Longye really wants to reject Nazhi!

Although Nazi is a beauty, she is very beautiful and has a good figure, but Longye really can't stand her cold personality. Besides, he is not his or her father or mother, so why should he help them rub their buttocks and teach Nazi? ?

But Xiaoxia is very kind, and he also empathizes with Nazhi's experience.

She is the youngest in the family, and her parents didn't pay much attention to her when they were young. They focused all their attention on her sisters, but her cheerful personality did not close herself off.

Longye also agreed to let Nazhi join the team because of his guilt for Xiaoxia. At worst, he would just ignore her!

Although Nazi successfully joined the team, the atmosphere along the way also dropped to freezing point.

Nazi didn't know how to communicate with others, nor did she know what to say, so she simply kept silent. Longye was too lazy to talk to Nazhi and only communicated with Xiaoxia.

However, Xiaoxia is a sensible person. She always feels that if Longye is the only one talking to her, Nazi will be left out in the cold, so she always wants to bring Nazi into the discussion, but as soon as Nazi opens her mouth, the atmosphere immediately returns to its original state.

This makes Xiaoxia feel very depressed!

The three of them walked all the way to the outskirts of Rainbow City, and Xiaoxia couldn't find a suitable topic to break the awkward atmosphere. Xiaoxia was thinking about how to ease the relationship between Long Ye and Na Zi, but she suddenly bumped into Long Ye's back and exclaimed:"Ouch, it hurts~ Long Ye, why did you stop suddenly?"

Ye did not answer Xiaoxia, but ran forward and picked up a Pokémon from the ground. Only then did Xiaoxia see clearly that Longye was holding an Eevee in his arms.

This Eevee has its eyes tightly closed, its beautiful hair is covered with mud, its short limbs hang down weakly, and its breathing is very rapid.

"Too much!"

When Xiaoxia saw the dying Ibrahimovic, she couldn't bear it. What kind of trainer would let such a cute Ibrahimovic suffer such great harm?

"Now is not the time to talk about this, his current situation must be sent to the Pokémon Center as soon as possible!"

Ibrahimovic's situation didn't look promising, and he could die at any time. Tatsuno immediately took out the baby ball and subdued it, hoping to use the life support system in the baby ball to save this little life.

Tatsuno subdued it. After Eevee, he teleported the Cammy turtle in his hand back at the same time, and immediately wanted to run to Rainbow City not far away.......

"This Eevee is seriously injured and must be operated on immediately!"

Miss Joy's face became serious after seeing Ibrahimovic. The lucky egg on the side immediately pushed Ibrahimovic into the operating room. Tatsuno originally wanted to follow, but was severely reprimanded by Miss Joy:"You just Wait outside! Think about it, why did you, as a trainer, let Ibrahimovic suffer such harm in your eyes!"

Obviously, when Miss Joy saw Ibrahimovic coming out of the baby ball, she thought Tatsuno was Ibrahimovic's trainer, and she was a little rude in her words.

"Longye, don't be depressed, Miss Joy doesn't know the situation either."

Xiaoxia saw Long Ye sitting on the chair with his head hanging down, looking annoyed. She thought that Long Ye was like this because of Miss Joy's words, so she couldn't help but sit next to him and put his head on her shoulder. Softly comforting voice

"I'm just worried about Ibrahimovic."

Tatsuno is not angry at Miss Joy. After all, it is not strange for those who don't know. He is completely worried about the condition of Ibrahimovic. At the same time, he is still thinking about how this wild Ibrahimovic received such serious injuries.

"Don't worry, Ibrahimovic will be fine!"Xiaoxia gently hugged Long Ye.

When Nazi saw Long Ye's nervous expression, she felt that the softest part of her heart was touched.......

It took a long time for Ibrahimovic to be rescued. The bright moon had already risen, and the stars were shining in the sky, but Miss Joy had not yet come out of the operating room.

"Xiaoxia, Nazi, you two go upstairs and have a rest. I can just wait here alone."

Long Ye saw the tiredness on the faces of the two women and thought that they were quite tired after traveling all day, so he asked them to go upstairs to rest.

Xiaoxia, who was yawning, immediately showed a sweet smile when she heard this and said :"I will always be with you!"

Although the words were short, they were heartwarming. Long Ye was moved, but he continued to persuade Xiaoxia to rest. He even said that staying up late is the natural enemy of women, but was blocked by Xiaoxia's"Will you not want me when the time comes?" He went back.

Long Ye knew that Xiaoxia wanted to accompany him, so he grabbed Xiaoxia's little hand and clasped his fingers tightly.

Not only did Xiaoxia not leave, Nazhi also chose to wait with Long Ye, and the three of them sat down. Waiting for Miss Joy's results in the hall until late at night, Miss Joy came out of the operating room with a tired look on her face, and the three people immediately surrounded her.

"Miss Joy, how is Ibrahimovic doing?"Tatsuno came over anxiously to ask.

Miss Joy breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:"Fortunately, your Ibrahimovic's condition has stabilized, but you really need to reflect on it!"

The three of them breathed a long sigh of relief when they heard that Ibrahimovic was safe and sound. Tatsuno did not defend himself, as long as Ibrahimovic's life was not in danger.

Tatsuno proposed the idea of going in to see Ibrahimovic. But Miss Joy refused. She said that Ibrahimovic needed to rest now and was not suitable for visiting, and asked the three of them to go and rest quickly. The three people's nerves were tense because of Ibrahimovic's condition, and they couldn't feel sleepy at all. , now that I heard that Ibrahimovic was safe and sound, I felt sleepy after relaxing, so I stopped insisting and went upstairs to rest.

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