Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 284: aftermath

The fiery fireball from the explosion of the tactical nuclear weapon instantly engulfed the entire ruin and everything present.

Whether it was the lone lords of the Medellin Group in Colombia or the purifiers of the South American branch of the Purification Society, they were vaporized on the spot by the blazing temperature of the explosion center before they even had time to react, leaving nothing behind.

And the stone statues that were originally piled up in the ruins and had been burnt, were also destroyed and gasified on the spot at the same time, and nothing like the stone statue virus was left.

It is simply the fastest and most convenient way to disinfect.

Although it is a small-yield tactical nuclear weapon, only 50,000 tons, it is also a nuclear weapon after all, and its power is not trivial.

Except for the glaze formed by the high temperature melting on the ground, and the fallen trees at the edge of the explosion, basically nothing was left.

Silently, everything ceased to exist.

The explosion of this tactical nuclear weapon first attracted the attention of the Eagle Country army.

After all, South America has always been the backyard of the Eagle Country, and it is regarded as its own reserve by the Eagle Country. Outsiders are not allowed to interfere at all, and all kinds of monitoring equipment are also complete.

When it was discovered that Colombia had a nuclear reaction, the Eagle government's first reaction was whether the Cuban missile crisis would repeat itself.

After all, it is definitely not a trivial matter to deploy nuclear weapons in a place like Colombia so close to the Eagle Country.

It was only later discovered that this was only a small-yield nuclear explosion, and it was carried out in the deep mountains and forests of Colombia.

Could it be that the Colombian government was secretly conducting a nuclear test?

This possibility is basically at the same level as the children in the kindergarten next door starting to build atomic bombs, and it was rejected by the Eagle Country government at the first time.

After all, they all understand what the Colombian government is.

Corruption, dictatorship, of course, needless to say, even the domestic criminal gangs can't handle it, and it needs the support of the Eagle Country Drug Enforcement Bureau every minute. Is this situation justified to conduct a nuclear test?

And who is it made for?

Soon, the major countries in the world have already grasped the news of the nuclear explosion in the dense forests of northern Ding Colombia.

A major eastern country quickly deduced that this should be one of the batch of nuclear bombs that Eagle Nation lost at Incirlik Air Force Base in Turkey.

The most worrying thing happened, these nuclear bombs apparently flowed into the black market.

One of the things most intolerable among the five permanent members of the UN Security Council is nuclear proliferation.

Therefore, after the nuclear explosion in the Colombian jungle, several major powers temporarily abandoned their previous suspicions and formed a joint investigation team with the International Atomic Energy Agency to start an investigation into the nuclear explosion.

Including the source of the nuclear bomb, the situation at the time, etc., no matter the details.

The Colombian government was left on the sidelines, allowing a joint investigation team composed of various major powers to conduct detailed investigations on their own soil.

After all, they also wanted to understand how a nuclear bomb suddenly appeared in the jungle in the traditional coca-growing area.

Thinking that in the future, when I hold a parliament in the government building, I may be sent to such a post, and everyone shudders.

Need to investigate clearly. Time passed quickly, and in just a few days, the joint investigation team had obtained some clues and gradually restored some of the scenes at that time.

The place where the nuclear bomb exploded seems to be a relic of the ancient Inca civilization that has not been made public before.

Moreover, there are still some remaining materials and equipment, and even electrical transformers, which can store energy and generate electricity by themselves. Obviously, someone has established a base here and has a long-term business plan.

Maybe it's been around for a long time.

In addition to these, there are two groups of people who have come here:

The first is all the senior management of the group, including Martin Benitez, the owner of the Colombian Medellin Group.

The second is a mysterious organization with high-end equipment. At present, it seems that it is the boss of "Vera Gold", a branch of Brazil's Vale, named Lacelle.

Vera Gold itself is a gold mining company, but the flow of funds is very mysterious, and there are rumors that they are also involved in the exclusive trade.

Looking at it this way, it's much clearer.

Even a blind man can see that this is most likely a fight between two criminal groups.

The tactical nuclear bomb should be the last card of one of the parties. In the end, there is no way to do it. It directly detonated the nuclear bomb and perished.

As for the source of the tactical nuclear bomb, after tracking the trace, it came from a container in the Middle East.

And the source of this container is related to an extremist organization over there.

At the same time, the investigation team also found Martin. In the villa deep in the jungle, Benitez saw corpses everywhere, most of which were highly decomposed, but after DNA confirmation, all of them were killers and gang members of the Medellin Group.

At this point, there is basically nothing left to investigate.

The veins are very clear.

Lascelles' Vera Gold Company also secretly involved in illegal business, and after encountering the Medellin Group, they began to attack each other.

Maybe it's because of the unique product, or maybe it's because of this hidden relic of the ancient Inca civilization.

