Protagonist Aura

Vol 8 Chapter 91: Obedience (Beg monthly ticket!)

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Chapter 091 Obedience! (Beginning monthly ticket!)

When Alice Eiffel was about to be taken away by the night **** moon, Qi Gong and Ahad appeared.

"Grandpa?" Alice Phil is definitely a simple girl. For example, she is now asking Ahad for help.

At the same time looking at Wei Gong cut heir, she did not understand this man who seems to have a story, but after she was ordered by the grandfather, the grandfather said that she would marry this person.

The most inherited by the Einsbell family is loyalty, whether it is a maid or ... Alice Phil who is the container of the Holy Grail.

She knows that the Holy Grail is willing to sacrifice her mission for Ainz Belen, and she will firmly fulfill this ideal.

Because she is very obedient.

So I listen to Ahad.

She remembered it after Ahad said she was going to be married to Wei Gongqi.

Judging from the knowledge she learned, if she is a married woman, she should abide by her husband's chastity and ethics. If she is held by other men who are not husbands like this, then she must not Allowed.

However, Wei Gong's cut heir was looking down, not looking at her.

Isn't he the one that grandpa appointed her to marry?

Ahad was expressionless, or a little more like a face, "Alice Phil, you will marry this man for eight years from today."


The girl's eyes were even more surprised.

"..." However, Ahad did not want to say more. He could tell that he was almost killed by this sudden man of unknown origin, so he had to marry her to him?

This kind of thing is definitely not what a patriarch can say.

So he kept silent, but he was even more thinking about what kind of holy relics he would cut for Wei Gong in the next eight years.

Join the Holy Grail to summon legendary heroes.

Must be a more powerful servant!

The last time he participated in the Holy Grail battle was to summon an unnamed servant, but in the end it was a fiasco, so instead of summoning an indeterminate servant, it is better to summon an identifiable slave.

And this requires holy relics associated with those heroes.

He happened to be informed of a holy relic.

King Arthur's scabbard, Avalon.

Wei Gong cut heirs does not seem to be very outstanding, and at this time the follower is strong enough to add it.

At this point, Ahad never gave up the Holy Grail, and the night **** moon was just a wave, and he still couldn't stop him.

Can't stop him.

Unable to stop the night **** moon.

"Have you heard? Even the patriarch agreed, so it's not good to struggle ..."

Night God Moon held Alice Phil's body at all without stopping, even if Ahad's words passed directly.

Ahad didn't squint, but the palace palace heir didn't speak. He didn't talk to Alice Phil.

"Will you regret it?" Ahad asked.

"Do not……"

Wei Gong cut his head and shook his head, "No."

Will not regret it.

Just after Night God Moon left in the living room, he had heard Ahad explain the purpose of Alice Phil.

He knows that Alice Phil is actually just a container for the holy grail of human form, even if it looks like a human or a real person, but she is the container of the holy grail, and will truly become the holy grail in the battle of the holy grail!

Watching a human turn into an artifact.

He can see things like this, but it is hard to say whether he will regret it or not.

but now.

It ’s just because they do n’t use it, so that even if it turns her into a holy grail container, he wo n’t be too much to give up.

And the only woman he likes is ...

Only when she was a child, Xia Li was killed in the crowd because of her father's research.

Therefore, Wei Gong has no regrets.

"I will find you the holy relics of powerful heroes, and the final summoning will be your own."

Ahad could see that Emperor Wei Gong didn't struggle, but in the end it seemed to be comforting and reminding himself of the goals he set for himself.

He was quite angry with Night God Moon, but his goal, his wish from his family of Ainz Belen, would not change!

You must get the Holy Grail, you must ... Complete the Cup of Heaven and rediscover the third method of Einzbelen!

"Follow the orders!" Wei Gong nodded seriously.


Ye Shenyue was also very careful to close the door of his wife ’s room.

Looking at Alice Phil's room, he knew that the little Elia's room in Dongmu was the one who arranged it.

Because the same style, the same big red bed, the same without much decoration, the only feature is the large.

Very large room. It looks like it can make people run away, but here is Alice Phil's room.

But she is not his prayer. She still has a choice. She likes white, with white hats, white skirts, and white boots.

She also likes red, likes red carpets, likes red cabinets, and likes red scarves.

She has her own interests, this lady is not that kind of doll.

The lady was placed in the center of the bed, but surprisingly she did not escape. Instead, just lying down and not moving.

"Don't struggle?" Ye Shenyue also took off her shoes and climbed onto the bed, using her arms to support her chin and looked at her.

The lady is really beautiful, he can play for almost a year without getting out of bed.

"Isn't Grandpa saying that? You are my husband now. There is no rebellion against my husband in what I have learned to become a wife."

"It's really clever."

Now Alice Phil himself will marry him because of Ahad's order, just like obeying the order. No matter who Ahmed asked her to marry, she would obey.

She has no love for him at all, just according to orders.

If a man with a narrow heart is like him, he will definitely be jealous.

However, now that she is his thing, her purity will be his, and her future will be his.

Then it's time for him to master.

"However, what to do next, I don't have much experience. Although I read it from the villain's book, it is still ..."

Her cheeks flushed slightly.

"Relax, I will fine-tune you."

Tune into the type I like.

Ye Shenyue's hand moved towards the bottom of the girl's skirt.

Touched the white and tender skin, and a slight tremor.

"Ah--" Alice Phil responded, seeming to shrink back subconsciously.

The response was also very good and very sensitive.

So it takes longer to play.

Right, ma'am. ..

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