Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 22: Worry for the Country (Part 1)

Chapter 022: Worrying for the Country (Part 1)

Everyone looked at Dusty, Xiao Gu interjected dissatisfied: "You clearly let him go, just before Lord Randil arrived."

Before Dastie answered, Ge Lie suddenly rushed to Xiao Mo and said, "Master, this decree is still valid, right? No one should be accused of faithfully implementing the kingdom decree, and a clerk will never You should blame your sir like this! "

Xiao Mo was able to rule in the Syrian city for many years, and of course he was a savvy official veteran, and immediately understood that Ge Lie wanted to maintain Dusty. As the governor and high priest of the temple in the city of Syria, Xiao Mo would rather offend ten Randiers than offend one singer, and in terms of his position, he is one level higher than Randil, and flattering Randil is just Because the other king is the identity of the messenger.

These days, looking at the Randil villain proudly forgetful, Xiao Mo has long been unpleasant. At this time, when Ge Lie was reprimanded by Xiao Gu and he had a martyrdom to Randil, he was anxious to push the boat and nodded quickly: "Yes, this decree is completely legal and effective. I did not say that the mayor of Dusty should not do so. Just asking him why, it's surprising after all. "

Dusty bowed down and explained: "This is actually the case. I'm looking for an excuse to punish Amon. Not long ago I heard something from a merchant from Eju, and another one appeared in the temple of Ecuise. The maiden name is Maria, and she received the tears of the gods from a miner in Duque. More than two months ago Rod Dick, the head of the cape city-state, did bring a girl named Maria. Yes. I thought he was just doing business, but he didn't expect it to happen.

At that time, Xiao Gu, the priest who was in charge of the affairs of the Temple of Horus and Mu Yun, was not aware of it. He was still my clerk, so this town's records did not register such a **** stone produced. Later, the result of my investigation was that Amon had mined the tears of the gods and dedicated them to the goddess Isis on the spot in a private name. The person who took the **** stone was Fajol Judah, the clerk of Rod Dick.

This kind of behavior cannot be tolerated, but it cannot be used as an excuse to insult the Egyptian Empire. In order to prevent similar things from happening again, Amon must be punished to deter and warn everyone. So I thought of this decree thirty years ago, asking him to hunt for an evil magician in the mountains where cave savages lived, and he would not be allowed to return if the order was not found.

This is a kind of exile, he cannot come back alive! As the mayor, I do n’t have the right to kill a town dweller at random, but I have the responsibility to help the kingdom worry. After thinking about it for a few nights, I came up with this method. Lord Randil's purpose is to punish Amon. I am very relieved and regretted. It is comforting that he should be punished from the standpoint of the kingdom. Regrettably, Lord Randil did not come three days earlier. "

After Dusty finished speaking, Xiao Gu was scared by the reprimand and was afraid to speak again, while others also saw that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, and he did not take the lead to express his stance. Only Ge Lie nodded: "It is so hard! Dusty is a competent officer who knows how to share the kingdom's worries! Lord Governor and Lord Randil, we should be glad to have such excellent people under our administration, shouldn't we? "

Governor Xiao Mo, High Priest Cosman, and Treasurer Morton echoed in unison: "Yes, the mayor of Dusty is loyal and competent!"

Randier was a little embarrassed, but he came to punish Amon's special envoy. What should he do if Amon is gone? Isn't the mission impossible? He waved his hand: "Gellie, don't rush to praise a village mayor, how does this special envoy accomplish his mission?"

Ge Lie snorted suddenly, the glass in front of Randil broke silently, and the red wine splashed dirty his clothes. Randil jumped up from his chair in fright, only listening to the song coldly: "You are so rude, how dare you call my name without any respect!"

Randier was also awake, and the local officials on the way respected him so much that the little bureaucracy of the Ministry of Justice who had left the capital for the first time was a bit forgetful. Ge Lie is an eighth-level magician and a member of the veteran regiment of the Hati Kingdom Divinity School. He has a superb position, how can he scold him for no reason? If Ge Lie makes a big deal to seize this matter, or even impeach him by the elder regiment of the School of Divinity, he is disrespectful to the gods, and the most serious consequence may be the deprivation of his rank.

