Players please close your eyes

Chapter 428 428 Fraud

Chapter 428 428. Fraud


The revolver made a crisp sound, but the bullet did not fire out as expected.

Apparently, there was no bullet in the magazine.

When Xue Youda saw this, he knew that he had been deceived.

I'm afraid the organizer has already seen that there are no bullets in the gun, and the operation just now is to make Xue Youda take out more chips.

Suddenly, Xue Youda came to his senses. The essence of this game is to use bluffing and other means to get the opponent to pay more chips in the first few rounds, so that the opponent has no capital to jump when the probability of being shot is high in the end. Get your own victory.

He was deceived just now!

But now, it's Xue You's turn to take the shot again.

His mind was thinking rapidly. The strategy of this game should be to skip first, wait until there are enough chips on the table, and then choose to shoot and collect all the chips for himself.

As for when to choose to shoot, that's where the game lies.

He now only has ten chips left in his hand, so Xue Youda can only place one chip on the table and choose to skip.

"I pay ten chips to skip this shot."

The organizer took out ten chips.

Obviously, Xue Youda no longer has any leverage.

"Following the rules, you can offer items of equal value as bets."

The organizer saw Xue You looking in great trouble and said in a deep voice.

"Equal value."

Xue Youda was still thinking about the organizer's meaning. Suddenly, illusory tentacles hung down from the ceiling.

Just when he thought in horror that the organizer was trying to trick him or come to take his life, the tentacle stopped in front of Xue Youda.

“Under His watchful eye, the price can be paid and the chips can be deducted.”

The organizer's voice was cold.

Xue Youda looked at the people around him, and his eyes fell on Wushan.

He first took off his coat, watch, rings, etc. and put them on the tentacles, but the tentacles just took them away without giving any chips.

"These are all outside the body. Think about it, what is the most precious?"

The organizer said earnestly and seductively.

"What is the most precious"

Xue Youda murmured to himself, and then he raised his head.

"I bet one of my eyes."

The next moment, the illusory tentacle suddenly inserted into Xue Youda's eye socket and took away an eyeball. Blood flowed out of the hole. He immediately screamed in pain and covered his eyes.

However, I don't know if it was because of the extraordinary power acting in it, but the blood in the eye sockets quickly stopped, leaving only the pain that was still tormenting Xue Youda's will.

The illusory tentacles stopped, seeming to have verified the "price" given by Xue Youda.

The organizer lifted the hood at this time.

The black mist seemed to dissipate with the wind, revealing the face under the hood.

It was a withered and decayed face, which seemed to be either male or female. It had no hair and shriveled skin, like a zombie. His eyes were dull, his cheeks were sunken, and his lips seemed to have been cut off. There was nothing like a living person at all. appearance.

The organizer first took out nine chips, and then raised his head.

The illusory tentacle did not hesitate and directly took away the organizer's eyeball, but there was no blood splashing and he had no expression.

"Is this an eye for an eye?"

Qiao Mu whispered from the side.

The others suddenly trembled, not expecting that this game actually had this kind of gameplay.

Let’s not discuss the chips for now. If the opponent is a desperado and directly fights you, betting on hands and feet or something, then even if you win, you will still lose a layer of skin.

Fortunately, there was an unlucky guy like Xue Youda to explore the way first.

Everyone touched the chips in their pockets and felt uneasy.

Xue Youda decisively chose to shoot at this time.

After all, he had a hunch that if he continued to pay the price, the other party would definitely choose to shoot. Moreover, if he lost another eye, he would not be able to see at all, let alone win.


The magazine is empty.

Xue Youda breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the illusory tentacles reappeared, and without giving Xue You a chance to struggle, they penetrated into his empty eye sockets.

Suddenly, Xue Youda's eyes recovered.

He rubbed it in disbelief and found that his left eye was as good as if it had never experienced the things just now.

Then, another tentacle dropped down and squirmed slowly.


A ball of flesh and blood fell on the gambling table.

It was a shriveled eyeball.

The eyeball seemed to have been dried long ago, without any flowing blood. It fell on the table, rolled twice, and stopped alone.

Apparently, this is a "bet" paid by the organizers.

Xue Youda looked at the opposite side, and his terrifying face did not change in any way, as if it was just an ordinary gambling game.

"It's my turn."

At this time, the organizer said quietly.

"My bet this time is, one lung and all the stomach."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the illusory tentacles sank straight into his body. The next moment, something vaguely visible was taken out by the tentacles. When everyone took a closer look, they found that the thing quickly took on physical form after leaving the organizer's body. , it is the bloody internal organs.

At this moment, if this was a living person, under normal circumstances, the organizer would obviously be bleeding profusely, and he would die of excessive blood loss before long.

Xue Youda's eyes widened, looking at this scene in disbelief.

When he saw the other party signaling for him to shoot, Xue Youda's legs began to tremble.

"This, this is not a bet at all"

Xue Youda muttered to himself.

He looked at the revolver and then at the organizer.

"Don't worry, it's just some boring fat. Even if it's gone, it won't affect your life."

The organizer said in a calm tone, as if he really would not die because of missing a lung lobe and stomach bag.

"It's your turn."

He signaled Xue Youda to make a choice.

Xue Youda's hands were trembling. He looked at the black muzzle. After firing two shots, the probability of being shot was now one in four, which was already very high. Xue Youda looked at the illusory gun again. tentacles and saw the organizer’s ferocious face.

He chose to shoot.

Picking up the revolver, Xue Youda pointed it toward his head and pulled the trigger.

Almost at the same time as he pulled the trigger, Xue Youda realized his fate.

The firing pin fell on the cartridge case, detonating the gunpowder. The suddenly compressed air brought huge energy, causing the bullet to escape, rotate at high speed in the rifling of the gun, and escape from the barrel.

The bullet only left a small hole in his temple, and then it penetrated into his skull, smashed all the brains, and exploded out of the temple on the other side.

There was no revolving door, no reverie before death. Xue Youda's head drooped and landed on the table with a plop. The blood dyed the white tablecloth red and spread a large area.

"he died."

The organizer stood up, and the illusory tentacles penetrated his facial features like smoke. Soon, it seemed that the internal organs were back to their original positions.

"game over."

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