In the end, when one party proposed a final negotiation or set up a plan to kill the other party, one of the parties detonated the nuclear bomb, and it came to the end.

This brutal method is also the style of the criminal organizations throughout the Americas, especially those in Central and South America.

For a time, Colombian criminal groups that have been robbed of the limelight by Mexican criminal groups for many years have once again stepped into the spotlight, with no two in the limelight.

The gang of people in Mexico cut, stripped, and burned people. The ruthless people in Colombia went directly to the nuclear bomb!

Can it afford it?

Who else?

The Eagle Country authorities were extremely angry.

After all, South America is its own backyard, and someone suddenly exploded a nuclear bomb in its own backyard. Who can stand it?

Originally, the issue of independent products has always been regarded by the Eagle Country government as a way to intervene in the internal affairs of Central and South American countries, so it has not completely eliminated the independence-trafficking groups in these places.

Now it seems that this group of goods has not been put on the roof for three days, and they dare to detonate a nuclear bomb in their own home. Will they have one at my father's house in North America next?

The domestic military-industrial complex of the Eagle Country was also enraged.

Originally, they were happy to see criminal organizations in small neighboring countries grow bigger. After all, they need weapons to grow bigger. If they need weapons, they can only buy them from them, but this time the other party did not buy them from them at all. Instead, they got one on the black market in the Middle East. nuclear bomb.

This is a matter of principle!

For a while, for the people of the Americas who were in dire straits, the Eagle State government began to join forces with other countries to directly send special operations forces into the country.

Start to smash criminal organizations in various countries.

The remnants of the original Colombian Medellin Group saw the news that Martin, Benitez and other high-level executives were all dead, and they were a little excited to finally take power, but at this time they were once again blamed.

The Sinaloa Group, the Bay Area organization and other extremely rampant criminal groups in Mexico originally thought that this time it would be the same as before, everyone was just pretending, walking around the scene, and showing it to the taxpayers in the Eagle Country. , you only need to hand over a few of the most concerned leaders.

But I didn't expect that this time Jingran started to play for real!

For a time, the street gun battles in Central and South American countries continued. Under the command of the military advisers of the Eagle Country, the special forces replaced by the government forces, under the blessing of tanks and armored vehicles, destroyed the criminal detachment groups within the countries in a destructive way.

The well-known criminal groups in Mexico and Colombia, such as the Sinaloa group, the Medellin group, etc., have been uprooted.

After the initial bloodbath on the streets, hundreds of thousands of gang members were taken to high-security prisons or shot in the streets.

The major criminal groups disappeared for a while, the crime rate throughout Central and South America plummeted, and social security improved rapidly.

Of course, the local government's source of financial revenue has been greatly reduced, after all, the large business of tens of billions of dollars every year is directly affected.

But through this incident, people can see it completely, as long as Ying Nation wants to do it, they can completely uproot and clean up those super criminal groups that seem to be lawless.

Depends on whether you want it or not.

The chain reaction triggered by the nuclear bomb incident in the Colombian jungle exceeded most people's expectations. Feeling the decline in the crime rate on the streets, the people of Central and South American countries who finally dared to go out at night couldn't help but feel grateful, and even launched the "Thank you for the nuclear bomb" campaign. It caused a wave all over the world.

Almost a month later, in an office building in Bogota, Colombia, a young female detective Sophie is looking for clues.

She belongs to the joint investigation team of the nuclear bomb incident, and she comes from the Eagle Country FBI. Although she is very young, she is already a senior detective who has worked for five years.

Although the impact of the nuclear bomb incident is extremely large, it will also slowly fade away.

When the cause and effect of the inside were basically understood, and several major operations were organized, the work of the joint investigation team was basically completed, and it was ready to be evacuated from here.

Only seven or eight of them were left to do the final contact and finishing work.

However, when Sophie was sorting out some of the previous documents today, she found a few details that she hadn't noticed before.

Regarding containers for tactical nuclear bombs.

Although the container has been directly melted, the appearance of the container can still be seen in the surveillance video of the port.

The shape of this Although it is a standard container, there seems to be some differences.

Mainly because of the companies it belongs to, the equity relationship is extremely complicated, and the relationships of various companies are interspersed like a mess.

When Sophie finished sorting out, she was a little surprised to find out. There has always been a shadow of a trading company named "Assassin".

This trading company also seems to be related to some contracted projects at the Injurlik Air Base in Turkey.

Sophie circled the clue on the computer and prepared to report the discovery.

At this moment, the investigation team leader Gerald, who had been staying on the back desk, suddenly came behind Sophie, stretched out his hand and pressed Sophie's hand that was about to submit the information, and said in a soft and unquestionable voice:

"Sophie, this matter has been completely closed. You are also tired. Leave the rest to me."


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