Of course, Ge Lie would not do such a boring and degrading thing, but Mither Landier was frightened by his own thoughts, and immediately bowed and salute: "Dear Great Master, Miser is very sorry, I hope you can forgive me for being rude! I was just in a hurry just now, thinking that I could not fulfill my mission, I would not say anything. "

Ge Lie's expression eased, but Randill didn't let him sit down, and slowly said, "It's not impossible for you to complete the mission. Let Governor Xiao Mo **** you into the border with Assyria and Barron. In the deep mountains, when did you find Amon and punished him, and when will you return to the king to return to life? I can testify for you and bring the news back to the law department of the king of the capital, and send someone to notify your officer and family. They don't worry. "

Xiao Mo and others want to laugh but have to hold back. A guy like Randier who treats others' humility and courtesy as his own prestige is really abominable, but it is difficult to say anything because of his status. But Ge Lie, a great magician who can't commit Pandial Randil, really wants to turn his face to clean him up? Even the head of the Department of Justice would not blame him for Randil.

Then look at Randil's expression is about to cry, and bowed down to Ge Lie: "Dear Great Master, may I ask anything else?"

Ge Lie smiled and stretched out his hand to help him up: "In fact, it is easy to handle, there are two ways. One is to give Governor Xiao Mo an order to send someone to bring Amon to your eyes, you Waiting in the city of Syria, but this method may not work very well. Amon was eaten by the wild beasts in the mountains. The second method is simple. You just need to report what happened here. Yes, don't forget how to praise Xiao Mo and Dusty and other local officials who really worry about the country.

Amon has received the due punishment. He is just a miner. The king sends you to serve as a messenger to punish him only to warn others. Now this goal has been completely achieved and no one will worry about it. Besides, I can testify to you with my presence. I think it ’s the head of the Department of Justice who sees you hard-working, so I will send you out for a walk, eat, drink, and enjoy, all right? "

Randier's face was flushed, and it was neither "yes" nor "no", but only promised: "Thank you, the great wizard, and my colleagues, then do it."


Amon climbed all the way up, feeling not to climb an isolated mountain but to a plateau. The mountain road is not blindly upward. The ups and downs pass through a lot of gently open areas, and a lush primitive jungle grows. The vegetation here is rich in rainfall and there are a lot of wild animals. It is a place suitable for hunting and picking. No wonder there are cave savage tribes.

He kept his vigilance while leaning on a fine iron branch, but he didn't find any cave savage all day, but only saw several squirrels and wild sheep. The squirrel in the mountain does not avoid people, and even jumps on the high branch and looks at you curiously, but if you go too close, it will creep into the canopy and disappear. The guts of the wild sheep are very small, and they run away when they hear the movement. They are very flexible and can jump on steep mountain rocks.

Trails are not always visible on the trails, and the climate in the mountains is very complicated. Sometimes, there is a cloudy and cloudy sky across a mountain beam. In some places, the trails are dry and the trails are intermittent.

When the sky was getting dark, Amon left the path and found a depression backed by a stone wall. There was a small open area in front of him. This was his favorite camping terrain in the mountains. I made a dinner for Schrödinger before lighting the bonfire, and then I ate it myself. He didn't have enough meat floss. He could eat with Schrödinger for another two or three days, and then he had to hunt himself.

When he camped, he realized one thing. According to the old maniac, if he could use two low-level divine spells together, he would already be a qualified second-level magician. He didn't know that the old maniac was in the "Earth pupil". Whether to leave the information that is currently visible.

After dark, Amon moved his limbs in the open space. The action was like a kind of gymnastics without a fixed routine. It was the habit of taking a bath in the cold spring all year round. As the heat flow in the body rose, it spread and stretched its muscles. Maximum relaxation eliminates the fatigue of the day. Strange to say, even if you do n’t wash Hanquan, you will feel warmth throughout your body when you exercise like this every day, and feel very comfortable.

Then Amon put his staff in front of him, paved clean soft grass, and sat quietly meditating. The so-called "power given by the gods" is also often called mana, and operates in a state of introspection. Mana communicates with foreign objects. The magician may be good at different magical skills, but as the most basic skill, the state of introspection is the same, and different levels of magician can reach different states.

Amon does not yet have information magic. Information magic is the same as detective magic. Intermediate magic can be used alone. It is also one of the criteria for assessing the third-level magician. But the old lunatic has been sealed in the pupils of the earth with the information gods to tell him, as long as Amon reaches a certain stage, he will naturally "see" the content of a certain stage.

Amon enters the meditation state of introspection, and uses his power to touch and summon the pupils of the earth. Sure enough, a message enters his mind. As if text appeared in front of the eyes and sound sounded in the ears, the content of the message is as follows-

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