It's really strange, his alcohol intake is not bad, how could he be drunk today? ?

"I'll take care of you." I felt my body fall on the soft big bed, and I thought of a soft girl beside me.

He sat up almost reflexively, and after seeing that face, he suddenly relaxed again.

"You little conscientious liar, you still come to take care of me? The sun is out in the west?" He took off his glasses and smiled lightly.

Su Yueyue bit her lip tightly, realizing that Xie Haoqiang was thinking of himself as Su Yuexi.

But she still concealed the jealousy in her eyes and tried her best to act like Su Yuexi.

"Yes, I'll take care of you." She smiled and reached out to the buttons of his shirt with both hands. The light in her eyes dimmed. She bribed Mr. Wang and gave this man a special drink. s things.

She knew that when he was in a daze, her face, which looked 80% similar to that bitch Su Yuexi, would come in handy.

There was a camera set by Mr. Wang at the bedside. Mr. Wang promised himself that as long as the matter was successful and Mr. Wang got the videotape, she might get a lot of money, and more likely, she would be pregnant with this superb man's child! ! !

Su Yueyue was already stunned at this time, she looked greedily at this man who was handsome and unpretentious even when he was drunk, and even gave him a seductive taste.

In a daze, Xie Haoqiang seemed to see that woman, this little liar, who has time to take care of himself without going outside?

With a warm heart, he quickly pressed the woman under him, lowered his head and kissed her neck.

However, the pungent perfume made him frown.

When will that woman wear perfume? He raised his head in doubt, and when he saw the woman's point, a strange feeling rose in his heart. Although this woman was eight-point similar to Yuexi, he was sure that this woman was not Yuexi! !

For a moment, he seemed to understand the reason why he was drunk. He pushed the woman away from him with all his strength, and his somewhat blurred eyes became sharp.

"Who are you!!!"

Su Yueyue bit her lip angrily. I didn't expect this man to be drunk, yet he could tell the two apart. What kind of ecstasy did Su Yuexi, this slut, give him! !

However, when she thought of the purpose of coming here today, she could only forcefully evoke a smile and try her best to be like Yuexi.

"What are you talking about, I'm Su Yuexi!! Don't you like me the most??" She smiled tenderly and wanted to step forward to hold the man's hand, but was pushed away.

"Heh." He sneered, realizing that he had been given something bad at the wine bureau. He said that he had always been good at drinking, but suddenly he was drunk and powerless! !

He put his wrist in his mouth and took a hard bite. The sharp stinging pain temporarily made him conscious for a while. Xie Haoqiang stood up staggeringly. A terrifying aura.

Those sarcastic eyes glanced at Su Yueyue, like a gust of cold wind swept across, Su Yueyue felt cold.

She was a little scared. The man in front of her was oppressed by the Shura-like momentum in her life, which made her take two steps back and swallowed her saliva.

But when she thought of Su Yuexi's smug face, she gritted her teeth and relented. Anyway, if she stopped at this time, her end would not be better!

It's better not to do it again and again, under the thought of resoluteness, an explosive force developed in her body, and Xie Haoqiang was thrown onto the bed at once.

"You read it wrong, I am Su Yuexi, I am!!!" All the halo on that bitch should belong to her Su Yueyue! ! !

Xie Haoqiang looked at Su Yueyue coldly with sharp and chilling eyes, as if he was looking at a dying person.

"You'd better stop!!" Because of the power of the medicine, he had no strength in his body.

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