PUBG: Demon King System

Chapter five hundred and eighty start

Chapter 580

"Maybe he won't be able to figure out how many people went upstairs, so he doesn't dare to go upstairs forcefully?"

Kim Taehyung knelt down to the ground in embarrassment, but there were some whimsical thoughts in his heart.

When people are on the verge of death, they always give themselves some useless hope. This is human nature.

Of course, this is completely useless.

The next moment, Lin Ye's outrageous appearance completely tore apart the last strand of delusion in his heart.


"Linye kills JTH with Kar98K headshot"

A shot of 98K, a neat end.

Immediately, the number of surviving players in the upper right corner instantly became 63.

"damn it!"

Kim Taehyung slapped himself hard, with a remorseful expression on his face.

Lin Ye...

Knowing that this guy is not easy to provoke, why did he provoke him?

Just let the blue car cross the bridge, let him pass, and then go intercept his teammates!

Why can't I hold my temper this wave, I dodge out to sweep the car! ? ?

In the pre-match arrangement, whether it was the English-style game or the Pig Emperor Sexypig, it was emphasized more than once that one-on-one solo with Lin Ye must be absolutely avoided.

But only in the second game, Kim Taehyung exposed a huge flaw.

After Lin Ye killed Kim Taehyung, he did not rush downstairs, but stood in front of his box and made a "throat cutting" gesture.

Such a very mocking action instantly made Kim Taehyung, who was already aggrieved, even more excited.


It's so miserable.

At the beginning, he was killed by a headshot.

To be ridiculed by people standing on the box, isn't this what it is like to jump on the grave of Di Smecta?

The most irritating thing is that this Lin Ye who mocked himself, Jin Taiheng can't even fight one-on-one. Can you tell me that this is not annoying! ? ?

"Kill him! Kill him! He's on the second floor of the building!"

Kim Taehyung, who was cut his throat by Lin Ye, made his mind explode, commanded frantically in the team channel.

"Yes, Captain!"

In that team channel, a messy voice sounded instantly.

The sniper Sai, who was searching in the Zodiac, and two other members of the K-country anchor team were all driving towards the bridgehead.

In their opinion, this wave of 3v1 has a great advantage, and it is absolutely no problem to avenge the captain.

What's more, Lin Ye still has a reward of 250,000 dollars on his back. If he is really put in the ring, he might as well just retire.

"Nice kill!"

Haitao on the commentary stage said excitedly: "98K Lin Yeyi's launch is really extraordinary. The superb shot cut the seat and the instant sniper kill just now, let me see the shadow of the instant mirror demon king in the Solo competition yesterday."

"That's true."

Master Rong nodded and said: "We all know that shooting games are very sensitive to the player's hand. Sometimes the hand feels smooth, and any fairy gun can really be shot, but when the hand feels bad, what happens? You can't hit anyone, and everyone you see will be packed into a box."

"And a player like Lin Ye who can maintain such a high level of sniper rifle is really, very rare!"

Haitao also added: "The difficulty of using a sniper rifle is inherently high, because there is only one chance of a shot, so if the gun is empty, it often costs life."

Xie Yan continued: "I don't know if you have seen it, I just watched Lin Ye kill the anchor of K country, and it seems that he made a throat-cutting gesture, which is a bit too arrogant and also Too provocative, isn't it?"

"No matter what is arrogant or not, provocation is not provocative."

Haitao said excitedly: "As long as Ye Shen kills a great... great player from K country, no matter what kind of operation he makes, I will support him!"

In the words of the three commentators, the remaining members of the K country's Kim Taehyung team also surrounded the bridge head of the West Bridge.

The three vehicles roared wildly.

Lin Ye, on the other hand, glanced at Jin Taiheng's box with contempt, and snorted coldly, "A poor ghost."

In this box, he only found two medical kits and 30 rounds of 7.62mm bullets. There were really no other useful things at all!

And Jin Taiheng, who was already in a box, if he knew that Lin Ye still despised him for being poor after killing him, he would probably beat his chest in depression.

The sound of cars coming from all around became more and more obvious.

Lin Ye's hearing is far beyond the level of ordinary people, so he can capture much more sound information than the average player.

"It came just right!"

Lin Ye raised his eyes, and with a handsome parkour move, he rolled down the window from the second floor, and then fell directly onto the blue car downstairs.

F key,

into the tank.

Do not……

is to enter the vehicle.

Lin Ye didn't hesitate at all, just rushed towards the fishing village to the west.

On that side, there were two engine sounds, and Lin Ye naturally chose to pick the hardest bones to chew on.

"Ye God Ye God, did you kill that Taehyung?"

After seeing the kill message, Rot Menger turned around excitedly and said.


Lin Ye nodded calmly, his eyes still focused on the screen in front of him.

Bear and Rika on the side are also very happy expressions. It is definitely a gratifying thing to be able to kill one of the enemies who blocked the bridge in the previous round! ! !

At this time, because the other teams on the map are still searching for supplies, there is not much battle.

The OB of the event naturally locked the camera on Lin Ye's body.

Just as he was 500 meters away, on the road outside the fishing village, two players of the K-country anchor team were riding a bouncing car towards the bridge.

"The war is really about to break out!"

Haitao said nervously: "But this time, Ye Shen is going to directly 1v2, which is still very difficult for him."


Lord Rong nodded in agreement.

However, Xie Yan, the beauty commentator, smiled relatively confidently: "I think if 98K Lin Ye's hand is hot, the two players on the opposite side may feel that they are not enough to play!"

At a distance of 500 meters, if the vehicles on both sides are hedged, in fact, they will soon be able to enter the fighting range.

So, in just over twenty seconds, Lin Ye collided with the two players from K country.

One hundred and fifty meters, bouncing, moving the target.

Lin Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, and immediately, his figure leaned out from the passenger seat.

The swaying car, the rushing bouncing, the constantly changing distance and angle, make such a moving target shooting difficult for players.

But even so, there was still only a confident smile on the corner of Lin Ye's mouth.

2nd update~

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