Real Cthulhu Running Game

Chapter 385: The Respectable Black Flood Dragon

"Although I was under control at the time, I could still see the whole process of the black dragon fighting with Glaaki, because that Glaaki was like a hedgehog, so even though the black dragon had hard scales, it didn't dare to fight with Glaaki casually, and could only keep cruising around looking for opportunities. However, Glaaki took the initiative to attack the black dragon with its spikes, so the black dragon was in a passive state for a while."

"In this way, the black dragon and Glaaki were in a stalemate for a while. Seeing that he couldn't find a chance to fight the black dragon in close quarters, Glaaki decided to kill the residents of Panlong Town in order to force the black dragon to fight him in close quarters. Mr. Meteor, you all know that the key to the success of the black dragon's ascension is the residents of Panlong Town, so the black dragon has no choice but to engage in melee combat with Glaaki."

"You should know what happened next, because there are two main attack methods of the black dragon. One is to use spells, and the other is to use its physical advantage to stalk the enemy. In terms of magic, the strength of the black dragon is much lower than that of Glaaki. Therefore, the black dragon can only bite the bullet and threaten Glaaki's spikes to entangle him. However, the spikes on Glaaki's body also pierced into the black dragon's body."

"At the beginning, I thought the black dragon could stalk Glaaki, because Glaaki was powerless against the black dragon, but as time passed, the black dragon gradually became weaker. It should have been injected with that unknown liquid by Glaaki. All in all, the black dragon's defeat is set."

"So, the black dragon knew that he was doomed, so before he died, the black dragon desperately stalked Glaaki, and directly bit him, injecting the venom that the black dragon had refined for hundreds of years into the body of Glaaki. You must know that this venom is the last magic weapon of the black dragon, and it can only be used once before it ascends to a real dragon. Moreover, this time, the black dragon sent all the remaining energy in its body into Glaaki along with the venom."

"In the end, the black dragon died on Glaaki's body, but Glaaki's situation was not much better. Because of the black dragon's venom, Glaaki was writhing in pain in the Beaulieu Lake. I don't know how long it took to get back to normal, but I can still see that Glaaki didn't completely dissolve the black dragon's venom in his body, but I don't know what happened next. I only know that Glaaki released a spell again, and then I completely lost consciousness, until Mr. Meteor just came to wake up my memory. " Hu Li said.

Liu Xing nodded. Hu Li said that the battle between the black dragon and Graki made Liu Xing feel good about the black dragon. Although the behavior of the black dragon to protect the residents of Panlong Town was a conspiracy, the black dragon finally gave his life for it, which is very worthy of respect.

At the same time, Liu Xing also understood the ability of this clone of Glaaki. In addition to using mental attacks, he relied on his own spikes to attack. Then combined with the size of the clone of Glaaki seen in the illusion and the distribution of those spikes on the clone of Glaaki, Liu Xing felt that as long as his luck was not too bad, he should be able to avoid the spike attack of Glaaki.

Therefore, Liu Xing felt that the difficulty of the boss battle in this module was not too high, but the trouble was how to resist Glaaki's first wave of mental attacks, after all, even Hu Li couldn't resist.

At this time, Hu Li stood up and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to see Zhong Rensan now, and let's deal with the mountain demon first. After all, there are many people and strength is great. I will go to Zhong Rensan alone. If you don't use hypnosis, Zhong Rensan will not tell me the truth."

Liu Xing frowned, and asked an important question, "Miss Hu Li, do you know that Zhong Rensan once killed Hu Cang's good friend Gangzi? Speaking of which, why didn't the black flood dragon kill the mountain demon? After all, the mountain demon is killing innocent people in Panlong Town."

Hu Li thought for a while, then nodded and said, "I know about this, because Hu Cang told me about it before, but he simply mentioned that his good friend Gangzi died, and didn't mention that Zhong Rensan and the mountain monster killed Zhong Rensan. As for why the black dragon didn't kill the mountain monster, it was because the black dragon was powerless. After all, monsters like us have very good perception, so as long as the black dragon gets close to Panlong Town Health Center, the mountain monster will leave immediately."

