Protagonist Aura

Vol 8 Chapter 88: Meet the guardian of the palace again and hand over the chips! under! (Beginning

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Chapter 088 Encounter Wei Palace cut heir and hand over the chips! under! (Beginning monthly ticket!)

"Haddad, I have something to say."

Wei Gong cut heir is a serious person.

He knew what to do when he heard the name.

"This matter of marriage ... I can't agree." He refused.

Ahad's expression does not seem to have changed, but it has changed.

"Alice Phil, you go out first."

"Yes, grandpa."

Alice Phil is a man-made person and knows that she is the container of the next Holy Grail, but she is very grateful to the Einzbelen family for her life.

"Then we can continue to say, why should we refuse?"

Ahad married Alice Fell to Wei Gongqi heir to tie Wei Gong Qi he to Ainzbelen's boat, but he was okay and directly refused.

Sure enough, there is no picture?

"I promised someone that I would recommend him when I met Alice Phil."

However, Wei Gong Qi is a very serious person. Under normal circumstances, he does not lie, because he thinks that he needs to lie more to lie than to lie. It is better to tell the truth from the beginning.

"Promised others?"

Who wants to meet Alice Phil? Could it be said that they were going to expose Alice Phil as the Holy Grail this time?

This was originally their greatest reliance, and it took the efforts of several generations to make the Holy Grail into a humanoid man-made man.

But now it is exposed?

"Patriarch, please be assured that even if it is not a marriage, I will definitely offer the Holy Grail for Einzberen. And if Miss Alice Phil can be given to that man, then ..." De's heart is already in trouble, but he still strictly abides by his previous transaction with Night God Moon.

"Good to say, I really did not misread people."

However, it was very abrupt, and the voice came from this room, obviously there were only two of them but a third person appeared.

Did you break through the enchantment or ... just ignore it and appear here directly!

Ahad's calm and solemn expression finally changed, because he saw a person who shouldn't exist appeared there.

Blue hair and blue eyes.

A juvenile looking bright and sunny but proud.

"Meeting for the first time, but I will be bothering here for a while for Ilia." Ye Shenyue looked at the standing old man, and could not help secretly comparing.

They are also guys who continue their lives at other costs, but Lord Chong has grown into an alien, and the patriarch of Ainzbelen is still ... at least an old man.

The Jiantong family is really finished.


Let ’s talk about not understanding who Eliya is, but it ’s the sudden appearance of this teenager and ... as if it was brought by Wei Gong cut heirs, the patriarch feels bad.

Did he lead the wolf into the room?

However, although they are not good at fighting because they are good at alchemy, they are not saying that they cannot fight at all.

"Want to do it? But isn't Einzberen just hiring outsiders because of the inability to fight? Not to mention the fact that Wei Gong is now on my side."

Ye Shenyue pushed open the window and sat directly at the window, looking at Ahad unruly. She smiled at the fighting maids called by Ahad.

The maids of Einzberen were beautiful.

"..." Wei Gong cut heirs silently.

But this attitude seems to be deemed to be on the side of Night God Moon.

"..." The patriarch was silent.

He might be thinking about bringing the wolf into the room.

But Night God Moon continued, "Let ’s do it like this, let ’s make a deal, Wei Gong cut heirs continue to be hired by you to get the Holy Grail for you, I do n’t intervene in this matter, and I ... I ’m just going to prepare you Just take Alice Phil. She ’s just a man-made. Have n’t you Ainz Belen always made a man-made man? And Alice Phil is actually just one of them. So ... "

"This is impossible!"

Ahad shook his sleeve.

If Night God Moon just wanted a random cyborg, then he might still consider it, but Alice Phil couldn't.

She is the container of the holy grail that has been prepared, and is a different kind of cyborg. It is the finished product after thousands of thousands of products!

This cannot be easily given to outsiders. The cut heir to Wei Gong was to tie him to the boat, and then rely on the relationship between the couple to participate in the Holy Grail.

But it's impossible to just give someone who doesn't know the details at all.

Not to mention that the other party easily broke through the barrier and appeared here.

"The Holy Grail still has eight years to start. I just want her to give me an Ilia ... what's the point?"

Night God Moon reached his forehead. But when he looked up, his eyes became ridiculed.

"And ... do you think you have the capital to refuse? What a joke!"

If it is to cut the heir to Wei Gong, then directly marry Alice Phil, but if it is his turn?

Who said that a high-pressure dead man?

Now he is a false protagonist, but what about Wei Gong? It's just a male wear now. But Ahad accepted the palace heir and rejected him.

Stains, this really makes people ... quite uncomfortable!

As a person with a narrow heart, although he knew that Ahad was hiring the heir to the guard palace and then wooing him, and he was just an uninvited guest who suddenly broke in, this direct rejection was really uncomfortable.

He was angry.

Ye Shenyue's right hand was pulled out of his pocket, which was a dagger.

Ordinary dagger.

"Now I ask you again, do you want Alice Phil to marry me!"

He said so.

Then he threw a dagger.

It's just an ordinary dagger, and I can't feel the special magical breath.

But soon! high speed.

If he can't throw this speed with his power, the speed of this night **** moon is very fast.

Wei Gong cut heir standing on the side but watching carefully. Although he agreed to the night **** moon transaction, it does not mean that he has always been in a disadvantage.

For example, now he is observing the night **** moon. Ye Shenyue exploded a little at first, which seemed to him to be too unstable. Of course, even if he thought so, he watched the dagger shoot at Ahad. As hired, he should stop it, but Nor did it stop.

Because Ahad has made a protective cover. The magic shield can completely block the dagger.


Wei Gong's pupils couldn't help but widen because Ahad's left chest was inserted.

The moment the dagger first hit the shield, the shield collapsed and Ahad made a move.

ps: Isn't it because the update is not active in two days? The drop in the number of subscribers is startling.

However, Merry Christmas! ..

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