Pirates: The Black Earl

Chapter 511, Buy a horse bone with 0 gold! (one three)

"Empress" Hancock was actually the first one to arrive among the three, because she came directly along the edge of the calm belt without turning to Chambord, which saved a lot of time on the way.

In addition to the permanent pointer, the great route actually has a more reliable compass than astrology.

That is the proverbial dead zone!

No matter how weird and dangerous the sea in the middle is, the windless belt will always be on both sides of the great route, forming a straight line.

When the astrology is blocked, when the recording pointer is accidentally damaged, only the windless belt remains unchanged.

But there is the lair of sea kings, even the edge position is extremely dangerous, there are not a few people who have thought of taking advantage of this, but so far only two groups of forces dare to take action.

One is the navy, which uses sea stone flake technology to hide the existence of warships.

The second is the Nine Snake Pirates. Even the Neptunes dare not easily provoke the venomous sea snakes. Just like humans face the Black Mamba, they are born with fear.

"Relax, Karp... Your grandson doesn't even have the right to die by my hands."

Lovett lifted his cane against Garp's chest and pushed him away bit by bit.

There is no need for Earl Black to deceive himself at this time, Garp let go of his fingers and asked, "What does that mean?"

Lovett didn't answer, but turned to look at the beautiful figure on the Perfume Snake.

"The task given to you seems to have failed, Hancock?"

Marlin Ford couldn't see a few corpses, but he couldn't even see a few living people.

Under the inexplicable and depressing atmosphere, the crew of the Nine Snake Pirates were sweating coldly, and they were even more shocked when they heard Earl Hei's question.

But Hancock is Hancock after all, he stood up and said without fear after hearing the words.

"That's right!"

"The remnants of the revolutionary army were protecting him. We were ambushed by the other party halfway, and we didn't get close at all."

Cap suddenly widened his eyes.

Remnants of the Revolutionary Army?

Who will they be protecting?

He turned to look at Lovett angrily.

And you said you didn't do it? !

"I see!"

But Lovett ignored it, sneered, and shook his head: "That's really...fucking people!"

God, there are always unexpected situations. Originally, I wanted to design Yin Yimu as a hand, but I didn't expect that I bumped into it myself.

It's Im who wants to wait, not him.

Lovett thinks about the person Im waiting for, and I'm afraid it's just Luffy.

He wanted to wait, so of course he couldn't let him do what he wanted.

The time point on the top is earlier than the original book. I originally wanted Hancock to bring Luffy to test the opponent's reaction, but I didn't expect to meet the revolutionary army by such a coincidence.

He had been fighting the Navy and even Im, and hadn't had time to meddle there.

At this moment, through the information from the people below, Lovett knew that Hancock was not lying.

After the disbandment of the Revolutionary Army, most of them were scattered all over the world waiting to lurk. Only a small number of people ventured to stay within the scope of the soul network, monitoring the navy and the movement of themselves and others at any time.

And these people happened to be hiding on the Dead Island, the dead and silent place where they died in the night of disaster.

As a result, I ran into Moria who was also hiding in this area. Without knowing who the opponent was, Moria collected the shadows of many Revolutionary Army soldiers, and then attracted the investigation of the Revolutionary Army. Robin's reason for appearing in Morkul Town.

And as the real culprit was defeated by Luffy, this group of revolutionary troops naturally owed him a favor. At this moment, they found that the Empress was heading in Luffy's direction, so they should pay more attention.


Take the character of Hancock.

It is inevitable that the two sides will fight.

"It scares the snake!"

That's the trouble Lovett was talking about.

He is a time traveler, knowing that the center of the era is Luffy, which is more reliable than any prophecy.

As for Im, he definitely doesn't have that ability.

Otherwise, Roger and Lockes would not have developed into the later situation, the ruler who extinguished the lighthouse, the lighthouse must be lit first.

But with the failure of this plan, the revolutionary army will definitely realize the importance of Luffy. If two people know about one piece of information, it is not a secret.

There is no guarantee that it will not be leaked to Im!


At this time, Lovett thought deeply: "So in my deduction, is the future of the Straw Hat Pirates a blank?"

Suddenly, Hancock took a deep breath and continued: "I didn't do what I promised you. If you want to kill or cut, say something. I will bear this matter alone and let them go."

If you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple.

It's not that Black Earl has never been to Amazon Lily.

This is the fundamental reason why Hancock came back to Marlin Faldo honestly, she knew she couldn't run away.

Instead of implicating the entire Nine Snake Island, it is better to trade your own life for everyone's peace.

But Lovett smiled and said, "No, it's just a failure. I'm still very patient with my allies."

"Go back to Nine Snake Island and wait for orders. Don't worry, you will have another chance to prove yourself soon."

Hearing this, Hancock heaved a sigh of relief.


Gu Luoliosa's worries are obviously a bit unnecessary. Hancock herself is not that stupid. She broke into a duel between two top powers in the world. The only purpose of her departure this time is to fight the Black Beast Federation... To be precise It's a meeting with the Black Earl!

Seeing this scene, Akainu's eyelids jumped wildly.

He couldn't see it until now, Nine Snake Island has joined Earl Black's camp!

Originally, only the forces of the New World would wisely protect themselves and openly join the Black Beast Federation. The undead nobles in the first half and the four seas still tacitly declared that the other party was just a pirate.

But today is different.

Hancock is the emperor of Amazon Lily, and her words and deeds represent Amazon Lily!

The country's first shot to join the Black Beast Federation in the first half was fired!

Originally thought that what happened on the top battlefield was all the calculations of the opponent, but he didn't expect that Earl Black was already planning this step before the war started.

With Hancock as an example, even if Im wins the bet today, the consequences will not be much better.

Dressrosa, Amazon Lily, and Elbaf, just the Black Earl, a powerful country backed by the Qibuhai back then, had three of them!

This heavy sense of oppression made it hard for him to breathe, not to mention those vacillating franchise countries.

The same idea also appeared in the minds of countless people watching the live broadcast.

Watching Hancock salute Lovett respectfully and leave, even though he couldn't hear what was said, any fool can see that Hancock has reached an agreement with the other party.

Those who were expecting a big battle suddenly widened their eyes in horror and swallowed hard.

"Hey, what's going to happen?"

"What is Akainu doing, why didn't he kill him?"

No matter who it is, I am afraid that they are not ready.

It was impossible for them to imagine that in just seven minutes, the pattern of the sea had been reversed.

The Black Beast Federation has broken through the blockade of the Red Earth Continent and the Windless Belt, extending its minions to the whole world.


Suddenly, the live broadcast screen went dark.

There was no follow-up development at all, and the Navy announced that the war was over.

The crowd was quiet for a few seconds, and then the noise shook the sky!


Chatting with my sister on WeChat from eight o'clock to ten o'clock, sorry, this is force majeure.

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