"Isn't this the fashion that the artist just made?" Yuan Cheng looked at his sister with a serious face, "You secretly copied my files?"

"Isn't it just a design drawing? What are you anxious about?" Yuan Xi curled his lips. "I want to participate in a fashion design competition, so I'll use this drawing. Anyway, it's all your company's stuff..."

"You have been studying for so many years, have you all gone into the stomach of a dog?" Yuan Cheng looked at Yuan Xi with cold eyes, "Have you never heard of copyright? Do you know that this is an infringement of the designer's legitimate rights and interests?"

"What's the matter, I don't use it to make money," Yuan Xi said impatiently, "Anyway, it's also from your company, didn't I just take a picture? Why are you so angry..."

"Delete the manuscript immediately! Either you design something to participate in the competition, or don't join in the fun!" Yuan Cheng looked at her unreasonable appearance, and said with restraint of anger, "If you don't have the ability, just be honest. What is it to copy someone else's!"

Yuan Xi rolled his eyes, reluctantly deleted the drawing from the computer, threw the computer away, and returned to his room.

Yuan Cheng looked at his sister's back and sighed wearily.

How can a family of decent people have caused such a scourge of misconceptions...


The crystal chandelier refracts the light with fine brilliance, and there are a few crumbling water droplets on the delicate roses. The faint aroma of food permeates the surroundings, and the pleasant piano sound creates an ambiguous warm tone.

The girl was nestled in the sofa seat, her petite body almost sinking into the soft sofa.

The tall man on the side was flipping through the menu, his actions were stern, and he knew that he was a very serious person.

Thinking of the strong hostility this "decent man" had towards him in the game, a smile came into his eyes, and he walked slowly towards the two of them.

Wen Xiao heard the movement and quickly raised his head. After seeing Xi Fei, he instantly revealed an extremely bright smile.

Xi Fei shook his mind and responded with a smile.

Unlike in the game, Wen Xiao in reality looks more vivid, full of sweetness that belongs to a girl, and she can't help but like it at a glance.

Ever since I dreamed of Wen Xiao, I felt like I was lowered, and I couldn't help thinking about her when I was free. Even the new BOSS Gothic doll's face was painted like Wen Xiao...

When he exchanged words with Wen Yan, he gave Wen Xiao a vague look, with unknown emotions brewing in his eyes.

Wen Xiao was flipping through the menu, wondering whether he wanted Alaskan king crab or New Zealand king salmon sashimi...Well, should I have one each?

"Xiao Xiao is only seventeen years old and is still a child. Sometimes, Mr. Xi doesn't mind if he doesn't act properly," Wen Yan said with a smile.

"Xiao Xiao is very good, I like her very much," Xi Fei said seriously, "Mr. Wen doesn't have to take this matter to heart."

Wen Yan didn't pay attention to what Xi Fei said about "like".

We only met once, and Wen Xiao picked it up first. The two of them could barely be regarded as nodding acquaintances. Coupled with Wen Yan's vision of believing Yuan Cheng to make friends, he was a hundred people at ease with Xi Fei.

How could Xi, a young talented person with such a talent, be able to deal with a minor girl?

All men who don't fight their sister's ideas are good men!

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