"So the black dragon dare not approach the health center of Panlong Town casually, because the black dragon is worried that the mountain monster will choose to retaliate against the residents of Panlong Town after escaping. After all, although the black dragon is far stronger than the mountain monster, the mountain monster's agility is far higher than that of the black dragon. Therefore, the black dragon thinks that it is unable to protect all the residents of Panlong Town under the threat of the mountain monster, so the black dragon can only let the mountain monster do what it wants."

"I know Mr. Meteor, you may still ask Sister Luliu why she didn't attack the mountain demon. That's because the mountain demon naturally restrains all tree demons. It's like a mouse demon in human form. When facing an ordinary kitten, it will be frightened and run away. This is the natural restraint of instinct, so Sister Luliu has no way to attack the mountain demon, so the mountain demon can stay in Panlong Town."

"So, when we deal with the mountain monster later, I will give you the hypnosis powder, and you will deal with the mountain monster in the health center. I will enter the health center after the mountain monster is hypnotized, so as not to frighten the monster away. Of course, if you fail to catch the mountain monster in the first place, remember to call me loudly, so I can come in and help you."

After Hu Li finished speaking, she took out a small paper bag from her pocket and handed it to Liu Xing.

Liu Xing took the small paper bag and immediately got the information about the hypnotic powder.

Hu Li’s special hypnotic powder (can’t bring out the module), the hypnotic powder made of various unknown materials can achieve hypnotic effects in various ways. If it is placed in drinking water and food, it will hypnotize the enemy within 2d3 hours; if it is scattered in a closed space, it will hypnotize the enemy within 1d10 minutes; the duration of hypnosis will depend on the specific situation of the hypnotized enemy. invalid.

Liu Xing raised his brows, no wonder his group was hypnotized by Hu Li without any judgment. It turned out that the hypnotic powder specially made by Hu Li was so powerful that it could be said to be 100% effective.

But it's a pity that this hypnotic powder can't bring out the mod.

Liu Xing accepted the hypnotic powder, and said with a smile: "No problem, but if something unexpected happens, Miss Hu Li, you have to hurry up and help, after all, we can't stop the mountain demon for long."

Hu Li nodded and said, "No problem, as long as Mr. Meteor can stop the mountain demon for half a minute, I can arrive at the scene. Alright, let's go find Zhong Rensan now."

After Hu Li finished speaking, she left the small noodle shop immediately, and Liu Xing and others naturally followed quickly.

After a while, Liu Xing and his party came to Panlong Town Health Center.

Because today is a fair day, there are quite a lot of people in the Panlong Town Health Center, but because there is only one doctor, Zhong Rensan, in the Panlong Town Health Center, the waiting room is almost full.

"What should we do? Are we going to sit here and wait for Zhong Rensan to finish watching the patient?" Zhang Jingxu frowned and said.

Hu Li shook her head and said with a smile: "Don't bother, just ignore these people, and you don't have to worry about them scolding you."

While talking, Hu Li walked into the treatment room where Zhong Rensan was. The patients in the waiting room looked at Hu Li who jumped in line, but didn't say a word.

Seeing this situation, Liu Xing and others no longer hesitated, and directly followed Hu Li's footsteps.

When entering the treatment room, Liu Xing watched a patient with dull eyes come out. Obviously, Liu Xing was sure that these patients had been hypnotized by Hu Li.

Sure enough, the skill of hypnosis is easy to use.

Seeing Liu Xing and his party filing in, Zhong Rensan was a little surprised and said, "Why did you come in together?"

Hu Li chuckled, sat opposite Zhong Rensan and said, "Doctor Zhong Rensan, I heard that you have a beautiful jade pendant, can you show it to me?"

As soon as Zhong Rensan heard what Hu Li said, he immediately said vigilantly: "Jade pendant, what jade pendant, I don't have any jade pendant, Miss Hu Li, don't talk nonsense."

