The girl's eyes were so cold, as if it could freeze a person.

"Yuexi!! What do you mean by saying this now!" Yu Man stood up with a look of disapproval, and then she got up to stop her teammates who wanted to directly kill those infected with zombie poison. "There is a 20% chance of being infected with zombie poison by a power user! We should wait! Isn't it too cruel to end their lives now!!"

She couldn't bear it, and there were tears in her eyes.

"Miss Yuman, you are too kind, the 20% chance is really too small, these people are high-level ability users! If they become zombies, they are also high-level zombies! Survive for us now. Everyone here is a huge threat!!"

"No! They are all our companions! How can you bear it!!" Yu Man covered his face and cried.

Immediately, all the people present became sad, and they also had a little affection for Yu Man, who was still so kind in the last days.

"Tsk tsk, what a kind white lotus flower of the Virgin Mary!" Yue Xi mocked coldly.

"Why are you a woman like this!! I have no sympathy in my cold blood, do you have the nerve to talk about others?"

"Sister Yuexi." Yu Man's eyes flashed with pride and bragging, but he immediately covered it up. She walked in front of Yuexi, with the expression of a confidant elder sister scolding her ignorant younger sister, "I know, Before the end of the world, you were the daughter of a wealthy family, spoiled by your uncle and aunt, but this is the end of the world!! There is no difference in identity, we are all human beings, we should help each other and work hard to survive, right? ?"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted the dissatisfaction of many people. After the end of the world, those upper-class people with golden spoons are almost dead, and the rest are the lower-level people. Before the end of the world, they all carried various burdens Mortgage loan, car loan, credit card loan, so, for those who enjoy the carefree life of rich people who wear gold and silver, they all have a kind of hatred for the rich, and immediately, their eyes towards Yue Xi are full of malice.

"Don't you know that the water in your space can stop the zombie poison from spreading?" Yue Xi blinked and smiled maliciously at Yu Man, "I remember one of your team members before. If he is infected with zombie poison, he will turn into a zombie in principle, but now he is standing here intact, so don't tell me, you don't know?"

Yu Man's body immediately stiffened, and she immediately felt suspicious eyes from all directions.

Yes, there is indeed spiritual spring water in the space she was forcibly stuffed by Yue Xi. She tried it and was able to unravel the zombie poison. However, she just said some words to Yue Xi, but now, this In just a few words, the woman turned herself into a vicious woman who hides good things from everyone, but makes everyone risk their lives to go to the laboratory to unlock the zombie poison data! !

However, some diehard fans of Yuman still questioned Yuexi.

"Don't talk nonsense here, how do you know that there is that kind of water in Yuman space! It can also unlock zombie poison!! You are all a lie!"

How long has it been since then, how could there be such a brain-dead? Yue Xi folded her arms, and her attitude was also very bad, "What do you call me lying? I gave Yu Man that space. If you don't believe me, ask other people??"

"That thing can't be completely guaranteed to remove the zombie poison from the body. How can I take out such an unstable thing for everyone to use!!" Yu Man bit her lip and simply admitted, but what she said A few more turns, no public outrage.

"Indeed, if the water in the Manman space can cure the zombie poison, we won't come here in person to get the medicine materials to resist the zombie poison." Feng Wenzi put his arms around Kaoman's shoulder and whispered.

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