
" "Wow, you actually made a fire~"

Xiaoyou was ready to go to sleep, but Minami woke up.

"In the middle of the night, what are you doing when you don't sleep and run out?"

Xiaoyou is also very speechless, this girl can't be a night owl, right?

In the previous life, Xiaoyou remembered that many young ladies were night owls, and they almost didn't sleep at night, or they stayed up until one or two o'clock and then went to sleep.

"I've slept for so long during the day, and now I can't sleep, I heard the sound of a fight outside just now, so I came over to take a look, do you need help?"

Xiaoyou nodded, the howl of the big wolf dog was really loud.

"I'm planning a route

to Hualan City, do you want to come and have a look?" "Hualan City?" "I heard that fishing tournaments are often held over there, do you want to participate?"

Xiaoyou shook his head, he didn't plan to stay too long in Hualan City

, go there and finish what he had to do before leaving.

What good things can I get from fishing competitions?

"Found it~"

Minami took out the navigator (similar to a mobile phone) and showed the latest news to Xiaoyou.

"Did you see it~

" "Uh-huh, I saw it." "

It turned out that Hualan Academy held a campus competition, and the first place prize was 1 million and a rare Pokémon egg.

"Are you interested?" Xiao

You thought for a moment, feeling full of interest.

He originally wanted to go over and beat up those aristocratic students of Hualan Academy, but he had already seen that those nobles were unpleasant, and he beat their children by the way.

"As long as you're interested, then it's all easy to do, and there is another competition before this competition is the King Carp Competition in Hualan City.

"It is said that Pokémon of any water system can basically be caught, and the rules are very simple, and you have to catch the biggest carp king to win, and it has nothing to do with fishing more or less. Xiaoyou

thought about it for a while, and felt that there was no difficulty in the slightest, you must know that the carp king is a flooded Pokémon.

To catch the biggest king carp, you need not only fishing skills, but also strong luck.

Xiaoyou kept rummaging among the navigators, and finally found it, and the first place was actually rewarded with 3 million alliance coins.

Xiaoyou's grandfather only gave 500,000 yuan a month, and the last time he went to buy a little gym equipment and food, he spent nearly 1 million.

This month is only given 500,000, which is simply not enough for training, Pokémon.

It seems that he still has to find a way to get money, and improve the strength of the big needle bee earlier.

"This is also an opportunity to train you~

" "The level of our Pokémon trainer can't be too low, otherwise Pokémon won't be very obedient in the future."

Xiaoyou nodded, sure.

Xiaoyou knows that the strength of a Pokémon trainer is improved, in addition to having the corresponding strength Pokémon, he must also have enough understanding knowledge.

Xiaoyou now has two Pokémon, a kettle that has been upgraded to level 22, and a large needle bee that has been upgraded to level 16.

If it completely defeats the big wolfdog just now, it is estimated that it can be upgraded to level 18.


" "I will participate in both competitions, but I am not a student of Hualan Academy

, can I also participate in this campus competition?" Xiaoyou saw the campus competition and felt that it should be a competition held by their school itself, how could it be possible for outsiders

to participate? "Don't worry!" "

Foreign travelers can also sign up to participate, and you can just bring the illustrated book to register when the time comes."

"Achievements can be obtained in various competitions, and they can also be used as bragging rights in other competitions in the future. Xiaoyou

was very speechless, just a campus competition, it can also be used as a report card, and you can even show off everywhere.

In any case, he will also beat up these noble children and trample their arrogant hearts under their feet.

"Come and show me the route you've planned.

Xiaoyou was very embarrassed to take out the map, and then pointed to the planned road map.

"You see, this is the center of the forest, and as long as we pass through the center, there is basically no difficult way to walk. "

Minami took a look and the planning is very good, but there are still many shortcomings, because this route looks very close.

It is very likely that you will not be able to go out of this forest for the rest of the day, and it is very likely that you will spend another night near the edge of the forest.


" "Do you think we can walk from a path here, will it be much closer?" Minami

found that after passing through the center of the forest, there was a very shortcut path that led directly to the cave of Mt. Tsukimi.


" "Sure enough, you girls are generally more careful, and I didn't find this detail."

Xiaoyou couldn't help but touch his head, he had just looked at the map for so long, but he didn't find this path.

Xiao Yu really praised Minami for her carefulness.


" "Since you think this road is okay, then let's take this road tomorrow!" "

Go to Yuejian Mountain a little earlier, as long as you walk through Yuejian Mountain, you can see Hualan City." "


" "As long as you walk through Yuejian Mountain, you can see Hualan City."

Xiaoyou chatted with Meibo, but he wasn't so sleepy, just now he was a little sleepy and wanted to go to sleep, so he chatted for a while.

Xiaoyou found that his spirit was very heavy, and now he has nothing to do when he chats all night.

Although the path chosen by Meibo is not as good as Xiaoyou chose before, it is not far or close.

Xiaoyou can also hone his Pokémon faster, because Pokémon in the wild don't talk about martial arts at all, and if they don't do it, they will attack the trainer.

One or two Pokémon in the wild will be okay, and if a horde of Pokémon comes over, be careful, be careful, and be careful.

Therefore, Xiaoyou plans to rush to Hualan City as soon as possible and raise his Pokémon to level 30 or above, so in the wild, he doesn't have to worry about his safety.

Because it is still rare for Pokémon in the wild to exceed level 30.


"If you get that rare Pokémon egg, can you give it to me?" Minami looked at Xiaoyou coquettishly, Xiaoyou was a little confused, a rare Pokémon egg is just that, as for letting Minami do this?

You must know that Dr. Uchiki loves his daughter very much, what kind of Pokémon can't get it?"



But you have to pay for it, and if you give me a good price, I can sell you that Pokémon. "

Xiaoyou was not touched by Minami's coquettishness, mainly because Xiaoyou just wanted to cultivate the big needle bee quickly.

Fighting monsters is the fastest way to level up, but although the upgrade is fast, the effect of adapting to the level ability is still relatively poor.

Pokémon also need to be trained to adapt to the increased strength in order to play at the highest strength in their class.

Minami actually found that her coquettishness was useless, you must know that at home, as long as she is coquettish, her mother will be very good to her.

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