Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1135: Did not give up thinking

1135. In addition to sunrise and sunset, country l is basically isolated from the outside world.

The center of the island is full of people, and the monitoring is very strict.

Xu Xiyan wants to escape from here, unless she turns into a smoky smoke, or she becomes a fish.

Otherwise, it is too difficult to escape the claws of Mo Yutian.

But Xu Xiyan did not give up the idea of ​​fleeing, and every day he wondered how to leave the island.

She is so homesick, she wants to be Huo Yunshen, she misses her daughter, and she misses everything about Beijing.

I really want to know how they are doing now?

If Sakura does not see her mother, will she cry?


The whole of Beijing was shrouded in sadness.

Several sisters helped to sort out the relics of Huo’s parents, and Huo Sanyu found a rosewood scorpion from his parents’ room.

Open to see, there are things related to Huo Yunshen.

"Brother, this is for you, it's all your stuff inside."

Huo Sanyu handed the dice to Huo Yunshen.

For the first time, Huo Yunshen knew that his parents had such a wooden raft, and they all loaded his things.

Finished the Huo Jia Mansion, Huo Yunshen returned with a wooden raft.

When the night was quiet, Huo Yunshen opened the blind.

There are some old things in it, the old slingshot he played when he was a child, the first certificate he got when he went to school, his red scarf...

There is also an old photo album. When you open it, you can see his growing experience from small to large.

The last thing I saw was a few photos, one of which was that the parents were holding him who could not walk. At that time, the parents were still very young.

Looking at their photos, Huo Yun squinted his eyes and cried silently. How good would it be if his parents didn't die?

It is a pity that the yin and yang are separated forever, and they can only be seen through photos.

Holding back the sorrow, Huo Yunshen continued to turn back and saw another photo. It was a photo of his parents and his master Qi Yuming. At that time, Uncle Ming was also very young.

Huo Yunshen suddenly remembered, his father’s last words at the end of his life, he said that he was asked to go to Qi Yuming.

Why did he ask him to find Uncle Ming?

Huo Yunshen seems to have not seen his Master Ming Shu for a long time, do not know how he is doing now? Is the body still healthy?

Huo Yunshen decided to wait for himself to handle everything, save Jingxi, and then find Ming Shu.

After reading the photo album, Huo Yunshen put the photo album back, and found a red satin-faced purse kit at the bottom.

This purse kit has a special workmanship, and the patterns that are embroidered with a needle and a line are vivid, with an eagle-tailed animal engraved on it, which looks like a sign.

Huo Yun thought for a long time, it seems that it is not the first time to see this sign, a little familiar.

Open the sachet, the inside is actually a piece of white ancient jade with good texture. The animal engraved with the dragon's tail is engraved on it. The base of the jade base is square, and the ancient characters with strange shapes are engraved below.

This ancient text is not a Chinese character, nor a hieroglyph in ancient times. In short, it is similar to Sanskrit.

Huo Yunshen remembered that he had seen this kind of text in his master, as if Ming Shu would write such a word.

The whole ancient jade looks like a jade seal, and it is like a character. What is specific is not known.

Huo Yun is really curious, how can they have such a strange thing in their family?

What dynasty is this thing?

Is it antique collected by parents?

I really want to know what the above engraving is. It seems that when he has time, he can take this piece of jade and ask him to ask him.


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