Random Shopping System

Chapter 531 Visiting Xilin Village (3)

"Haha, don't you like me like this?"

Zhu Yuanyuan showed a smirk on his face, looked at Chen Ziyuan and said.

"I hate it! Husband, I'm going to have a baby, I'm going to be a father, and I'm still so unprofessional."

Chen Ziyuan's eyes turned white, Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at him and said to him reproachfully, in fact, he really likes him, isn't it because Zhu Yuanyuan cares about him and has no bad hobbies, that's why he fell in love with him?

In college, the reason why Zhu Yuanyuan was able to chase Chen Ziyuan was also because he was very insidious. When he was chasing her, no one in the whole school knew that Zhu Yuanyuan was chasing her, and he was able to chase her when he needed it most. Appearing, this will move her.

For example, Chen Ziyuan was in the classroom and had to go to the dormitory after class, but suddenly it rained, but she didn't bring an umbrella, so an umbrella would suddenly appear in front of her at this time.

For example, when Chen Ziyuan didn't have time to eat breakfast in the morning, she would always find a bag of hot breakfast in her desk in the classroom, and it was all her favorite food.

And since going to college, Chen Ziyuan received a rose every day. At the beginning, she didn't realize who gave it to her, but after a long time, she found that this person was very caring and treated her very well, and also from various places. On the one hand, this is the person who has been helping him silently and secretly.

Originally, Zhu Yuanyuan didn't plan to show up soon. His plan was to formally confess his love to Chen Ziyuan in his sophomore year, because he still had a lot of things to deal with when he just went to college, even if he has merged the souls of the two worlds now , has a strong memory and learning ability, but he is an orphan and has to solve his own life problems, so what he thought of at the time was to learn computer technology, so that it would not be eye-catching, and earn some money enough for his usual expenses. In the future, it will not be a problem for him to get a salary of tens of thousands of yuan a month, and this money is enough to pursue Chen Ziyuan to buy props.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. During a social activity, Chen Ziyuan accidentally discovered that he was the one who gave her flowers and helped her secretly. At that time, Chen Ziyuan made her attitude clear and asked Zhu Yuanyuan what he wanted. What are you doing? If you want to pursue yourself, you should be clear about it. Being so secretive makes people feel uneasy, and it’s too mysterious. Those who don’t know it think they are doing some kind of spy mission!

Perhaps if someone knew about Zhu Yuanyuan's behavior, they might think that he was licking dogs, and secretly licking dogs, but Zhu Yuanyuan was very disdainful of such a statement, and licking dogs is not actually a word to describe boys who pursue girls.

Dog licking is aimed at those who pursue goddesses, and it is a negative word. Generally speaking, dog licking is for women who have spare tires, or women who have become playthings of the rich second generation. Bad woman's man.

If you want to pursue the innocent goddess, then what's wrong with being a dog licking? Don't you take the initiative to pursue it, and wait for other goddesses to pursue you? who do you think You Are? School grass? Even if they are school girls, there are people they like, and they probably won't accept casual confessions from other girls.

In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan has always been very unimpressed by the so-called school flowers and school grass that have been exposed on the Internet. It's just hilarious!

In his opinion, Chen Ziyuan is the real school belle worthy of the name. She has good academic performance, is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, can dance and sing, and is not at an ordinary level. It is also top-notch, even in the forefront of the country.

This kind of woman is the school belle. She only has good looks, or can dance and sing. Is this kind of woman the school belle? The vase is more or less the same.

And Zhu Yuanyuan has always been very serious about his relationship. If he pursues Chen Ziyuan, he is going to live together for the rest of his life. If he doesn't want to get married,

Then why are you chasing after your girlfriend? Is it just for fun? He's not so lowly yet, he won't play with other people's feelings.

If the partner does not want to get married, he thinks this is playing hooligans, and it is also an irresponsible behavior towards himself and others.

People with casual feelings are all scumbags. You can guess what kind of person this person is without even thinking about it. They don't treat their feelings exclusively. Such a character is not worth making friends with.

A sincere heart is one of the conditions for trust between people. If you don't show your sincerity yourself, don't expect others to treat you sincerely.

Zhu Yuanyuan has been in the two worlds for a combined 50 years. What kind of person has he never met? But he himself will not confuse those people and betray his conscience for a little profit. He can't do it. It's actually very difficult to be a human being. In ancient times, there may have been many people with integrity who would not be tempted by others, but after modern times, such people are basically extinct. There are too few such people. Maybe he is one, although Zhu Yuanyuan does not think he is A good guy, but not a bad guy, at least he won't be bribed.

And Chen Ziyuan just likes this about him, she never has to worry about anything when she is with him, and what every boyfriend and girlfriend should do, such as romantic ways, such as gifts, etc. She has everything a girlfriend should have, and she is no worse than others. Maybe she is not as strong as those rich second generations in terms of material, but Zhu Yuanyuan also changes her a new bag every month. Although it is not expensive, one is only a few dollars. Thousands of dollars, but these thousands of dollars are at least half of Zhu Yuanyuan's salary.

This moved Chen Ziyuan very much. This half of the salary, let me ask, who would spend so much money every month to buy things for his girlfriend? And the money is still earned.

Not to mention, sometimes I went to eat, watch movies, and play in the playground. Zhu Yuanyuan even bought her some clothes and jewelry. A salary of 15,000 yuan is sometimes not enough.

After all, the rent in Shenhai City is also quite expensive. One month's rent for utilities plus food costs 5,000 yuan.

In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan also fell in love with Chen Ziyuan at that time, spending money? As long as he can do a good job, spending money is nothing. In fact, this salary is really not on his mind. If he really wants to make money, there are many ways.

And the money you earn back is what you have to spend. Spend it on your future wife, so why hesitate? ?

It's better than some people spending it on those green tea bitches.

A man who has the ability to make money for women to spend is a real man. He always envies and hates other men to buy things for his girlfriend or wife, while shouting and licking the dog. Those people are actually eating If you don't reach the grapes, say the grapes are sour!

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