Hu Li shrugged, stood up and said, "Oh, since you don't have a jade pendant, Dr. Zhong Rensan, then we won't help Dr. Zhong Rensan solve the thing in the basement of Panlong Town Health Center."

"What? Do you know what's in the basement?!" Zhong Rensan stood up in shock.

Hu Li sat down again, and said with a smile: "Doctor Zhong Rensan, don't speak so loudly. If the thing in the basement hears it, something bad will happen."

Zhong Rensan nodded immediately, and said in a low voice, "Understood, but I have a question to ask Ms. Hu Li, how do you know what's in the basement?"

Hu Li pretended to be mysterious and said: "There are some things I can know if I want to know, and for you, Doctor Zhong Rensan, as long as you can get rid of the mountain demon in the basement, right?"

Zhong Rensan nodded, and said seriously: "That's right, as long as Miss Hu Li can get rid of the mountain demon in the basement, I will give you the jade pendant, but since Miss Hu Li knows so much, then Miss Hu Li, you should know how powerful that mountain demon is, and how vengeful that mountain demon is, so..."

Zhong Rensan hesitated to speak, obviously worried about Hu Li's ability.

Hu Li pointed to Liu Xing and the others, and said, "Of course my ability is not enough to deal with that mountain demon, but the people I brought are all good hands. For example, Mr. Zhang Jingxu is a professional Taoist priest."

Zhang Jingxu, who was also shot while lying down, quickly put on an appearance of a master, smiled and nodded.

Zhong Rensan saw that Zhang Jingxu was very respectable, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "That's good. You know, that mountain monster has been haunting my family for hundreds of years. If Miss Hu Li, you can really help me get rid of that mountain monster, I will really be thankful."

Hu Li nodded, and said with a half-smile: "Then, Doctor Zhong Rensan, can you tell me why your grandfather provoked the mountain demon?"

Zhong Rensan frowned, and said with some confusion: "Uh, is this important?"

"Very important." Hu Li replied affirmatively.

Zhong Rensan thought for a while, and finally sighed helplessly, "Okay, I'll tell you what happened that year, but I hope Miss Hu Li, you don't want to tell other people about it. After all, it's not something glorious, because in my grandfather's early years, the world was not peaceful, so my grandfather couldn't make a living with his medical skills, so he went to fight with a few fellow villagers, that is, tomb robbery."

"Once my grandfather got the news that a high official had been buried on a mountain near Rongcheng, so my grandfather and his companions went to the mountain to start investigating, and soon found a large tomb, which had never been excavated before. So my grandfather and the others started digging, and soon dug a robbery hole and entered the large tomb."

"However, after entering the tomb, my grandfather's companions were quickly killed by the mountain monster, leaving only my grandfather alone. Then he asked my grandfather to sign a contract with it. The mountain monster would fulfill one of my grandfather's wishes, and my grandfather and his descendants had to provide food for the mountain monster. At that time, my grandfather agreed without hesitation. After all, if he did not agree, my grandfather would definitely be killed by the mountain monster."

"And my grandfather was also very optimistic at the time. He thought that the mountain monster could live for decades at most, and it would be enough to feed the mountain monster some pork and mutton every day. So my grandfather agreed to sign a contract with the mountain monster. Then I realized that if the mountain monster is not killed, then it can live forever. As for the food that the mountain monster needs, it is the fresh five internal organs of human beings."

Having said that, Zhong Rensan stopped and let out a long sigh.

Hu Li nodded, stood up and said, "Okay, we've already cleared up the matter. Doctor Zhong Rensan, please wait patiently for a day. We will deal with this mountain demon when we are ready."

After Hu Li finished speaking, she left with Liu Xing and others.

After leaving Panlong Town Health Center, Hu Li said, "Now you all know why the mountain demon entangled Zhong Rensan, right? It's because his grandfather was doing the wicked thing that caused the mountain demon to entangle him. Besides Gangzi, the number of innocent people fed to the mountain demon by Zhong Rensan should be beyond count with two slaps."

Liu Xing knew that Hu Li was speaking for Hu Cang.

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