Qi Meng Xuanji

Chapter 199: What if I can't beat it?

There are still a few days to be the post-season ceremony, Xuan Ji is relatively more leisurely, because the imperial wives began to change the etiquette steps in the ceremony to train the maids. Taking advantage of a short one or two sky blocks, Xuanji wanted to pay homage to the hidden guard who died on Huixinya.

When Ji Jianshen heard that, like Ji Siyuan, he felt that it was unnecessary, but Xuanji was very insistent, so she had to reluctantly agree.

Xuanji was escorted by Yi Qingyun and Hongyi to the Shen's headquarters outside the palace, where Zhao Zheng was already waiting.

After the three of them sat down, Zhao Zheng raised his hands and clapped his hands.

Eight Tsing Yi people filed outside the hall, each wearing a long knife at their waist. Yi Qingyun raised his eyebrows, and the leader he recognized—Zhao Sixteen, who had led the team to chase him for several months, the other seven were not easy to provoke at first glance, they were clearly the top of the Shen family. character.

The eight people from Tsing Yi walked to Xuan Ji and bowed down on one knee without making a sound. They clasped their fists and said loudly, "Subordinates have seen the mistress!"

Xuanji was taken aback by such a battle, and said with a dry smile: "Please, please, don't be polite."

Zhao Zheng waited for them to stand up straight and walked in front of them and said: "The Lord has made it clear that you see the mistress as you see the Lord, the mistress is the most important person of the young master, and I will entrust you safely in the future."

The eight people's expressions moved slightly, and they all bowed and said, "I don't dare to lose the trust of the Lord."

Yi Qingyun said to Red Wing stunnedly: "My brother-in-law is willing. The eight top killers look at the younger sister. With them, Yue Ni will not be afraid to come to Ji Guo to **** people again."

Xuanji listened, looked at the eight people, and curiously said: "Are you good at martial arts?"

This little white question made the eight masters dumbfounded. I don't know how to answer. Zhao Zheng endured a smile and said: "Very well, uh, offensively, if they join hands, the master will probably do it himself, but they can't."

"Then you all listen to me in the future?" Xuan Ji asked with a smile.

"Yes!" the eight people said in unison.

Xuanji nodded and said: "The first thing is to keep your respect in your heart from now on. You are not allowed to kneel when you see me."

The eight people looked at each other, and finally Zhao Sixteen took the lead and bowed and clasped his fists, saying, "I will follow the order of the mistress."

"Well, let's go!" Xuan Ji stood up and prepared to set off.

Zhao Sixteen and other eight people have always been used to hiding in the dark, so they didn't directly follow Xuanji's side, but secretly protected with Xuanji's convoy from a distance.

Although Xuanji was not out of the palace as a queen, there were dozens of guards around him. Not only did Yi Qingyun and Red Wing ride in the luxurious and spacious carriage, but there were also two female guards, Lan Xi and Lan Qing, which was truly mighty.

This kind of battle is very troublesome, but Xuanji did not raise any objections from beginning to end.

The accident on Huixin Cliff made everyone very worried about her safety. She also knew that as her own, she could face the assassins sent by other countries at any time when she left the palace. For the sake of those around her, she should also be careful Yourself!

The secret guard who died on Huixinya was buried in the Haoqi Garden outside the capital. Xuanji arranged incense candles, flowers and sacrifices in accordance with the customs of the previous life, bowed and worshiped, and then pulled out the weeds in front of the tomb by himself and wiped the tombstone clean. The brother-in-law and Lan Qing and Lan Xi were not asked to help.

After finishing everything, Xuanji sat in front of the tomb and rested, looking at the tombstone and whispered: "I'm sorry, you killed me, but I only learned that your name is Zhao Zihua today. To be honest, I don't even remember your appearance. Have you reincarnated? The eldest brother Guichai below is very nice, please ask him to find a good person for you, and have both parents in the next life. You are a good person to marry a beautiful wife. He should agree your!"

Yi Qingyun watched Xuanji say something to the tombstone for a while from a distance, and couldn't help saying: "The little girl has a very good heart!"

Red Wing said indifferently: "Women's kindness, I don't know how many people will die for her in the future, can she come over?"

"I finally know why the little girl has been reluctant to marry Shen Jian." Yi Qingyun looked at Red Wing with a wry smile.

Hong Wing raised his eyebrows, knowing that he must have the next sentence.


"You and Shen Jian are the same type of person, and the little girl is different from you."

After the worship service was over, Xuanji did not go back to the palace directly, but went back to the Prince's Mansion first, summoned Zhao Sixteen and other eight people to start "leadership talk".

“I’m meeting with you for the first time, and I want to know about your specialties. You are all the top figures in the Shen’s killer group. I believe that the director’s strength is not only martial arts.” In order to cooperate seamlessly in the future, Xuanji believes that it is very important to understand their specialties. important.

Zhao Sixteen is obviously the big boss of these people, and the representative who heard that said: "I and Zhao Shisan are good at swordsmanship, Zhao Wu and Zhao Jiu are good at using drugs, Zhao Jiu is good at disguising and hiding, Zhao Niansi is good at light work, Zhao Thirty-six is ​​good at hidden weapons, and Zhao Shiyi is good at organs."

Xuanji nodded secretly, really each has its own strengths, very good!

But how do their names are numbers? It's too random to name them!

"Uh, do you have a family?" This question is a bit redundant. Judging from the name, all these people are also orphans.

Sure enough, the eight people shook their heads together.

Xuanji sighed and said: "Understood!"

"Now I ask you a question, if someone wants to take me away, and the other party is stronger than the eight of you combined, what should you do?"

"Impossible!" Zhao Sixteen did not blink his eyes.

Gee! Really confident enough!

"I mean if!" Xuanji insisted.

"Desperately protect the mistress, and even the last person in the fight will not give up!" Zhao Shiliu cut the line.

Xuanji shook her head and said, "Are you really from the Shen family?"

The eight people looked at Xuanji in confusion, not knowing what it meant.

Xuanji said: "If you are from the Shen family, how can you do such an obvious loss? Since the other party just wanted to hijack me instead of killing me, wouldn't it be a pity that you gave your lives for nothing?"

Zhao Sixteen said in a deep voice: "It is my responsibility to protect the mistress. If I watch the mistress be robbed, I wait for life and death and stand by, so why should I wait?"

"Stupid!" Xuanji thought of the deadly guard named Zhao Zihua lying under the Haoqi Garden, and said loudly: "Have you ever thought that after you die, I will still be robbed by the enemy, and even a letter for help There are no people. When your Patriarch finds out that something is wrong with me, you have to send someone to find out who took me away. How much rescue time will I waste?"

Zhao Sixteen was shocked, and turned to Zhao Twenty-four, who is good at light work, "If the mistress said something happened, you should get out and report to the Lord!"

Very good, I know the workarounds, but obviously the workarounds are not thorough enough.

"Zhao Niansi wants to get out, and you want to get out too! Keep a little more strength, and save me more surely!" Xuanji said flatly.

Zhao Sixteen thought about it, and finally nodded!

Touching everyone feebly, this is yesterday's share, ah, fortunately, there is no need to change recently.

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Ghost Mother Yasha Nine Insects Book Number: 1117149

Immersion in a pig cage, a dead husband, and being falsely accused of adultery are the dead ends that the heroine will face after crossing. A dark history of heroine struggles, watching how a teenage daughter-in-law takes her son to live in this world, everything is in the ghost mother Yasha.

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