Qin Official

Chapter 73 Minors Protection Law?

On the 20th day of the twelfth lunar month in the twenty-first year of the Qin Dynasty, days of rain and snow finally ended. Under the winter sun in Anlu, the temperature began to rise. The Shiwu farmers who had been staying at home to avoid the cold in the past few days also began to go out for activities. The headline in their chat was naturally the "Chaoyang Li Tongtong Tomb Robbery Case" that shocked the entire Anlu County a few days ago!

In the Anlu County Prison, after days of interrogation by jail guards, the case was basically settled and came to an end...

In this case, Heifu, the head of the Huyang Pavilion, discovered the truth behind the anonymous letter and followed the clues to capture the tomb robber and the scumbag Boyu. As an important witness, he was summoned to the county seat for several days to participate in the trial.

During the interrogation, Mr. Xi still performed normally, followed the terms of Qin's laws accurately, and peeled off the cocoon. The thieves were defeated by his continuous questioning and confessed their crimes one after another. Even if they refused to admit it, there was dense evidence. He lowered his head in front of him.

Among them, the most heinous crime was the tomb robber leader who pretended to be "Chang" but his real name was "Zang".

According to Xi's investigation, this "orangutan" was originally a public official from Jiangling County, Nanjun County. He robbed Chu tombs in Yiling and Jiangling several times. After being reported, he abandoned his family and children and fled to Xinshi County. After hiding in the mountains and forests of Xinshi for several months, the orangutan changed his name and called himself "Chang" and began to reorganize the tomb robbing gang. They lurked day and night and damaged many tombs in Xinshi and Anlu. The Douxin Tomb in Anlu was the biggest crime...

The several accomplices of the orangutan, except for the young man Xing and the unlucky guy who died, were from Chu, the rest were all from Qin, or were wanderers who were hiding like the orangutan, or were poor men nearby. These three Qin people were all sentenced to "tattooing as Chengdan" for the crime of "stealing tombs", that is, tattooing on their faces, and joined the engineering operation team of Anlu County. There was no prison term and it was permanent...

As for the orangutan himself, as the organizer of this tomb robbery, his crime is more serious. In addition to the crime of "robbery", he also has the crimes of "general Yang", "recidivist", "instigation", etc., and he will be punished for several crimes concurrently. , and finally sentenced to the crueler punishment in Qin Law: the car was broken!

The splitting of the chariot is also called "huán" (huán), which is later known as the dismemberment of the body by five horses. You don't need to explain too much to understand what a terrible punishment this is. And it was different from the "beating punishment" that Heifu was sentenced to before when he captured the murderous thief, which was to be dismembered and humiliated after death, but Cheli was to have his body torn apart alive in public...

Even though the orangutan was a daring villain who dared to wear the clothes of the dead, his face was pale and his eyes were dull when facing such torture. He is not the only one who is unlucky. Even his parents, wife, and children will all become slaves and concubines.

After the verdict was pronounced, Xi asked people to summon the young man "Xing" who was pulled up from the tomb by Hei Fu.

Next, was the most surprising part of this trial. Hei Fu knew for the first time that Qin State had a law for the protection of minors!

Xi first asked Xing again about his place of origin and age. Xing claimed to be a native of E, Chu State, and lived in Xiakou. His parents died in the flood the year before last. He was helpless. Under the temptation of a fellow villager who gave him food, he followed him across the river to Anlu, Qin State, and was forced to join a tomb robbing gang. .

Xing said he was 14 years old, but Xi didn't believe it. He said: "In the sixteenth year of this king's reign, he first ordered the men of the Qin State to write down the year, and the age of seventeen was regarded as the age of adulthood, and the age of women was fifteen. You are from Chu. Officials have no way to check whether their place of origin and age are true. They can only judge based on height according to old rules. A man is considered to be an adult if he is six feet five inches tall, and a woman is six feet tall, and is called a big man or a big woman. Those who are below this height are called a small man or a small man. Little girl..."

After saying that, he asked the jailer to come out with a "Qin ruler" to measure his height. He measured it on the spot and found that Xing's height was less than six feet, that is, about one meter and three meters. He was indeed a "little man" and was a young man. adults.

It's much easier now.

When several of his accomplices were sentenced to tattoos and even car-breaking, Xing shivered with fear. He only felt that the county prison court in Qin State was much scarier than the depths of the tomb. This time he I'm afraid it's also a disaster...

But when Xi announced his verdict, Xing was overjoyed!

"Although Xing participated in tomb robbery, he was forced to do so, was instigated by others, and his height was less than six feet, so he should be punished lightly. He will be punished to serve as a hermit official. When he reaches adulthood, he can be given the status of a scholar and become a Qin citizen..."

