Please Call Me Lord God

Chapter 201: 1 dragon

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The enhancement of technical capabilities can avoid danger. If human beings have the ability to emigrate to space and colonize Mars, then even if the earth explodes, don't worry.

If human beings have the strength of interstellar navigation, the destruction of the solar system is not a big deal. The number of terrestrial planets in the universe is very large. According to the astronomers' speculation, there may be hundreds of billions of species suitable for life in the Milky Way. Earth planet.

In such a huge amount of data, it is not impossible to find a planet similar to Earth, covered by the ocean, and suitable for life.

Furthermore, if human technology is more mature, it will not be impossible to transform planets different from the earth's environment into planets suitable for human habitation.

The only biggest shortcoming is that humans are not technically capable of navigating across galaxies.

Technical power is the biggest savior of mankind, and the G3 observer program does not represent the "only" choice.

As a technical executive of the committee, Monaco knows the details of the operation of the "G3 Observer Program". Although the principle of this black technology is too much unknown.

However, in terms of details, the technical origin can be understood. To put it plainly, this future prediction device only speculates on space-time variables. The G3 observer program is not tried and tested, and occasionally has errors, so it must not be too Rely on this "prop".

"Red Huaxia is an evil regime. We all know that the country is a country that is greedy, shameless, and underdeveloped. There is no real moral concept in this country."

"They manipulate the exchange rate in the market, devalue the currency. And they are constantly stealing the work of the Americans, dumping toxic and crude products to us, and we can't do anything about it, because our company is unable to compete with their cheap products ... "

"Do you still not see these ugly sides? Our country is threatened, and everyone will have a hard time going on like this, and Huaxia not only does this to us, they are doing the same in the whole world. Shameless things. "

Monaco raised his head and spoke proudly: "They won't seriously solve the problem. Instead, I'm worried that this red neighbor will let the crisis develop. As a result, the whole world will be affected. After all, they are not worth it. look forward to."

The members of the committee were not in a hurry to respond. They were all intelligent people, and most of them dismissed Monaco's remarks.

However, there are exceptions. Someone suddenly coughed twice and said Shen: "I agree with this young man."

One member of the thirteen members responded calmly: "Red Huaxia has a tie with our United States, and the 'Committee' also conflicts with the intelligence organization of the other party, and we are unable to restrain the 'Huaxia Country'. In case of an accident, "The power of the 'Committee' is beyond our reach, and I recommend restarting the 'Black Sunday Program' ..."

"Member 7, are you sure you want to use the 'Black Sunday Program' ..."

Several members were surprised when they heard the "No. 7 member" say that the "Black Sunday Program" should be restarted, and they all expressed the danger of this program.

"I disagree, no matter what considerations, it will be a wrong decision to restart the containment X-1780."

"Yes, Committee 7, you should know the danger of X-1780. It is advanced artificial intelligence, but its self-evolution ability is not trivial ..."

Another member pointed out clearly the danger of this scheme.

"It can master all the science and technology of our human beings->> in the shortest 72 hours, please call me the latest chapter of Lord Evil God for the fastest update!

, And carry out in-depth development of various technologies. If left unattended, it will eventually evolve from strong artificial intelligence to super artificial intelligence. If that point is reached, the values ​​of the entire human world will no longer exist, and the values ​​that govern us will be the values ​​of mechanical will. ... "

"You think about it, the" Black Sunday Program "just introduced X-1780 to make it compatible with our technical research and development work. It is a well-known thing. Since the establishment of the committee, it has been studying those supernatural items and intends to Make more progress from it. "

Member No. 7 said without delay: "But in fact, because of the slow development of science, we have not achieved much in this area ... Although the Committee has a very amazing level of technology, yes However, we have also been careful and restrained, but you are also very aware that in the face of the current situation, we cannot help. "

"The G3 observer program has made many mistakes, errors, and prediction failures. As Supervisor Monaco said, we cannot rely too much on that machine. Maybe we should think about it ourselves."

"The committee should make some changes. For better or worse, it is not a good thing to continue this way. I hope that you can consider this plan carefully."

At the end of the speech, member No. 7 shifted his attention to the round table. The only vacant position was the seat of member zero.

Especially about this one, he believes that the other party is also very clear about this.

Member zero is the final decision maker of the "Committee".

And wise like that person, he will definitely notice the importance of the "Black Sunday Program".


At a glance, you can see the ultra-distant and vast East China Sea with an area of ​​about 770,000 square kilometers. The climate at sea level is constantly changing, which can be described as unpredictable changes.

Before it was carved, the sky was still awe-inspiring, and in a blink of an eye there were dark clouds and lightning flashing.

An international flight flew through the wind and rain, climbed to the high altitude, tried to avoid cumulus and thunderclouds, and sailed in the air.

Probably because of jet lag, most of the passengers fell asleep. But others were awakened unexpectedly by the faint thunder.

A middle-aged man grabbed his hair and lifted the blanket off. He yawned, first looked at his watch, and found that he had slept for two hours.

"It should be in the East China Sea. It seems to be landing soon."

Through the porthole ~ ~, he was fortunate to see the dense thundercloud layer below. Countless lightnings condensed in the clouds, like purple, white, and blue electro-optical and electrical electricity like sharp swords, snakes, and veins. The fog is constantly forming and disappearing.

This is a rare phenomenon of electric surges. There are more air currents rolling in the clouds and fog, and the murmur of low noises is faintly heard.

"It's beautiful--!"

This makes the middle-aged man unable to help but pull out the digital DV and try to shoot.

But he just held up the DV in his hand, his face suddenly changed.

What he saw, there seemed to be something in Thundercloud, **** it, that kind of altitude above thousand kilometers, how could there be anything tumbling in it, circling in the interweaving of lightning and lightning.

He was holding a digital DV and stared seriously in that direction.

"Dragon! Oh my **** ... it's a dragon!"

The middle-aged man burst into a shriek and awakened everyone else next to him.

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