Pirates: The Black Earl

Chapter 563, General

Holy Land, Im!

The popularity of these two words instantly suppressed the news of the civil war of the Black Beast Federation in the New World, which spread across the sea.

Just like Im's own order, he didn't bother to hide it at all, and told the world directly that he was the master behind the world government that had ruled the world since eight hundred years ago.

But he wasn't lying either.

The "Empty Throne" witnesses peace and is a symbol of friendship and unity, which is the foundation of the existence of the world government.

Although he is qualified to sit in that position, he disdains it. Except for a few major events that determine the direction of history, he does not interfere in the internal affairs of the government.

Including now, it was only to meet the challenges of the new world that he stood up and took command of the overall situation.

The sincerity mixed with this kind of domineering made those franchise countries undoubtedly breathe a sigh of relief.

After the rise of the Black Beast Federation, the world government that originally had more than 170 member countries now only has more than 130, and who knows how many of them are secretly cooperating with the Black Beast Federation.

Affiliate to join, there are benefits, so join the alliance.

Not to mention one mind, their degree of unity is not even as good as that of the Black Beast Federation.

Originally, everyone gathered together for the sake of profit, and the threat of the era of great pirates was secondary. In the end, an emperor who overridden everything suddenly appeared. If he wanted to become a monarchy and let them obey and be loyal, then... the result could only be One beat and two break up.

Fortunately, whether it is Im who knows that he can't force it or just dismisses it as he said, since there is no mandatory requirement, life will pass as long as he can.


"I didn't expect the world government to have such a god-like existence. Can Black Earl and the others resist it?"

Elbaf, Fishman Island, Magnetic Drum Country, Capital of Seven Waters.

For a moment, an unknown number of people held their breath and turned their eyes to the new world.

They knew that Im was there for no other reason.

It's just because of Earl Black and Kaido that the threat to the government is too great...unprecedentedly huge!


New World, Red Earth Continent.

With Im's public appearance, a large army left the Holy Land along the bubble elevator under the horrified gaze of the world, and assembled at the G1 branch of the New World Navy.

Strange faces, strange uniforms and strange weapons and equipment let everyone understand that this is a force that does not belong to the navy.

World Government, Red Earth Army!

Officially speaking, after the top war ended, the navy suffered heavy losses, and the remaining troops needed to maintain the stability of the rear, that is, the peace of the first half and the world, so we should not act rashly.

Therefore, the army that was running and fighting on the red soil continent was transferred here.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that the navy's stance has been intriguing since Amazon Lily, a country with such a huge threat, has clearly turned to Earl Black and has not been "visited" by the navy.

They no longer look like hawks and dogs loyal to the world government. Although they still look like a navy with Marshal Akainu as the center and adhering to "absolute justice" externally, there are still some differences internally.


Or treason?

no one knows.

The war between the two kings in the new world is full of turmoil, and the navy is not seen to take a share of the pie.

But the navy, which is close at hand, doesn't care about dispatching the army...

It is worth pondering!

Fortunately, it's useless for others to worry about the twists and turns among the big forces.

Power is stronger than people.

Even if the navy betrays the government, it is still a navy that hates evil, a large-scale navy.

Anyone who dared to make trouble at this juncture was kicked out by the navy.

At this moment, at the port of the G1 branch that is being renovated, General Ingersoll is reviewing the troops in a grass-green military uniform and a straight figure.

New warships, new artillery, new pacifists!

This is the confidence for them to fight each other.

Black Earl has undead, Kaido has man-made devil fruit, and they also have high-end weapon configurations!

The only disadvantage is probably that the time is too short, and Ingersoll is not enough to train a group of commanders who are good at naval warfare.

Fortunately, Rhine, the new chief scientist of the Naval Science Corps, has simplified the operating system of the warship. They don't need too complicated navigation skills, just leave it to the navigator team.

You just need to rely on your keen vision of fighting for many years to coordinate the command and issue orders.

