Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4893: Task 19

What surprised Mo Zhengkun was that Wen Xiaoxiao was not at home, not even Liu Xiujuan and Wen Rong.

It was so quiet in the house that you could hear the "gadagada" sound of the pendulum pointer swinging.

Looking carefully, the furnishings in the house seemed to be very different from before. Before I knew it, there were many more objects that I had never seen before. Each one was small, exquisite, and expensive.

Mo Zhengkun knew Wen Xiaoxiao's family background, and it was impossible for her to have the money to buy these things. Mo Zhengkun knew very well what these things meant, but because of this, Mo Zhengkun felt like his heart was being poached. It felt like there was an empty piece. It was not the heart-wrenching pain he thought, but it was like countless thin thorns were pricking into the pores bit by bit. The pain was flowing along the blood, and it was dense and continuous. It was spread across every angle of his body, making it difficult for him to breathe.

There were soft footsteps outside the house. Mo Zhengkun stood up and walked towards the house. After a moment, he heard the sound of turning on the lights, as well as the laughter of Liu Xiujuan and Wen Rong and Wen Xiaoxiao.

He heard Liu Xiujuan talking to the same person in the same tone that used to please him, and then Wen Xiaoxiao's soft voice whispered something, and finally there was a 'click' of the door closing, and everything fell silent.

Liu Xiujuan's voice came to mind in her ears. Liu Xiujuan's voice did not hide in the darkness in front of her. She said to Wen Xiaoxiao with an impatient and disgusted face: "Xiaoxiao, your relationship with Xiao Heng has been stable. What are you planning?" It’s time for a showdown with Mo Zhengkun.”

Liu Xiujuan's tone was full of disgust and disdain, as well as a trace of boredom, as if he was a disgusting piece of trash and she wanted to throw him into the trash can immediately and never see him again.

This was the first time in all the years that Mo Zhengkun had been alive that someone had treated him with such an attitude. He was stunned for a moment, and then lowered his eyes to cover his sight.

Liu Xiujuan's words were like a small spark falling into Mo Zhengkun's heart, but the Mo Zhengkun now was not the Mo Zhengkun before who didn't care about these little details.

Now Mo Zhengkun is taken by Mo He. In order to train Mo Zhengkun, Mo He did not shield Mo Zhengkun from the wind and rain as usual. Mo Zhengkun faced the pressure for the first time, and he had to hold back his impatience and coax him. Li Ran's heart, filled with green grass, had long been oppressed by life into a dry grassland, and Liu Xiujuan's words were the last straw that broke the camel's back and the spark that started a prairie fire.

Mo Zhengkun always thought that all he did was for the best future for himself and Wen Xiaoxiao, but he never expected that when he endured the humiliation for Wen Xiaoxiao, Wen Xiaoxiao and her family had been planning how to leave him.

The most ironic thing is that their current basic necessities, food, clothing, housing and transportation all depend on his financial aid.

The most despicable prostitute who eats her own food, uses her own food, and lives in his own place, but thinks of betraying him and abandoning him, is probably more virtuous than Liu Xiujuan.

Thinking of his bet with Mo He, he had thought that even a year would be fine, but ironically, they didn't even last two months, and Wen Xiaoxiao had already started planning how to leave his side.

Even when he left Mo's house and asked a friend to borrow a house, Mo Zhengkun was not as embarrassed as he was now.

Because at that time, he knew that he would make a comeback sooner or later, but now, he clearly realized that no matter how great his achievements were in the future, he would fail miserably on the battlefield of love.

Mo Zhengkun didn't want to hear any more, so he opened the door and walked out.

The sudden "squeak" sound from the house was like thunder in the clear sky, loud and abrupt in the house, and Liu Xiujuan and Wen Xiaoxiao, who were talking, fell silent collectively.

There were four people living in the house, three of them were in the living room, and it was self-evident who the remaining person was.

Wen Xiaoxiao felt that her heart was beating faster and her lungs hurt, and she realized that she had not breathed for a long time.

‘Click, click’

Step by step, as if dancing on the tip of a knife, the coolness penetrated into the body along the pores, and a layer of fine goose bumps appeared on the exposed skin. Wen Xiaoxiao unconsciously raised her hand to stroke the skin on her arm. Looking up, he met Mo Zhengkun's eyes full of meaning.

Mo Zhengkun looked at Wen Xiaoxiao with complicated eyes.

Because of Wen Xiaoxiao, his life deviated from the course arranged by Mo He for the first time. Because of Wen Xiaoxiao, he did not hesitate to break up with An Ning and break off the engagement, just because he wanted Wen Xiaoxiao to stand by his side legitimately, and also for Wen Xiaoxiao, he Breaking up with Mo He and giving up everything the Mo family gave him.

But she thought about abandoning herself because she could not inherit the Mo family.

Mo Zhengkun thought he would be very angry, but to his surprise, his heart was very calm. There was no violent mood swings as he imagined. He just felt a little sad.

Mo Zhengkun did not look at Liu Xiujuan and Wen Rong, but looked at Wen Xiaoxiao quietly, looking at the woman who made him obsessed with him, and wanted to be with her even if he gave up everything.

Mo Zhengkun pursed his lips, stared at Wen Xiaoxiao with calm eyes, and asked, "Why?"

In fact, before asking this question, Mo Zhengkun already had the answer in his heart, but he wanted to hear Wen Xiaoxiao say it himself.

He wanted to hear Wen Xiaoxiao say those words that broke his heart.

Mo Zhengkun's eyes were like icebergs on the ocean, with little bits of sadness floating on them, but below the sea water was immeasurable ice. Wen Xiaoxiao was shocked by the surging emotions hidden in Mo Zhengkun's eyes, and subconsciously lowered her eyes. Refusing to look at Mo Zhengkun, she did not dare to look at him.

There were many things in Mo Zhengkun's eyes that she couldn't understand, and she was afraid that Mo Zhengkun would see through all the unhappiness in her heart.

Wen Xiaoxiao lowered her head and asked preemptively: "What's going on between you and Miss Li?"

Mo Zhengkun: "What would you do if I said we might get engaged?"

Mo Zhengkun didn't like Li Ran, but he wanted to know what Wen Xiaoxiao would do if she knew she was going to be engaged to Li Ran. Mo Zhengkun intuitively felt that Wen Xiaoxiao's answer was very important.

Wen Xiaoxiao raised her head, and Mo Zhengkun's favorite eyes instantly turned red, and a cloud of water mist quickly filled the eye sockets. Wen Xiaoxiao blinked her eyes, and tears slowly fell down the corners of her eyes like pearls. She lowered her eyelids, mourning. Said: "Don't you want to marry me?"

Wen Xiaoxiao cried many times in front of Mo Zhengkun. Mo Zhengkun always felt distressed when he saw it. But this time, Mo Zhengkun couldn't feel any emotional fluctuations and even saw the look in Wen Xiaoxiao's eyes. Hypocrisy.

Wen Xiaoxiao was pretending, and he could see Wen Xiaoxiao's disguise more clearly than ever.

Wen Xiaoxiao cried not because he couldn't marry her, but because he wanted to shift the blame.

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