Hearing that the cave house was undefeated, he hurriedly ran to the bow of the battleship deck to watch the slowly rising

tide in the distance, waited for so long, and finally waited until today

, and finally looked forward to the high tide of the sea for a long time

, and now he can finally go to sea to explore, and finally

no longer have to be sprayed by those little blacks.

He proudly said to the audience in the live broadcast room

, "I once asked you to join the Great Voyage Guild, but you ignored it, and now I'm going to sail to the sea, it's too late for you to join the Great Voyage Guild and sail with me, I'm about to set sail now, and it's no longer a rush for you to join again." In

the audience in the live broadcast room, many people were annoyed

, "Alas~ It seems that we have misunderstood the anchor, is it too late to save it now?"

"I also regret not joining the Great Navigation Guild earlier

!" "Please join

!" "Anchor! Give me a way to live

!" "Don't! anchor!"

"We know !! wrong

" "Anchor !!"

Yes, yes, you can't abandon us like this, we haven't seen the sea yet, please take me!" "

I also want to join some great sailing guild, as long as I can follow the anchor on an expedition

to the sea!" "No, the anchor is ready to set sail, how can he turn back

!" "I don't think it's okay, the anchor will definitely not give up the plan to sail for us!"

I haven't seen the sea yet, so I really want to go with it!"

Dongfang Undefeated glanced at the barrage and sneered

, "I can only say sorry to you, if you want to sail with me, please be early next time, okay, I'm going to go down, there are still a lot of preparations to be done on the ship, I can't waste time with you." Saying

that, he directly closed the live broadcast, he did it on purpose, only by giving players unlimited space for reverie, the Great Voyage Guild will have a steady stream of fresh blood to join, so as to grow its guild.

The audience in the live broadcast room was messy

, "~ Anchor, I advise you to be kind, and start the live broadcast as soon as you get acquainted." "

Nima! this thing is really bad

!" "Nima! This kind of person is the boss, it's an insult to the Grand Voyage Guild!"

"Anchor! Hurry up and start the live broadcast!!"

"Otherwise, we'll report you and tell the administrator." "

Anchor, turn on the live broadcast, I want to see your ship!" "I

want to watch it too, please start the live broadcast."

"That's right

, anchor, turn on the live broadcast quickly, we promise not to scold you!!" "That's it, anchor, don't go, let's still chat

!" "If you dare to leave, you will die, we promise to beat

you!" "Anchor, just listen to your brother, start the live broadcast!!"

"Hehe~~ You better save your worries, do you think the anchor is a fool? He did this to deliberately whet our appetites.

"Everyone is smart, of course they understand the anchor's mind, so let's not waste our efforts.

"I also know his purpose, but I'm still curious where his ship is going?"

"Actually, the anchor hasn't sailed yet, he's just playing tricks." "

Yes, yes, yes, maybe it's just a trick to play with us!"

"Yes, the anchor is not stupid, he will never start the live broadcast because of this."

"Even if the anchor starts the live broadcast, we may not be able to see where the anchor is.

"Yes, after all, it's too far away, and according to my speculation, the streamer's boat should be a few kilometers away.

"A few kilometers away, that's the super battleship given by the Administrator, it's estimated that it has traveled tens of thousands of meters!"

On the deck of the shipyard super battleship, the cave room was undefeated and watched the strong dust disappear

, "How is it? Are you ready?" The tide has risen to a water level suitable for the super battleship to sail. "

Then let's go!, have all the people from our guild boarded the ship?"

asked Qiang Dusty and worried.

After all, the first time to go to sea, none of them have experience, what can be encountered in the unknown deep sea is also an unknown

, as the saying goes, be careful to sail a 10,000-year-old ship, there are many people with great strength, in case you encounter any fierce ocean monsters, as long as there are enough players, you can't kill the ocean monster, and it's not impossible to kill him.

Dongfang Undefeated sighed, rubbed his temples and said

, "The preparations before going to sea have been done, and the things that should be brought are not bad, more than 2,000 players in our Great Navigation Guild have also been notified, only eight hundred and sixty-two people are on the game, and the rest of the guild players are either going to work or have something, and now time waits for no one!

Although he was the owner of a super battleship, he still thought that there was no cave room that was undefeated and comprehensive

, he nodded in agreement and praised, "It's still thoughtful, it seems that I can sit back and relax." The

cave room is undefeated and laughed, and patted the strong shoulder beside him: "That must be dropped!" Then the cave room

was undefeated and looked at the guild members who were in place,

"Let's go into the cab to see what the situation is." Qiang

nodded and followed the cave room undefeated to the inside of the super battleship, the

person in charge of driving the pot was carrying out in an orderly manner, all operations, all instruments were operating normally

, "Everyone pay attention to safety! Sit in their respective positions according to the instructions, remember, don't run around!"

"Ok! We're ready, you can go." "


Carrying the pot nodded and smiled, turned around and walked to the console, and picked up the walkie-talkie

, "All units, attention, each unit, check whether the equipment is complete and can be used normally." "

It's normal together, and you can be ready to go at any time..."

Listening to the situation reported on the walkie-talkie, Dongfang Undefeated breathed a sigh of relief: "Great, it seems that I was overly worried

!" Qiang Yang nodded in ashes, but his eyes were suddenly attracted by the small round ball displayed on the meter, and he shouted in surprise: "Wow, what is this, what a beautiful planet!" "Wow! What is this?!!?"

Hehe, Captain, this is a smart brain! This ship is controlled by it!How is it?Amazing!"

said proudly, he was a technical otaku, and he was also admired by this three-dimensional ball.

I didn't expect the super battleship in the source universe world game to be so high-tech.

Dongfang Undefeated patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, the tide has risen to its highest point, it's time to set sail!"



The huge roller shutter door of the dock slowly rose, the sunlight shone into the dock,

and a super battleship slowly moved and sailed out of the dock.


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