Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 625 Discussion on Spiritual Dungeons

Zheng Liang paused slightly, then slammed the door and left.

Xu Huo took the mobile phone on the table at this time, flipping through the fantasies about Xu Zhi generated by Zheng Liang's memory, and then let go of his hand, the mobile phone turned into smoke and disappeared.

At this time, he felt that someone had entered the second building, so he stood up and opened a door in the room, and appeared directly in the corridor outside the germ sample library.

Two players sneakily avoided the security guards and came to this floor. They had just passed a pathological room, opened a locked "no entry" door and passed the first checkpoint.

Xu Huo noticed that they were using props to unlock the lock, and with a thought, he added an experimental sample room in the corridor on both sides behind the door, and put two alien species imagined by the players in it.

"Boom! Boom!"

As soon as the two of them passed by, the door was slammed by a strange species. One of the female players was startled, and subconsciously pulled out the short knife at the back of her waist to prepare for the battle.

The other male player glanced at the bumpy door, and said calmly: "Don't worry, they can't get out, remember what I told you?"

The female player nodded, "As long as the copy is used reasonably, the false reality can also become a reality that is beneficial to us."

"That's right, not only verbally, but also in my heart. Even if there are alien species inside, it is absolutely impossible to break through the door of the laboratory. Otherwise, it is impossible for this hospital to open." The male player said as he moved forward. Go, "This is turning a disadvantage into an advantage."

"A lot of things in this hospital are actually fake. You can see the difference between day and night. If you fight so hard at night, how can you not see any traces during the day? This is actually one of the characteristics of the mental dungeon." The male player said: "Things imagined by the player can become real, but it is really limited. In addition, the player has no ability and can cause little damage to the building. Although the comparison between day and night can make people insane, But from another perspective, it just shows that this is not true."

"Brother, I'm worried that I won't be able to withstand the power of the dungeon after too long." The female player said: "Although the props I took out can still be used, the personal panel cannot be opened."

"I've seen the floor plan of the hospital. The sample library is in front of it. Just take a sample." The male player comforted.

The female player was puzzled again, "But how do we know which samples are real and which are fake?"

The male player obviously didn't have a specific criterion for judging this aspect, so he could only say: "Then just take them all, and you can always meet one."

Xu Huo walked out from the corridor next to him, and the two siblings immediately jumped three meters away and looked at him warily, "Who is it!"

Xu Huo looked at them, "You are also players?"

The brothers and sisters looked at each other, and the elder brother said, "Apart from the players, who else would come here."

Xu Huo nodded slightly, "Your condition looks pretty good, you are sober."

"You are also here to find samples." The elder brother said: "Everyone does not violate the river water, you look for yours, we look for ours."

Xu Huo said no problem, and said: "But there is only one sample library on this floor, you won't be so overbearing and let me change another place, I almost entered the laboratory when I came up just now, it's dangerous everywhere here, I don't want to Change places."

The words are not tough, but the attitude is tough. In short, they will not let the place come out.

The younger sister said at this time: "The sample library is definitely not small, each takes its own and does not interfere with each other."

Xu Huo glanced out the window, "It's getting dark again, I don't want to stay here for a long time, how about a quick fix?"

The siblings looked out in surprise, it's not even noon yet!

But in fact, the sun is already slanting west outside.

"Anything can happen in the dungeon, hurry up," the younger sister said.

So the three of them went straight to the sample library without further delay.

However, the sample library was sealed off by a thickened door, and a new type of electronic lock was used, so the male player's props were useless at all.

"Let me try." Xu Huo took out his "bright red sword" and cut a square hole in the gate with a few strokes.

Seeing him take out props out of thin air, both siblings were stunned, and the younger sister blurted out, "How did you manage to not be affected by the dungeon at all?"

Xu Huo put away his sword and walked in first, saying: "I have been to a spiritual dungeon before, and I know a little trick."

The brothers and sisters immediately looked at him differently. The younger sister gave the older brother a wink, and the older brother came to get close to Xu Huo while looking for samples, "Actually, I have entered one before. Is it difficult for the spiritual copy?" , It’s not difficult to say, it depends on whether the spirit is stable or not, I think I am already very calm, but I still closed the personal panel under the influence of the dungeon, brother, how did you do it?”

Xu Huo glanced at him with a half-smile, and his brother quickly said: "Everyone is a player, I understand and I understand, I will never ask your experience for nothing, I will buy it with money, how about a hundred thousand white notes?"

"You can't even open the personal panel, how can you pay?" Xu Huo had already skimmed through all the cabinets, and said disappointedly: "They are all empty, it seems that I have to go to the next floor to look for them."

"Since the dungeon mentions that samples are available, there will definitely be." The male player patted him on the shoulder and handed him a business card. "I'm not a person who doesn't keep their promises. I work here. You can come to me anytime."

"Kamikaze Express?" Xu Huo raised his eyebrows, "Exclusively for players?"

"Contract the delivery of props, potions, and special items." The male player said: "Kamikaze is my ID in the game. My name is Ayi. This is my sister Aying. The company is a partnership between us. Of course, the main business object is player."

A Yi smiled and said: "In the future, the 014 area will definitely be completely integrated with the game. Players will become a daily routine. Just like express delivery now, high-priced items can also be delivered. This business will pick up sooner or later."

"Very far-sighted." Xu Huo praised. Although it sounds nothing different from the Arabian Nights now, with the development of players, there will definitely be legal and reasonable transportation channels. I just don't know whether this channel is above ground or underground. .

The ground needs the support of the Special Defense Department, while the underground requires the player team in charge of delivery to have high confidentiality and ability. He knows that there are special "couriers" in the 011 area, but the other party is not organized, but a dedicated person. ——Player characteristics determined by the player's class.

There are also many players engaged in this kind of work.

"So you don't have to worry about me not paying the money." A Yi boldly handed him the props on Biejia's waist, and said, "If you are worried, you can use this as a mortgage."

"I want to be your friend." Xu Huo received the business card and pushed the props back, "Actually, the truth is not difficult. To affect people, a dungeon must go through a certain medium. If you can use props to hinder this medium to the greatest extent, you can Minimize the impact."

"This is my method. You don't sink into hallucinations like other players. Do you also use props?"

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