The so-called "Yinguan" is a special institution in the Qin State, a government handicraft workshop used to house people who have been sentenced to death. Those who have been released from prison and their families with good behavior, or the victims who have been corporally tortured in unjust, false and wrong cases and can no longer find a place in society, will be placed in the prison. There, they can do light work and have food to eat.

It can be said that the status of Yinguan is between common people and slaves.

Compared with the appalling car break, this was a very light punishment. Xing immediately bowed his head to thank Xi for his forgiveness.

"It's not me who forgives you."

With no joy or worry on his face, he said calmly: "This is how the law should be..."

Not only was he overjoyed, but Hei Fu also gained some knowledge. It turns out that in the State of Qin, minors who are instigated to commit crimes are not criminally responsible; or although they are held criminally responsible, their criminal liability is reduced in punishment.

And those who instigate minors to commit crimes, even if they just instigate them to steal ten dollars, will be punished! This is one of the reasons why the orangutan was given a heavy sentence.

Heifu couldn't help but sigh, in future generations, those villains who instigate minors to commit crimes, mutilate children's limbs, and let these children steal and beg beside the train station, even if they are caught, will be sentenced to a few years in prison. Too light.

The idea of ​​​​putting an end to crime and arresting it from childhood is very clear in Qin's laws, and lenient punishment for minors can be regarded as a rare brilliance of humanity in the cruel Qin laws...

Of course, if a teenager commits a serious crime, such as murder, the law will not tolerate it. However, executing a minor in public is still not allowed by the Qin Law. He must be imprisoned until he is tall and old enough, and then be punished accordingly. punishment.

Later, the Chaoyangli public servant who submitted the anonymous letter passed away and was sentenced to a fine of more than 4,000 yuan, equivalent to half a tael.

Seeing the sad expression on Quji's face after thanking him, Heifu felt a little regretful. Quji was probably the only innocent person in this case. He reported the crime anonymously out of conscience, but ended up with this outcome.

Heifu originally thought that like Young Xing, he would be forgiven and his crime reduced, but he didn't expect it in the end. This is just because Qin Luli punished anonymous whistleblowers across the board, and there was no precedent for reduction or exemption.

As for the prison guard Boyu who committed theft and colluded with the tomb robbers, he was also severely punished. He himself was sentenced to tattoos and was sent to guard the border in Qianzhong County. All the money and silk gained from the stolen goods were confiscated. Even if his family members knew about it and did not report it, they would also be punished. Being punished as a city boy...

This is because Bo Wu holds the title of "Shangzao", which offsets part of his guilt. Otherwise, he might not be able to escape death.

Heifu had seen a similar situation once, but this time, he didn't have to be aggrieved because "Shangzao" could reduce the punishment.

Because after the trial, the county immediately announced a reward for everyone in Huyang Pavilion for capturing the thieves and getting their hands dirty!

First of all, the title of Heifu, the outstanding pavilion chief, was upgraded from public servant to superior!

The moment they heard about the reward, everyone in Huyang Pavilion congratulated "Shangzao Heifu", but Heifu only cursed secretly in his heart...

"I finally upgraded!"

"Prisoner! Please move slowly!"

Just after the day of the day (13:00 to 15:00), Xi finished his work and walked out of the main hall of the county prison wearing a hat on his head. He heard someone calling him from behind. When he turned around, it was Hei Zhi who had just been promoted to Shangzao. husband.

Gongshi and Shangzao can be awarded at the county level. The procedures for Heifu's promotion to Shangzao have been completed. The brown hairband on the bun on top of his head has also been replaced by an earthy red scarf, wrapping the entire bun. Get up, this is the sign of "God's creation".

Zao means success. The so-called "Shangzao" means having success in the top. People with this status can basically be used as minor officials. As a second-level title, Shangzao still has to serve more, but the land and house are increased, and he can control two servants. The most important thing is that if he breaks the law, as long as he does not commit rebellion, murder, or defection, it can be offset. Part of the guilt.

Hei Fu walked up to Xi in a few steps, bowed and said, "Hei Fu was promoted twice, all thanks to the jailer's impartial law enforcement and fair rewards and punishments. Hei Fu would like to thank the jailer here!"

Xi was still the same, shook his head and said: "I have already said that if you want to thank Qin Lu, thank Qin Lu. If you don't want to thank me, we Qin officials only do things according to the law, that's all."

Hei Fu only responded, and then said hesitantly: "There is one more thing. Hei Fu has doubts in his heart and wants to ask the warden in person..."

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