Pirates: The Salary Is In Place, The Four Emperors Are Kicked Out

Chapter 213 Polsalino: Imp And Imp Are Of Course Different!

"'Respected Marshal Sengoku, please tell my dear comrade Polusalino that if his veteran chapter is not in place within three weeks, I will be with him when he returns to Marineford Chat'..."

"Are you sure Sakazuki said that? Marshal Sengoku?"

At the construction site of the Marine Medical Base in the Drum Kingdom, Polsalino was holding a phone bug and was making a video call with Marshal Sengoku in Marineford, with a speechless expression on his face.

"Uh... The old man just changed his words a little bit, and it's actually pretty much the same as what he meant."

On the screen of the phone bug, Marshal Sengoku looked at the sky with his eyes and turned his mouth to the side - quite a sense of sight, as if the Five Emperors were making up a lie.

"...Did you change your words a little? I'm afraid you have changed the whole paragraph?"

Porusalino rolled his eyes, "With Sakazuki's temper, he must have said that if I don't get the job done in time, when I get back to Marineford, I will be used as a light bulb on the warship..."

"Ha ha……"

Marshal Sengoku laughed dryly and let out a haha.

"So, you specifically used a video call to contact me today. Is there anything else important?"

Polsalino voluntarily changed the subject.

"Indeed there is,"

Marshal Sengoku nodded and put on a serious expression again, "Since that bastard Roger was executed and the era of great pirates began, the first official World Summit is about to be held ahead of schedule. The kings will arrive at the Holy Land Mariejois one after another. As for the countries that are relatively close to the Drum Kingdom, you should be responsible for the escort of their royal family."

(Hey, I was randomly arrested because I was close, and I thought I could rest for a while... However, it seems that there is Alabasta in a country that is closer to the drum kingdom? So I can see Vivi's father?)


Polsalino raised his eyebrows.


Five days later, when the warship carrying Porusalino and a ship of elite sailors arrived in Alabasta, and received the king Nafirutali Cobra and his party, Porusalino was surprised to find out. , The sage king who played a lot of roles in the original plot, his entourage even had a blue-haired beautiful woman with a big belly that Porusalino was very familiar with.

(Yes, at this point in time, Vivi is about to be born...)

Noticing Polsalino's gaze, King Nefertali Cobra, who personally supported his wife firmly on the deck, took the initiative and said with a smile:

"You are the Polusalino Vice Admiral in charge of our escort mission? I am Neferutali Kobra, king of Alabasta, and this is my wife, Neferutali Titi. Sorry to make you laugh, my wife is pregnant, I wanted her to recuperate at home, but she said the expected date of birth hasn’t come yet, and she wants to accompany me to the World Summit no matter what…”

For women, the process of pregnancy or the process of giving birth to a new life cannot be described in words. They definitely need emotional support from their husbands. Polusalino can fully understand this:

"You're welcome, what's the point of laughing? I'm afraid everyone will only envy the deep relationship between you and the queen, King Cobra~"

"Hahaha, thank you Mr. Vice Admiral for your understanding, I will trouble you for this voyage..."


After a simple greeting, Nafirutali Cobra accompanied his wife to the cabin to rest first, while his entourage went to pack their luggage. When Alabasta's delegation all left the deck, this time, as Marine's accompanying doctor, Dr. Gureva, who accompanied Polusalino to the Holy Land Mariejois, stood beside him with a bottle of wine.

"Polusalino Vice Admiral, the queen of King Cobra, is expected to give birth on this trip to Mariejois."

"Oh? Premature?"

"Yes, and it's a very dangerous kind of premature birth. If there are not enough good doctors to deal with it in time, even if the child is born smoothly, the mother will be left with serious sequelae."

"That's it, this is incredible..."

(It turns out that the reason why Vivi's mother died long before the plot, this is the reason...)

Almost instantly, Polsalino clarified the logical relationship, so he said:

"Dr. Gureva, you should be considered an excellent doctor, right?"

"Well, of course, Polusalino Vice Admiral,"

Dr. Gureva took a sip of wine and grinned confidently, "Do you need me to talk to that King Cobra?"

"Well, let's wait a little longer."

Porusalino shook his head, "Even if he is telling the truth, a doctor who rashly goes up to say that someone is seriously ill won't get any respect from the patient, but will be disgusted and kept away. You should be more than me in this regard. clear."

"Well, you're Vice Admiral, of course I'll listen to you..."

Although she said so indifferently, the smile on Dr. Gureva's face still revealed her mood - this choice of Polsalino not only reflects the respect for her as a doctor, but also shows her respect for the doctor. Great trust in her medical skills.


As predicted by Dr. Gureva, on the eve of arriving on the Red Line, the warship Polsalino and the others were on encountered a medium-sized storm, and King Neferutali Kobra It was not the right time for his wife to have symptoms that she was going to give birth early this night.

The obstetrician and gynecologist accompanying King Cobra was completely incapable of resolving this dangerous situation, and at this moment when King Cobra was extremely anxious and annoyed, Polsalino appeared with Dr. Gureva like a savior. The latter put down the wine bottle and delivered a baby girl for the princess with incomparable confidence. And just as the baby girl made her first loud and healthy cry, the storm outside dramatically subsided at this time.

"...Thank you so much, Vice Admiral Polusalino!"

Outside the cabin, Nafirutali Cobra suppressed her inner excitement and bowed deeply to Polsalino, "If it wasn't for you and this doctor, this time I really..."

"This is all due to Dr. Gureva, and it has nothing to do with me,"

Porusalino smiled and pointed to the cabin, where Dr. Gureva was taking care of Princess Nafirutali Titi and her daughter, "But then again, King Cobra, think of your daughter's name. Yet?"

"Neferutali Vivi, that's the name my wife and I decided on!"

