea outside the coating, the corner of the spy chief's mouth twitched.

"What the hell!"

It is no secret to CP0 that the Levi Ansen can dive. They even know that the evil warship dives by controlling the flesh-and-blood sealed cabin, but it does not mean that it can go into the sea itself.

But what happened now?

Just such a ship, without coating, and without a closed cabin, sank straight into the sea!

And the butler of the Lovett family, the undead creature suspected to be transformed by "Hundred Schemes" Crow, even set up a barbecue grill and grilled meat for the owner on the deck.

Standing behind the coating, he could clearly see seawater flowing over the scarlet hot coal surface, but strangely, no reaction was triggered, as if the entire ship was a phantom and did not exist in reality.

Mysterious man!

The spy chief glanced vaguely, and swept past the figure in the black dress.

Sensing the sight, Lovett turned back and raised his glass.

"Would you like to come over for a bite, Dove?"

"The diving of the coating is all supported by the oxygen in the coating. Presumably there is no way to grill meat?"

Combustion consumes a lot of oxygen, not to mention barbecue, they don't even dare to let the chefs open fire to cook, relying on dry food for support.

"Dove" is the code name of the spy chief.

At the same time, Lovett also knew that he was the most powerful person in CP0 after the elders!

The third-rank official in front of the prime minister, as the adjutant of the current CP0 Chief Xiao, he has a great say.

Even the two strong men who accompanied him and sat firmly in the cabin all the time had to obey his command.

Hearing this, the corners of Jiu's mouth twitched and he shook his head.

"No, thanks for the invitation."

Then he said: "In order to save time, we will bypass the Fishman Island and go directly to the seabed crevice. Your Excellency Earl Hei, please get ready."

"Don't worry, I will be fine if you have an accident, right?"


As a mature pirate ship, Leviathan feels that he is one step away, and his life will be complete.

Dove looked at him speechlessly, and finally gave up on each other.


At this time, Lovett said softly: "Murloc Island is not a good place. I heard that some murlocs have a strong hatred for humans. Last time St. Charles Rose was kidnapped, they even held a celebration."

This is not because he is talking nonsense, but on Murloc Island, a reporter from the Baroque News Agency pretending to be a tourist has been lurking for many days.

This was his first trip to the New World, and Lovett had done enough intelligence work for this.

Wallace is also fully prepared...

To be honest, his current navigation skills are simply not enough to support him in sailing in the New World, and he can barely fight with the support of Leviathan.


Hearing this, Jiu's face turned slightly cold: "I will let our people pay attention to Fishman Island. At this juncture, no mistakes are allowed!"

CP0 would have done it even if Lovett hadn't said it.

"Ah Qiu!"

At the same time, in the royal palace of Dragon Palace City, King Neptune, the "Great Knight of the Sea", sneezed heavily and said, "Are the guys from Murloc Street still making trouble?"

"Father, you have already been suppressed."

Regarding this, Shark Star, the eldest of the three Neptune brothers, put away his trident, nodded and replied.

Neptune rubbed his brows and nodded silently.

"That's good……"

Then there was a sad expression on his face: "I didn't expect that after decades, there are still so many guys who hate human beings."


As the next heir to the king of Fishman Island, Shark Star knew what Neptune meant.

But Neptune ignored it, looked up at the huge rhizome of "Sun Tree Eve", and frowned silently: "Many of them are even very young, and have never experienced that dark age at all, but they are more mature than those back then." Radical and full of hate..."

"This inherited hatred is what shocks me the most, even frightens me!"

Shark star also felt chills down his spine, thinking that those guys who were born in the last ten years were twisted into revenge machines full of hatred, he silently grasped the trident tightly.

"I will pay more attention, my lord father."

"Well, I believe you."

Seeing the increasingly burly, majestic and calm Shark Star in front of him, Neptune eased his frown slightly, and said with a smile: "Go, go and see Bai Xing, she said you haven't seen her for a long time."

Thinking of his younger sister, Shark Star also laughed.


"No...no...it's not good, Your Majesty!"

At this time, a Dragon Palace City guard ran into the palace rolling and crawling, his fins propped on the ground.

"Your Majesty, two human ships have come down!"

"Oh? Can you tell who it is?"

Neptune asked with a condensed expression.

"No...no...don't know."

The cyan murloc guard seemed to be stuttering a bit, speaking so heavily that it made people want to do it.

"He...they detoured...detoured...the Murloc Island, and moved directly towards the Red...the Red Earth Continent...to approach it!"

"Then let them pass!"

Shark Star waved his hand and said, "Our Murloc Island is not a den of thieves, so we have no time to attack them."

"But...but the guys from Murloc Street went out, and the guards at the entrance were injured by them, so they couldn't stop them."

Because of being overly frightened, the cyan murloc spoke these words extremely fluently.

But upon hearing this sentence, the expressions of Neptune and Shark Star changed at the same time.


"They deliberately provoked a war between humans and Murloc Island!!"

Shark star flicked the trident angrily, splashing a cloud of sparks on the ground.

"No, people who are blinded by hatred will not have so many thoughts."

Neptune thought very calmly, and said, "Probably because they were brainwashed by the theory of murloc supremacy in Murloc Street, coupled with our suppression, they transferred their hatred to these two innocent ships."

It's the so-called indiscriminate disaster!

Nothing more.


Shark star knelt down on one knee and asked for instructions.

In this regard, Neptune nodded: "Go ahead, bring Emperor Star and Crane Star, and tell humans and other residents about the attitude of Fishman Island."


At the same time, a group of 17 or 18 black shadows approached quickly outside the two ships that were following the current and preparing to go to the new world through the seabed gap.

"Tchtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttl, look at that big brother, he is indeed human!"

"Hmph, we don't even say to come to see us when we come to Murloc Island, human beings are too self-righteous!"

"Yes, this is the ocean, our territory!"

"Come on, kill them all, take their boat back, and let that fatuous king take a good look at how insignificant human beings are in front of us murlocs!"

On the deck of the Levi Ansen, Lovett chewed on the tender and juicy barbecue, and silently gave the butler a thumbs up.

"Well, it tastes great!"

"Thank you, Master, for the compliment!"

The butler bowed and nodded gracefully, and continued to help Lovett make barbecue.


On a fake merchant ship not far away, Jiu silently put down the binoculars and sneered.

"There are so many people who are not afraid of death!"

They never expected that the first crisis on this trip would come from a member country of the government.

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