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Chapter 283 283 [Rainbow Whale]

Chapter 283 283.【Rainbow Whale】

The weather is getting cooler and people are gradually putting on autumn clothes. Some netizens in the north have already experienced wind and snow, but netizens in the south may still wear short-sleeved clothes.

There is a big temperature difference between day and night in Jiangcheng during this season, making it easy to catch a cold.

Qiao Mu doesn't have this problem.

The essence of a cold is the body's own immune response. Immune cells discover enemies and decide to kill them, thus inducing various conditions such as colds and fevers. Immune cells do not care about the life or death of the owner of the body, so sometimes there will be an immune storm. If it happens, let’s talk about whether the virus and bacteria are dead or not.

And he can control the immune cells in the body and will not have the symptoms of fever and cold, which can be said to be very convenient.

Su Hong returned from a foreign land some time ago. It is said that she suffered a minor trauma, but Qiao Mu did not see him.

Du Ruo and Zhou Mingke encountered the mission of the God of Choice game again, and the office became much deserted.

Only Qiao Mu and Bai Lian, who sometimes do homework here.

Qiao Mu was watering the lush green grass in the pot on the window sill. Outside the window, the sound of chorus came from the vocal training class. He simply put down the watering can and listened quietly.

"Let's swing the oars and let the boat push away the waves."

He suddenly realized the comfortable life of retired men sitting under a tree, squinting and listening to the radio.

The autumn wind took away the fallen leaves, and Qiao Mu saw that the dead leaves falling into the yard were twisted, outlining the depressing and crazy words of the God of Choice game.

Qiao Mu knew that a new mission was coming.

He saw those words climbing like ants and settling on the signboards of the buildings in the courtyard.

The singing from the Golden Sunflower Vocal Training Class became miserable and sad, intermittent, like the whispers echoing in the ears in the middle of the night.

On it, words appeared.

【Rainbow Whale】

[A person can only be knocked down, never defeated]

[Residents of the Valley of the Wind have been using cloud whale products for thousands of years. Hunting cloud whales is a lifelong job for many people. They are born under candles lit by whale oil and sleep in the long songs of cloud whales]

[Above the sea of ​​clouds, legend has it that there is a huge rainbow whale. It has the size of a giant beast in the sky. It lives on the edge of the known airspace of mankind. Its existence is a world]

[When you boarded the offshore fishing boat, you never imagined that you could see the true appearance of this giant beast with your own eyes, but in the stormy clouds, the huge shadow revealed everything]

[Faced with that behemoth that surpasses human cognition, there is only one thing you have to do, survive]

Qiao Mu seemed to hear the sound of surging clouds and the low and long cry of an unknown creature.

"Going to Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind again?"

He thought of the huge sky-curtain beast he saw last time, but he didn't know what happened to Noah and Enya.

This mission seems very simple, just survive the attack of the huge whale.

Qiao Mu decided to look at other tasks.

He looked towards the Lantian Driving School on the first floor opposite.

At this point, there seemed to be people moving around in the driving school room, and those shadows were blurry, like clouds of black mist.

On the blue signboard, words flow.


[It rains heavily during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road are dying]

[On the Qingming Festival in the old city, it rains continuously. On the second floor of the shop along the street, a drunken scholar sits. Perhaps only indulging in alcohol can prevent him from looking at this ugly world.]

[The war lasted until the fifth year, and the old city changed hands three times. The people here have long been accustomed to the sound of gunfire, to the changes in orders from morning to night, and to not seeing the sun the next day]

[An old friend came quietly, just to visit the grave of his former companion, but he didn’t know that his arrival alone was enough to bring new storms to the city]

[You have obtained information and are in the old city. You are free to choose which side to stand on. However, whenever you can make a choice, don’t let yourself regret it]

"Old City!"

Qiao Mu saw a familiar place.

Thinking about it this way, he hadn't seen Wushan for a long time.

I kind of want to go.

I just don’t know what time it is in the old city here. Judging from the few mission descriptions, it has changed three owners. The war seems to be very fierce.

Moreover, this task also has autonomy, and you can choose to side with different forces.

Qiao Mu decided to take a look at the last mission.

On the side, the orange-yellow sign of Jiujiu Script Kill seems to be covered with ivy. Those green vines are entangled and intertwined, forming the explanatory text of the mission.


[A funeral is being held in the village, but everyone has happy smiles on their faces]

[This is the border of Penglai, a closed place where outsiders may not appear for decades. Ignorance is the background of the mountains, and superstition flows in the clear streams]

[Whenever a deceased person appears in the village, everyone will gather together to hold a banquet and celebrate, making people wonder why the villagers here are so open-minded]

[Some people say that there is Tai Sui buried here that can make people live forever. As long as you can eat it, you can gain eternal life. You come to this village and try to discover the secret of longevity]

[However, at the funeral, the arrival of another uninvited guest made the atmosphere strange. Those things hidden in the darkness that were ready to move also appeared as the suona subsided.]

"Penglai's mission."

Qiao Mu had seen Penglai's missions and props from Penglai before. He felt that this foreign land seemed to have a deep understanding of life sciences.

Especially the fact that an immortal person like Ah Xin is also from Penglai makes Qiao Mu even more interested.

Thinking of this, Qiao Mu closed her eyes and called out to Ah Xin who was in the little witch's body.

Although some time has passed, the little witch is still hospitalized. After all, the injury was originally a direct injury, and she managed to survive with the help of Ah Xin. It is normal to stay in the hospital for half a year.

"What's the matter? I'm taking a short video."

Ah Xin's voice was a little impatient and she asked eagerly.

"What other short videos are you shooting?"

Qiao Mu felt strange.

"I'm just doing some work in the hospital. It's strange to say that I just use this little witch's body to pat and eat every day, and there are tens of thousands of people watching. Is everyone so bored?"

Ah Xin said calmly.


Qiao Mu feels that there are indeed many idle people in this world.

"So what's going on?"

Ah Xin asked again.

"You are from Penglai, right? I have a foreign mission and may go to Penglai. Do you know Tai Sui?"

Qiao Mu didn't hide anything and asked straight to the point.

"Hey, Penglai is a warm and hospitable place."

Ah Xin's voice became full of laughter, and Qiao Mu even felt that he could see her carefree smile.

"As for Tai Sui, at least as far as I know, that thing is just a legend. No one has ever seen the real thing. It is said to be the secret of immortality, but it is not worth much in Penglai."

"It is worthless?"

Qiao Mu was curious.

"Yes, everyone in Penglai can live forever, don't you know?"

Ah Xin asked naturally.

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