When she said this, the smile on King Neferutari Kobra's face was extremely bright, and the happiness seemed to overflow.

Polsalino also smiled brilliantly - after Robin and Ace, he became involved with Vivi, the "protagonist group member", which not only satisfied his little obsession with being a fan of the former One Piece, but also It means that no matter how the version is updated and changed in the future, he will be able to grasp it and will not overturn...

But then again, when it comes to the character who is related to the protagonist group, that Momosuke, what is his current situation? Should have overturned, right?

Seeing Vivi, who was also the heir to the throne, Polsalino inexplicably thought of the heir to the Kozuki family.

As the target that most sea fans want to crusade, the fate of Momosuke, the kid, was already arranged when the First Generation represented the World government to Wanokuni to discuss cooperation with Kaido (Chapter 180) - at that time He reminded him and told him that Momosuke, the last heir of the Kozuki family, was hiding in Kuri, and his mother Kozuki was a special Paramecia Demon fruit power who was planning to send him and the Kozuki family's retainers safely out of Wanokuni. plan……

In theory, according to Jin's character, after knowing this information, he will definitely not let Momonosuke escape, but Momonosuke is Kozuki Oden's son after all, and Kozuki Oden and Kaido are enemies - the proud Kaido Teachers like to train themselves so-called "challengers" the most...


Porusalino's analysis of Teacher Kaido's character is not wrong at all. He really likes to train himself a so-called challenger, but that is just to make himself more in line with the fate of "JOYBOY", so that he can become a An attempt at the prophesied "JOYBOY".

In other words, before he became a complete self, before he got the title of "the strongest creature in the world", Kaido teacher didn't want to go to death so much - now he, for the enemy, is either insignificant. Kill them without hesitation, or kill them after playing tricks.


"Today is the time for a break! Kaido!"

The leader of the Red Sheath Nine Heroes, the chief retainer of the Kozuki family, Kinemon, let out a hoarse roar, while clenching the samurai sword in his hand, "I want to avenge Oden-sama!"

"Ugh, cluck, cluck! Revenge?"

Kaido, like a demon, stood on the shattered earth, with contempt and sarcasm on his face no doubt, "You think too highly of yourself, Red Sheath Warrior, do you think you can live to this day because of your own strength? "

As soon as Kaido finished speaking, Jin fluttered his wings and rushed from a distance, and he fell to the ground with a little devil in his hand.


! "

The little boy started to cry, looking very frightened.


! "

Kinemon's Tong Kong suddenly tensed up - after realizing that he was caught up by Kaido, who was playing cat and mouse again, he hid Momonosuke, but now...

"Who allowed you to wander?"


! "

Accompanied by such a sound is a fierce wind blade - Kaido in dragon form can spit out a large number of wind blades from his mouth to cut the enemy, its name is "Bad Wind", just like the slash of Kama Itachi, it can cut the enemy together. The armor and weapons were torn apart together. In the future in the original plot, Kaido also used this trick to cut off Kiku no Cheng's arm.

And although Kaido has not turned into a dragon now, a mere wind blade is just the kung fu of raising a finger.


Blood splatter.

"Ugh, cluck, cluck! The fight with that old man Whitebeard is coming, so today is the last game! Laozi has to enjoy himself!"



Along with the splash of blood, an arm fell to the ground.

"Damn it!


Even with a broken hand and blood gushing forth, Kinemon didn't seem to feel the pain at all, and all his attention was drawn to the little boy.


! "

Little devil, that is, Momosuke, sobbing.


! "

No matter how sad he was crying, Jin was holding Momonosuke without the slightest bit of soft-heartedness. With a grimace from Kaido's eyes, he waved his arm, and Momonosuke was thrown directly into the sky—— That kind of height, if it falls directly, needless to say, this eight-year-old kid has absolutely no reason to live.



! "

With such a roar, Kinemon didn't care about Kaido and Jin who was in front of him at all, let alone his injury, and ran straight towards his owner—the enemy Kaido and Jin didn't stop him.

"Wow wow wow wow!

! "

Crying loudly, this is what Momosuke is best at, and it is the only way to ease his fear at this time - the glory of the Kozuki family, the generals of Wanokuni, the sacrifice of his father and mother, there is no such thing in his head. content.

"Don't be afraid, Momanosuke-sama!"

Suddenly, a warm embrace surrounded him. Although it was different from that of his father and mother, it also reassured him, because it was the embrace of the chief retainer who protected him from escaping from many enemies!


Momonosuke opened his eyes in surprise, and what caught his eyes was the smiling face of Kinemon.

"Don't be afraid, Momanosuke-sama, I will protect you at all costs!"

"Kinemon, I'm so scared, Raizo, Kanjurou, they, they..."

After a moment's rest, Momanosuke burst into tears again.

"it's okay no problem!"

Kinemon comforted his lord, "Don't be afraid, Momanosuke-sama! You are the future general of Wanokuni, you must show your strength!"

"Wow ah ah ah ah!

! "

Momonosuke's crying suddenly turned into a scream!

A knife tip emerged from his back and penetrated his body. It extended from the body of his retainer, Kinemon, and a long black knife that looked like inked passed through Kinemon's body. Heart, and then pierced Momosuke's body!

"Kakaka! It's really touching!"

Behind Kinemon, the man holding the handle of the ink knife in both hands smiled, "It really touched me!"

"You, you, you bastard!"

Filled with unspeakable anger and horror, Jin'emon turned his head, blood gushing from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes revealed endless anger and doubts!

"Despite your anger and your hatred!"

The murderer raised his right leg, and the fierce whip leg slammed heavily on Jin'emon's defenseless back, and the samurai and the young master were blown away directly.

"I'm Kurozumi Kanjuro! The end of the Kozuki family! Today is the best performance!"

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