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Chapter 469 470 Now I understand everything

Chapter 469 470. Now I understand everything

"Tai Sui is not a naturally occurring creature, but a strange creature formed in a foreign land that was contaminated by evil gods."

Although the words on these papers were very obscure, cryptic, and full of riddles and metaphors, Wushan, who was well-informed, quickly discerned useful information from them.

"According to the knowledge we have, these creatures were obviously seriously contaminated by that god, and they became what they are today."

When creatures are polluted, they will mutate into monsters. When they gain knowledge, they gain power, and this group obviously has the ability to live forever.

And it’s not just about longevity.

People who have taken Tai Sui cannot be killed under normal circumstances. Even if their heads are chopped off, they can be gradually resurrected. Only the death judge can kill them using special means.

Now it seems that the Death Judge did not really "kill" them.

The Death Judge just turned these undead creatures into the appearance of Tai Sui.

Because the amount of Tai Sui contained in the elixir a person takes is actually not much, so after taking one pill, only one pill will be left in the end.

Likewise, these Tai Sui have also lost their original shape due to the high concentration of pollution.

"These Tai Sui rely on the power of that god to float in foreign lands. They can be summoned to their own foreign lands through certain special means, and they can transform themselves into the original Tai Sui in a unique way."

Kiriyama interpreted the words above and said in a deep voice that only Qiao Mu and Qianyun could hear.

"What exactly is the original Tai Sui?"

Qiao Mu asked like a student who raised his right hand and was tapped in an open class in the third grade of elementary school.

"Taisui does not have a very clear individual consciousness, and among them, there must be a will that dominates."

Kiriyama glanced at Qianyun and continued.

"Under such pollution as Tai Sui, it is difficult to maintain rationality. Most of the consciousness will fall into endless madness, but Tai Sui's mechanism can strip out the remaining rationality among the individuals it accommodates. Eventually a complete consciousness and personality were formed.”

"so complicated."

Qiao Mu showed the confused expression of a fourth grade primary school student in English grammar class.

"Just think about yourself."

Kiriyama used a simple and crude metaphor.

"Now I understand everything."

Qiao Mu nodded repeatedly.

A tainted consciousness does not completely descend into madness.

There are two reasons for this.

One is that rationality will not disappear completely, but in most cases, crazy will will take the initiative and dominate behavior. After all, if he can pass pollution to other existences, just like anomalies pulling and dragging under the abyss, then this It is still possible for the will to return to reason, or to temporarily allow reason to gain the upper hand.

Another reason is that sanity is also a kind of madness.

Just like order is also a kind of disorder, reason is just a moment of peace in a chaotic world.

The cells in the human body do not operate in a fixed order, and the movement of molecules is chaotic. However, humans can still brew rationality. Therefore, the essence of rationality is also a kind of madness.

Therefore, Tai Sui peels off the rational part of the collective consciousness, gathers the sand into a tower, and forms a will that can communicate with other lives.

However, under the level of pollution of Tai Sui, human reason is quite humble. If a hundred parts of reason are needed to constitute a complete person, then the will contained in it should only be one ten millionth part of a single person.

In other words, the more people a Tai Sui accommodates, the more likely it is to be rational.

"Among these rationalities, there is a special individual. This is not because of a strong personal will or other reasons, but through special means, he has become the original Tai Sui, just like those beings who were originally born in foreign lands when Tai Sui was born."

Kiriyama read everything on the paper.

He didn't know whether this was written by Taoist Heming. If it was really written by Taoist Heming, where did the content come from? Is it a real investigation or a delusion made up by an idiot? After all, the words on it are unclear and the handwriting It's messy and doesn't look like it was written by a rational person.

"Could it be that Taoist Heming tried to create Tai Sui and transform himself into immortality, so he left these words?"

Qiao Mu thought.

After all, this Tai Sui looks immortal and is the product of severe pollution. He is not afraid of being contaminated by other low-level pollution. It would be a pity not to be the chosen one.

If Taoist Heming is a chosen one, then he will most likely try to become Tai Sui himself after mastering this knowledge.

"It's possible."

Kiriyama nodded and looked at Qianyun again.

"If the longevity of Penglai is all due to Tai Sui, then the Penglai people should all eat the same original Tai Sui, which means that the will of this original Tai Sui will be revived in any Penglai person."

As long as Penglai's civilization is not annihilated, the will of the original Tai Sui will continue.

Even if the civilization here is destroyed, as long as there are some fragments that escape, the original Tai Sui can find other foreign lands to hibernate and develop again. However, for a period of time, the will of chaos will defeat reason, reducing him to a person who only knows how to eat. Just a monster.

Such existences are called "gods" in many foreign lands.

"This is very similar to an anomaly."

Qiao Mu spoke with the confidence of a primary school student who scored 99 points on the fifth grade math test.

It is known that anomalies cannot be eliminated or destroyed, and will only change with changes in the depth of pollution. When enough people recognize the anomaly, cognitive anchoring will occur, and eventually the degree of pollution of the anomaly will be reduced.

In addition, it is possible for the chosen ones to become abnormal beings. In some cases, when pollution accumulates, they can even transform into gods.

Finally, anomalies are existence itself, and foreign lands are projections. In other words, as long as you become an anomaly, you can exist in all foreign lands at the same time, similar to the millions of incarnations or projection worlds in fairy tales.

Therefore, it can be obtained that the Chosen One can become God's through various methods.

It is not impossible for Taoist Heming to make himself Tai Sui.

"Is that why he didn't take those things?"

Qiao Mu was still thinking about the things in those boxes.

"If this is true, then Taoist Heming did not ascend, but became the original Tai Sui."

Kiriyama thought.

"Then why did he leave these written records here? If others saw them, wouldn't they know everything?"

Qianyun suddenly spoke at this time, and she pointed out the blind spot.

"So, this thing may not be left by Taoist Heming?"

Qiao Mu thought for a while.

At this time, the soldiers carried Hui Jiang up, who had turned into a lump of meat.

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