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Chapter 399 The Game in the Spiritual World

"Guohua Library, your spiritual world is quite good." Madam Butterfly casually browsed the stacked floors and bookshelves, and turned her head to talk to Xu Huo, but no one could be seen from the place where the voice came out just now. There was a door on the floor not far away that just closed.

She didn't pay attention to the person who disappeared in an instant, but stretched out her hand to grab it in the air, and a giant zipper appeared out of thin air. She passed through and went to the next floor, and opened the nearest door.

Xu Huo's spiritual world is a round tower-shaped library. The exact number of floors is difficult to count. Every floor is filled with bookshelves, forming a huge ring. There will be a door at every interval. What cannot be seen from the outside.

Of course, Mrs. Butterfly thinks that there may be nothing behind this door, because the interior of the spiritual world has been transformed into a large library building. This is already a relatively complicated spiritual world she has seen. Normally, it is difficult to support without a sufficient degree of evolution. The second evolution of the brain, especially in terms of mental power.

Xu Huo is just a D-level player, and his evolution rate is not high, unless he is very talented...

As soon as the door opened, she realized that her thinking was wrong. There are really people who can complete the evolution of spiritual power when the evolution is relatively low.

The evolution of spiritual power will gradually improve with the evolution of people, that is to say, even if super evolution occurs in terms of spiritual power, the initial stage is absolutely incomplete and one-sided, but Xu Huo's internal library building is already very complete in her opinion Now, she looked at the bookshelves that were gradually opening in front of her eyes—unexpectedly, there was also a circular structure behind the door, and the rooms were layered on top of each other, as if there was no end.

Walk forward several rooms in a row, but every time you enter the next room, the bookshelf wall directly opposite will automatically open to both sides, and a new room with bookshelves on all sides will appear.

The bookshelf behind was closed again, and Madame Butterfly felt that the room was turning left and right. If she turned around now, she would definitely not be able to return to the place just now. If Xu Huo's spiritual world was more complicated, she might not be able to return to the tower.

After thinking for a while, she flicked in the air, and a silver zipper appeared, and she walked in.

After passing through the spiritual world portal she opened, she stood on the spiral staircase again, when she heard the sound of the door closing not far away.

"Want to lead me in?" Madame Butterfly smiled secretly, no longer trying to enter the room, but continued to walk down the spiral staircase.

After the silver zipper repeated several times, she finally saw the room at the bottom of the stairs.

The first thing I saw was the things stacked on the table, books, daggers, playing cards, and a black sheet that seemed to be flowing.

Madame Butterfly did not approach the round table hastily, but walked around the table to observe.

These spirit incarnations did not move. After a while, she finally walked over and reached for the topmost book, but before she touched something, countless daggers pierced her body from all directions.

A Madame Butterfly died in front of the round table. Her body was broken along the dagger, torn into pieces like a soft cloth, and disappeared on the ground.

The second Madame Butterfly came down the white spiral staircase again, this time she unzipped a silver zipper in front of the round table, and then put her hand inside.

The zipper seemed to be a thin barrier, but her hand stretched out at a strange angle, as if separated from her body.

This is absolutely impossible to happen in the real world, but in the spiritual world, this is not surprising.

The second time I went to pick up the book, another poker was pounced on the back of that hand out of thin air, because there was a distance between the body and the hand, so in the position where Madame Butterfly was standing, the poker would only go to nothing, but she didn't expect Surprisingly, part of the playing cards swerved at her before the zipper!

The second Madame Butterfly was torn to shreds, along with the zippered arms.

The third Madame Butterfly went down the stairs again.

This time, she didn't reach out to the things on the table. When she raised her hands, a huge golden zipper appeared directly above the round table, opened and slowly swallowed it down.

Just when the zipper was about to cover the table, the white on the ground began to flow, pushing the round table far away.

But Madame Butterfly seemed to have expected this a long time ago, with a hook of her finger, the same golden zipper was blocked on the moving track of the round table again, she opened her mouth and waited for it.

The round table stopped in front of the golden metal teeth, and then melted into something like emulsion, swallowed all the four items on the table, and quickly sank to the ground.

"See where you are going." Madame Butterfly's high-heeled shoes slid across the ground, and the chain teeth opened in the white ground, trying to swallow the ground and the spiral staircase together.

"Crack!" A high-five sound echoed in the round building. Starting from the ground, black covered the original white, and quickly spread towards the rotating stairs and the surrounding library buildings.

"You want to trap me in the deepest part of the spiritual world?" Madame Butterfly laughed loudly, "Aren't you afraid that I will tear down this place and make you a fool?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she smiled, and the dense zippers radiated from her side, and hundreds of them appeared in an instant, and those clenching teeth were pulled apart at the same time, like hundreds of mouths opened.

Feeling strenuous, Xu Huo quickly recovered the black, restored the library to its original state, and appeared in front of the white round table.

Madame Butterfly raised her lips and snapped her fingers, all the portals that appeared in his spiritual world disappeared.

"Your spiritual world is very complete," she sat down at the table, pointing to something under the book, "but there are only three artifacts here, is there something missing in your personality?"

"No." Xu Huo also sat down, "I don't want it to materialize for now."

He was referring to the black flakes that represent childhood personalities.

Madame Butterfly didn't care whether what he said was true or not, and said: "Although your spiritual world is highly completed and complicated, it is very dangerous to put your spiritual world in the open. Here, there will be a way to destroy your avatar."

"In the spiritual world, the embodiment is a spiritual symbol. If it is destroyed, the person will also be affected. You have to hide it."

"Why hide it?" Xu Huo asked back, "I don't intend to open the spiritual world to other people."

Madam Butterfly stared at him for two seconds before bursting out laughing, "You have just super-evolved, and you don't know how to use this power. If you learn how to use it, you will inevitably open the door to others."

"I call this kind of behavior of bringing other people into your own spiritual world called opening the door. You can also call it differently, and opening the window is also fine."

"It's good to open the door." Xu Huo lingered on the woman's face, "You know how to use it, but you don't intend to teach me."

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