Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Chapter 41: Cirno VS Dwarf King

   "The old man might as well think more about the abyss of magic when he has time to deal with it. Dealing with that is also considered your practice topic."

   "Teacher, you should learn to change your mind and take care of your body. Forget it, I'm on it, [Drowned], um, it's messed up. Obviously, it has no effect on the same family and the devil."

   A harpy fell down in response, no, it was silent, because the water formed out of thin air in the body made it unable to call.

[Drowned] is not a powerful magic in terms of magic scale-it just generates water directly in the lungs of the subject. In the game, it is just a poisoned HP state that is not difficult to deal with, and aquatic and amphibious races can Easily resist, but, in fact, when the target is a terrestrial race that needs to breathe air, [Drowned] will become the most vicious magic.

   By the way, many of the game settings of the monsters of the Devil God are races that do not need to breathe or eat, or races that are highly immune to abnormal conditions.

"[Drowned [Drowned]], [Drowned], [Drowned], [Drowned]... It's solved. There is no range magic, it is a fatal problem for the output party. However, the book says Shouldn't the harpy inhabit a further place? Why is this place..."


   Dwarf King Capital, Feo Bergana, Royal City, Throne Hall——

   "[CreateFortress]!" Kraunpisi activated the tenth-level magic.

   It is not the fortress to break the dwarf's royal city, but the feeling of buckling a layer of wood defense on the inner wall of this huge hall, which completely isolates the hall from the outside world from the physical level. There is also a small room for Alfin to hide.

   Almost at the same time, Cirno flew up because he was smashed by the dwarf king with a large shield that suddenly became shiny. Smashing it with a shield makes people feel like a skill like "Strike with a Shield".

   Qi Luno didn't find her balance in the air, she fell to the ground and rolled in embarrassment.

   And the dwarf king immediately drew out a handsome and simple warhammer, stepped on it, and rushed over, with almost no scruples about the changes in the surrounding environment, no, there is no such leeway.

   Qi Luno's figure did not suffer any harm despite being embarrassed. She immediately got up and stretched out her hand to start magic: "[Icicle [Ice]]!"

   Several icicles pierced from both sides of the dwarf king...Hey, Cirno sauce, although you are called Cirno, are you really ⑨? Like ⑨, let go of those who don’t attack in the middle!

   But at this time, Cirno kicked her feet, holding an icicle as a sword in her hand, and thumped the dwarf king with icicles on both sides!

   is that the icicles arranged a moment ago are actually closing their positions! It's very smart, it doesn't seem to be ⑨.

   The dwarf king immediately raised the warhammer stand to block----

"Boom!" The ice sword burst into pieces. There are as many as six runes on the dwarf king's warhammer. It may be a national treasure weapon. Even if it is not as good as some advanced game equipment, it is not a magical icicle. Confrontational.

   The dwarf king turned from defense to offense, and raised his warhammer——

   "[Frost Aura [FrostAura]]!"

   When the blue and white waves spread around Qi Luno, the dwarf king's movements slowed down for an instant, and blue and white frost gradually appeared on his body. It was very cold, and Qi Luno, who had lost his weapon, jumped back and retreated temporarily.

   Klauen Pith has seen the level of the Dwarf King, which is 38, which is very high in this world. Cirno has a level of 61, but the melee career is only "Strike Lv1". The current level is poor, and it would be a bit disadvantageous to be hit by sticks. If you forcibly fight each other by swapping HP, you might be able to exhaust the Dwarf King, but does Cirno want to improve his melee combat ability?

   "Cirno, take the sword!" Kraunpisi opened the Infinite Backpack, drew a dark blue long sword (one of the seized items in the Black Knight Infinite Backpack), and threw it next to Cirno.

   This sword can be equipped by Kraun Pith, and it should also be a weapon that can be equipped by priests with melee combat capabilities.

   The dwarf king wanted to stop it, but Cirno stretched out his hand and shot dozens of ice bullets at the dwarf king. It was a magic [PiercingIcicle], which forced it back. Not only was it forced to retreat, there was a blood hole in the dwarf king's stomach, and it was also inlaid with sharp ice bullets.

   "Well, magical warfare will cause crushing, so does Cirno plan to continue melee combat? Does it count as "every mage has a melee heart"?" Kraun Pace thought with a smile.

   Qi Luno picked up the blue long sword and smiled: "Thank you. Oh, this good sword!"

   heard the sound of the empty bottle falling, and saw the dwarf king wipe his mouth, the wound on his stomach was healing quickly, and the ice bullet had been pulled out. It seems to be taking drugs.

   "The evil sword Xiu Millis in the dark sword, really is the demon **** who has killed them." The dwarf king tightened the warhammer in his hand and began to retreat.

   "Huh?" Cirno was stunned. She hadn't mentioned the relationship between Cronnpith and the Demon God.

"Ahhhh, am I not the devil?" Kraun Pith narrowed his eyes. "Are you the companion of those who trespassed in my territory? I was just living in the forest and didn't offend your group. Any race, even so, it still deserves to and I killed it and took the weapon, right?"

"Really, did you say that... You are right. If the position is reversed, the solitary will also kill the shameless invaders of this country, even the heroes of other tribes." The dwarf king is still backing away. .

   "Is it so easy to shake?" Crown Pith couldn't believe it, but there is still information that needs to be set--

   "But, the bodies of those two people disappeared, did they use precious fixed-point resurrection props or skills? Anyway, they should be alive...resurrected right?"

   "Yes, they are... alive now."

   "Is it self-aware that I didn't come after me and there are still two swords that can be used? Where are they now?"

   "I didn't tell you the reason."

"That's right, let me guess, are they named nobles in the kingdom?" Kraunpith thought so, after all, one of the black swords belonged to the kingdom in the original book." "Cang Qiangwei" in the hands of the second captain.


"Haha, the expressions are all betrayed, but rest assured, I have no plans to chase to the end. The kind of ants is not worth my shot. Speaking of this, I originally planned to paint? Is it a guise? I am right. I'm not interested in being enemies with you. If I continue to talk about painting now, I will be very happy." said Kraunpith.

  At this time, the dwarf king has retreated to the throne, and he slowly said: "I have promised, I must beat the existence that brings death pain to the lonely important friend!"

   "Dang!" The dwarf king hit the throne with a punch.

  What are you doing?

   This point quickly became apparent-the two huge golden Grahams, which were used as statues by Crawn Pith, moved! Graham!

(to be continued)

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