Real Cthulhu Running Game

Chapter 155 Prepare to Clear

Liu Xing pointed to the lampshade above his head and said with a smile: "Sure enough, it's still dark under the lamp. No wonder we haven't found the second prop in the living room after searching for a long time. It turns out that this prop has been on top of our heads."

Edison and Xue Jingliu looked up and found the dark shadow in the lampshade.

"I see. I didn't expect the second prop in the living room to be hidden here, but now I think this should be a trap. If we take off the lampshade, the mechanism will be triggered in all likelihood, and the lamp will automatically turn off." If it is turned off, we will lose the light source at that time, and the danger of entering the iron gate will be even greater, after all, if we are in the dark, we will suffer a lot of debuff effects." Addison said while touching his chin.

However, Xue Jingliu pointed to the black shadow in the lampshade and said seriously: "If I read correctly, this item should also be a small bottle. If there is no accident, then this is another poison bottle. If we If you have two poison bottles, plus Liu Xing's pistol, then you have a chance to kill the fear hunter."

Liu Xing nodded and agreed with Xue Jingliu's point of view, "Xue Jingliu is right, this item should be a poison bottle, if we can get it, the possibility of killing the fear hunter will be higher, but Addison’s idea is also very reasonable. According to the consistent style of the Cthulhu running game, turning off the lights is an inevitable result, but it depends on how much impact turning off the lights will cause.”

After Liu Xing finished speaking, he opened his mouth to contact kp ghost, "kp, if we turn off the lights, how much will our judgment drop?"

kp Ghost had expected that Liu Xing would ask this question, so he immediately replied: "Well, how should I put it, it is divided into two stages after turning off the lights. The first stage is the adaptation period. After all, I came from a bright place suddenly. In a dark place, ordinary people will feel that their eyes are dark. This requires a process of adaptation. Therefore, within five minutes of turning off the lights, the success rate of all judgments will be reduced by 40, and after five points, the players will adapt to it. After the darkness, the success rate will only decrease by 25, but because you got the candle in the study, the success rate will increase by 20, and the adaptation time will be reduced by two minutes."

Liu Xing nodded. To put it simply, within three minutes after the lights are turned off, the success rate of all judgments of his group will only be 30, and after three minutes, the success rate of his group will rise to 45, which belongs to the acceptable category.

"Then let's take a gamble, I'll take off the lampshade now." Addison stood on the table while speaking.

Sure enough, the moment Addison took off the lampshade, the light in the living room went out, and by the light of the candle, Liu Xing saw that the prop in the lampshade was indeed a poison bottle.

"Okay, let's rest for three minutes first. After three minutes, we will go to confront the fear hunter head-on. But then again, which of the three of us will be responsible for throwing the poison bottle? Although everyone has a success rate of 45, our The blood is different, for example, I am a European." Addison sat back in the chair and joked.

Liu Xing thought for a while, and said: "Then Edison, you and Xue Jingliu each throw a poison bottle, after all, once we open the iron gate, there will be a war with the fear hunter in all likelihood, and we will directly enter the battle wheel. At that time, one battle round should only be able to throw once, so we have to arrange two people to throw, so I will be responsible for shooting, and you will be responsible for throwing."

Edison nodded, handed the poison bottle in his hand to Xue Jingliu, and then began to close his eyes and rest, preparing for the final battle.

But Liu Xing suddenly thought of a question, and couldn't help contacting kp ghost again, "kp, I have a question to ask you, will we have a chance to pass the level of this module, what do I think It sounds like this module is a three-person module?"

Liu Xing remembers that many modules have limited the number of people. Some of them consider that there are too many players, and the number of exploration actions that can be performed will increase. This will lead to a large amount of information being obtained, and the progress of the plot process will become too fast. , the gaming experience deteriorates.

However, some modules are restricted by the customs clearance conditions. This module can only pass a certain number of players, so except for some malicious KPs, they will deliberately arrange players who exceed the number of passable players to play the game. General kp will only arrange players with the same number of players who can pass the level to play the game.

So Liu Xing just suddenly remembered that this module seems to be a three-person module, which means that this module may only allow three people to pass the level. After killing the fear hunter, you may only get a bowl of blood soup, or Other customs clearance props will be a little troublesome at that time.

After all, this is related to 150 points, allowing players to live in the real world with peace of mind for half a year, without having to go through life and death in this real Cthulhu running game world.

kp ghost understood what Liu Xing was thinking, so he said with a smile: "Hehe, Liu Xing, don't worry, although this module is a three-person module, the number of people who can pass the level of this module is five, so I will choose this module as a compensation module for you."

After getting the answer from kp ghost, Liu Xing was relieved.

After a while, Liu Xing felt that his eyes had adapted to the darkness, so he stood up and said, "Okay, it's almost time, let's go."

In order to avoid accidentally injuring his allies, Liu Xing naturally stood at the front with a pistol, and then Edison and Xue Jingliu stood on both sides of Liu Xing in order not to be blocked by Liu Xing in throwing the poison bottle.

As for Sylvie, she naturally stood at the back and was in charge of cheering. After all, Sylvie didn't have much fighting power at first sight, and it was impossible for Liu Xing and the others to push Sylvie to the front as a human shield.

"Everyone, get ready, I'm opening the door." Liu Xing said as he opened the iron door.

The moment he opened the iron gate, Liu Xing saw a huge boa constrictor with its bloody mouth open, rushing towards him and his group.

"Because the image of the fear hunter is too similar to that of a boa constrictor, and the distance is too far away, players do not need to perform a SAN value check for the time being, and can perform a normal action round. The order is Addison, Liu Xing, Xue Jingliu and Sylvie, Sylvie's actions can be controlled by player Liu Xing." kp ghost stood up and said.

Liu Xing knows that this is a benefit of the module, so that players don't have to check the SAN value in the first place, avoiding the temporary madness of the players before starting the battle, and giving the players the opportunity to use the poison bottle to seriously injure or even kill the fear hunter.

PS: The second chapter is still at night, and by the way, I will push a book, "United Fleet".

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