This is basically no different from that of an admiral.

Walking in the unfamiliar moss-covered port, Ingersoll calculated the strength of the troops and conceived the strategy in his head, while walking towards the logistics team that carried the shells.

Seeing him approaching, several soldiers stood at attention and saluted.

"General 'Shanlan'!"

General of the army also has a code name.

"Shanlan" is Ingersoll's code name.

This is related to his fruit ability.

Superman, Super Power, Hanging Fruit!

It was a devil fruit similar to Gravity Fruit and Piao Piao Fruit, both of which exerted abilities on the target and then controlled it.

However, the hanging fruit is closer to the realization of certain rules.

As the name suggests, it contains two effects: "upside down" and "hanging".

Differentiation is "reversal" and "bondage".

Ingersoll's code name comes from the fact that he once uprooted an entire mountain range tens of thousands of meters long and hung it upside down. The mist from the lakes and streams in the mountains made the mountain peaks feel like a fairyland, surrounded by clouds and mist.

The rebels hiding on the mountain were directly thrown down to their deaths. At a young age, he single-handedly resolved a rebellion that almost threatened the Holy Land. He was given the name "Shanlan" by Wu Laoxing, who was still a major general at the time.

The power of the Red Earth Continent is weak, so far, few people have seen him make a move.

But the legend of Shanlan is still fascinating and invincible in the government army.


At this time, the major general in charge of logistics came and reported: "Including this batch, it is enough for our army to carry out high-intensity combat for a month, but there are still three batches left."

"Do you really need to bring so much? The speed will be seriously affected."

The cargo capacity of ships is not something that the Red Earth Continental Army, which has no trains, can understand.

Therefore, two different combat styles have evolved.

In the eyes of the major general, a team with fifty rounds of ammunition and a week's supply of food is considered a big battle, artillery is another.

But in the eyes of the navy soldiers in charge of helping, the scene in front of them sighed "not enough" and "time is too tight"?

? ? ?

When I put a question mark, it must not be my problem.

In this regard, Ingersoll looked at him helplessly: "This is why I don't allow you to command a warship alone, Mork."

Pulling over the bewildered major general, Ingersoll pointed to the warship docked at the port: "Look, tell me what you saw?"


Major General Mo Ke was taken aback for a moment: "A lot of boats, a lot of water!"


"Bastard, there are isolated islands!!"

Punching the opponent's head, Ingersoll roared with fangs: "The sea is not land. After we go to sea, we, the soldiers, can only rely on the two or three acres of warships under our feet."

"No matter how tight the formation is, immediate support cannot be achieved."

"Forget about your common sense of land combat, and use your vigilance to go deep into the enemy's camp alone, understand?!"

"But isolated islands, can't they also be seen as larger soldiers?"

Ingersoll: "..."


Does this bastard make sense? !

Ingersoll froze.

Then punch again.


"Why did you hit me again?"

"In a good mood! Get out!"

After Major General Mo Ke left with an aggrieved expression, he walked all the way, turning a corner, and suddenly bumped into a person.

"Mr. Rhine?"

He froze for a moment: "Why are you here?"

I haven't seen him for a few days, and now Rhine may not be recognized by Xiong, with messy hair, oily face, and dark circles under his eyes.

The other party was stunned longer than him, and after a few seconds, he seemed to hear someone talking, and his eyes gradually brightened: "Oh, it's Major General Moke... I brought you some new equipment, where is General Shanlan? "

"It's over there."

Mo Ke pointed to the place where he came, and then carefully pulled him: "Be careful, the general seems to be in a bad mood... well, but I can understand, he is almost 50 soon and doesn't have a wife. Every blind date There are so many days of failure."

Rhine: "..."

"Huh? What's the matter with you, Mr. Rhine?"


He raised the silver-white gun in his hand and said, "Can we find a place to chat, General Shan Lan?"

Mork: Σ(19д19;)!


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