Quickly Pass Through the Villain, He is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 294 Chitose is a bit ruthless [61]

Hearing the emperor's Wei Liang's words, all the ministers became even more disturbed, and each of them lowered their heads and dared not speak.

The atmosphere suddenly stagnated.

Afterwards, the gray-haired prime minister stepped out, cupped his hands and respectfully said: "The emperor... the emperor... the old... the old minister recently heard... heard some... some rumors..."

The prime minister is getting old, and when he speaks, his whole body is trembling and intermittent.

Listening to the prime minister's words, the emperor couldn't help taking a breath with him in his heart, fearing that the breath would die suddenly.

He said helplessly: "The prime minister is talking about what rumors you have heard."

"Return...to the emperor's words, old...veteran minister heard...the rumor that someone is nine thousand years old doesn't seem to be the eunuch's news, now...now everyone in the capital knows about it."

The prime minister cupped his hands tremblingly, but he spoke very forcefully, "Also... please ask the emperor to investigate strictly!"

The prime minister's voice echoed throughout the court, and all the ministers in the court were shocked by the prime minister's words.

Nine thousand years old is still here! The prime minister dared to question Nine Thousand Years old's identity in person. He is really strong and strong, and he is not afraid of death!

The emperor was also shocked by the prime minister's words, and he looked surprised.

The ministers lowered their heads, looked at the prime minister, then at the emperor, but they didn't have the courage to look at the living Hades behind them.

Si Li, who was standing behind the court hall, had a flat expression, with a calm look under his thick eyebrows.

It was only when he heard the prime minister's words that his indifferent and wanton eyebrows were raised slightly, and his deep purple eyes were dimmed.

The emperor didn't expect that someone would dare to question Si Li's identity. Now he has a headache and doesn't know how to answer.

The prime minister who didn't wait for the emperor's answer didn't know what was going on today, so he made a loud voice again.

He bent down to salute, with a firm attitude, "Please also ask the emperor to strictly investigate!"

The gray-haired veteran of the two dynasties had a face of righteousness and awe-inspiring, without flinching at all.

"Please ask the emperor to investigate strictly!" Suddenly a person knelt down and echoed the prime minister's words.

Immediately, the ministers looked at me and I looked at you, with hesitation on their faces.

But since there is one person who has become the top bird, it is impossible that there will be no one who will continue to echo the top bird.

All of a sudden, all the ministers in the court knelt on the ground, shouting, "Please ask the emperor to investigate strictly!" '

Everyone knelt down, but the root of everyone's sword was standing there calmly.

Jiu Qiantui held back his sleeves indifferently, his delicate eyebrows and eyes were not flustered, and his thin lips were coldly pursed into a straight line.

When he noticed the emperor's glance, Si Li raised his brows thoughtfully, and gave him a gloomy look with his dark purple pupils.

The emperor immediately glanced away.

Jiu Qiantui's eyes made him flustered and a little scared.

Afterwards, the minister kneeling on the ground only heard the emperor above cough lightly, and he said, "Nine thousand years old, what do you think of this rumor among the people? Is someone deliberately framing it, or..."

He threw the question to Si Li.

When the ministers heard that the emperor was asking Si Li peacefully, their hearts jumped suddenly, and they had a bad feeling.

The man's snow-white fingertips were holding back his dark purple sleeves indifferently, and there was a sinister and wanton smile on his beautiful and delicate face.

That smile was cool and insolent.

With his thin lips parted, his voice was getting colder, but he didn't care much about it.

"I am indeed not an eunuch, but so what."

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