Now, she is completely popular, and all the scripts and TV series have found her. Now she only needs to sell the characters of the victims.

Just when she was happy, the phone rang suddenly, Lin Ying frowned, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, it was so late, who would call her? ?

Lin Ying looked at the unfamiliar number and picked it up unexpectedly, but when she heard the nightmarish voice across from her, her whole body stiffened.

Yes, it's that rich boy! ! !

" dear Yingying, you really impress me!"

"Don't think that if I go in, you can escape!"

Lin Ying screamed, her expression a little broken, she yelled at the phone, "The videos you forced on me have been deleted!! All deleted!! Don't try to threaten me! I'm not afraid of you! !I'm not afraid of you!!"

"Don't worry, baby, I mean, after you followed me, some interesting people found me, for example, the director of your previous filming of xx, and the producer of so-and-so, oh right, Guess what someone sent me?"

Lin Ying's heart skipped a beat, and a very bad premonition emerged.

"Let me see, what's the name of the person who sent me the video, oh, yes, Wang xx. Baby, who is this person?? Are you familiar with it??"

“啊啊啊啊啊!!你闭嘴!你闭嘴!我不认识!!”林莹神色几近癫狂的把手机往地上一摔,抱着头变尖叫了起来! !

How could she be unfamiliar with that surnamed Wang! ! That is, after the college entrance examination that year, in the school library, they insulted her together, and even took a video as one of the gangsters who threatened her! ! !

Are those videos gone? ! ! How could it appear in the hands of that rich kid again! !

"What's wrong with you??" Looking at Lin Ying who was holding her head and crying, her expression was already a little crazy, Wang Hao's eyes quickly flashed a trace of disgust, but there was still a gentle look on his face, and he hugged the person softly in his arms. Consolation, but this time, Lin Ying was in a huge panic and couldn't hear anything. Instead, she pushed Wang Hao fiercely.

Wang Hao was pushed by surprise, his head slammed against the cabinet, and warm liquid flowed down his forehead. He touched it, and it was bright red when he touched it.

He immediately became angry and angry, this woman is obviously a broken shoe! How dare you be so ignorant! ! ! The veins on his forehead burst, and he gritted his teeth tightly. Now that many media are paying attention to her, he can't attack her.

Just endure it! !

With a stomach full of anger, Wang Hao ignored Lin Ying who was muttering words, walked to another room with a gloomy face, and started drinking too much.

Drunk, Wang Hao was intoxicated in the beautiful dream he had created, and the sound of the system warning was automatically blocked in his mind.

In the dream, Wang Hao dreamed that he felt that he was the most handsome man in the entire entertainment industry. He had a romantic encounter with Lin Ying. Shen Yi disappeared from the entertainment industry because of the scandal. The pinnacle of entertainment.

But back to the cold reality, he has nothing, except for some popularity and fans on the surface, secretly, he has been unable to move an inch.

"Damn it!!!" He let out a roar in his throat, and then with red eyes, he poured wine into his mouth one by one.

In the middle of the night, Ouyang's house.

Yuexi held her chin and sat on the sofa in the hall boredly, waiting for someone who suddenly became busy to come home.

After a long time, just as her upper and lower eyelids started to fight, the door was gently pushed open, and the familiar footsteps sounded.

She opened her eyes with some difficulty, and when she looked up, she saw the young man who was a little tired, but still in good spirits.

"Are you back?" Her throat was sweet and sticky, like a dessert that melted in your mouth, her eyes narrowed slightly, and her slender eyelashes like butterfly wings blinked.

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