Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 372 Replacing Equipment

Xu Huo agreed to Ran Ying's meal appointment, but refused her to pick him up.

After turning off the communicator, he said: "This Captain Ran is really too enthusiastic."

"Be courteous for nothing." Shi Youzhi made a comment and let him go.

After Xu Huo came out of the game government base, he didn't go back to the hotel directly. Instead, he went to several exchanges first, and finally selected one of them to sell some of his unused props.

E-level props are the lowest level of props, and the price is not high. They are sold from individual players, and the price is determined according to the effect of the props. Therefore, Xu Huo props that have never been used in the props column, such as "beauty needles" , "muscle relaxer" and other ten items were packaged and only sold 90,000 white notes, while the price of a D-level item was at least 60,000 or more. The stronger the item, the more expensive the price, let alone the C-level item. props and special props.

The money in Xu Huo's hands plus the 90,000 white notes is only 500,000. It's okay to buy a good D-level item, but it's almost meaningless if it's a C-level item.

Both the "bull shield" and "fish skin protective clothing" are scrapped, so he must buy at least one defensive item. As the level increases, the simple anti-cutting and anti-stabbing items are no longer practical. You Qiwen's electrification really surprised him, and he will surely encounter such players who use natural elements as an attack method in the future.

In addition, he also wants to buy an offensive item, the specific direction is undecided, and he has to see what is suitable.

He first looked at the monoculars of defensive props. There are many such as "bull shields", and there are also protective props that release protective shields several times the size of the human body, but these are not what he wants.

"Sir, if you are not satisfied with these defensive items, you can take a look at the latest combat armor." The manager of the exchange said: "Although the combat armor is not as flexible as the props, it is no problem to wear fire and water resistance on the body. If the price is sufficient, it is ok Customized anti-virus models and underwater breathing models, this kind of armor, you don’t have to be afraid even if you walk in A-level chemical pollution areas, and there are also some models equipped with micro-weapons, but the price is relatively high.”

The projection can show the appearance of the armor in all directions, and even simulate the feel of the armor. It looks like a fully enclosed armor, and the price is not low. Xu Huo stopped after only looking at two sets.

The functionality of these armors is good, but it is troublesome to put on and take off, and some props can be used on metals. people fight.

In addition, the price of the anti-electricity and water-proof style is also very high. For him, it is better to buy a light-packed prop.

"I'll take a look at the C-level defensive items." Xu Huo hesitated and said.

The manager opened the monocular, and most of the C-level props within 500,000 yuan are somewhat inconvenient to use, such as time limit, number of times limit, and area limit, and props without these restrictions will limit the type or method of attack , For example, a prop called "Refuse Contact", it will deploy the protective cover in advance when it is attacked, but the target is only the attack of the living person, that is to say, if it is other weapons, it will not respond.

The way props work is its wonder, especially certain props that are specific to classes, which cannot be avoided at all. This is also one of the factors that allow low-level players to restrain high-level players. Regardless of personal combat power and strategy, a good prop Maybe it can play an unexpected role, such as the "fair wallet" he just got, which is a weapon that can underground the enemy regardless of the target.

Another example is the "Stand-In Mirror" by the Chen Brothers.

The same is true of characteristics, Liu Jia's "I call you, do you dare to agree", Frye's "face-to-face negotiation", Chen Tu's "drawing the ground as a prison", these are all unique attacks that are difficult to avoid.

Of course, Xu Huo also wanted to find a defensive item that could evade certain items or special powers, but there was no counterpart.

After hearing what he meant, the manager said: "Props like this are generally B or A-level props. Below B-level, there are no props that can clearly evade props and characteristics, but there are some props that delay attacks."

He reopened an interface, "Like this 'stuttering malice', after wearing it, any attack can be delayed by 0.5 seconds, which is equivalent to delaying the effective time of the attack by 0.5 seconds, but if you can avoid it within 0.5 seconds One attack, I believe such a player will not need this item."

"There is also this one, 'seeing is believing', it is a special defensive item that can defend against certain characteristic attacks, but the premise is that you must know who the attacker is, and you must be able to see the other party. Sir should Also know that some features may not have clear signs when they are activated."

The manager introduced several similar props, most of which looked a bit tasteless.

But Xu Huo is very optimistic about "the malice of stuttering" and "seeing is believing".

After perfect evolution, he has super-evolved in mental power, and his senses are more sensitive, which greatly exceeds the reaction speed of his body. 0.5 seconds is about equal to blinking twice. Although it is short, the increased 0.5 seconds also has a certain chance to be an early warning.

In addition, the activation of characteristics requires certain matching conditions, such as special activation slogans, or specific activation methods and attack methods. Most of the silent and imperceptible characteristic attacks have not been seen by the people he has encountered so far. What lethality, so "seeing is believing" is a pretty good prop for him at present, at least until the evolution rate increases.

Under the incomprehensible eyes of the manager, I chose these two props. Although they are said to be tasteless props, they are C-level after all, and they cost 300,000 white bills.

It was useless to look at it, so Xu Huo left the exchange after checking out and went to the food area to buy snacks.

All kinds of candy came, especially the limited editions. He also bought some special snacks from District 011. After preparing them, he bought a few sets of children's clothes and toys that children like, and brought them back to the hotel in big bags.

When he entered the room, he took out the wake-up doll, looked at his head and called the little girl out.

The little girl who looks a few years old, but is actually the boss of the amusement park is still wearing a little pink hat, wearing dirty clothes, and holding a broken doll.

"Wow!" The little girl's eyes lit up as soon as she came out, she threw herself directly into the pile of sugar, and couldn't wait to unwrap it and stuff it into her mouth.

Xu Huo looked at her, "Are you going to lie again?"

"Hey, there are always one or two smart people in a hundred people." The little girl said vaguely, her eyes slipped to the toys and clothes next to her, "Actually, I have known you since the first time I saw you. A nice guy."

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