Real Cthulhu Running Game

Chapter 391 Transfiguration? Sex change!

Liu Xing and the others were taken aback by Shi Chuanling who "deceived the corpse" all of a sudden, but looking at Shi Chuanling with clear eyes, Liu Xing and others knew that Shi Chuanling had at least regained his sobriety now.

However, the snake scales on Shi Chuanling's body remained unchanged.

Liu Xing hurried over and said, "Ishi Chuanling, how do you feel now, is there any discomfort on your body?"

Shi Chuanling nodded with a smile, and said self-deprecatingly: "Of course I feel a little uncomfortable. After all, anyone who suddenly grows scales will feel very uncomfortable, but in other respects, I feel pretty good."

While talking, Shi Chuanling stood up and moved his body.

But to be honest, Ishi Chuan Ling still has sharp eyes now, after all, the snake scales on half of his face feel very strange no matter how you look at it.

Especially Ishi Chuanling's left eye, Ishi Chuanling had closed his eyes before, but Liu Xing didn't see it. Now after looking at Liu Xing carefully, I found that Ishichuanling's left eye has turned into a golden snake pupil. Although it looks a bit strange, it is also very handsome.

"Shi Chuanling, why did you come back so quickly this time? It took less than half a day, and why did you make such a ghostly appearance?" Zhang Jingxu asked.

Hearing what Zhang Jingxu said, Shi Chuanling said with a dazed expression, "What, did I just leave here for half a day? This shouldn't be the case. I have stayed in Syberrill for a whole year this time."

Liu Xing raised his brows, he didn't expect Ishi Chuanling to stay in Xibelier for so long this time, you must know that Ishikawaling only stayed in Xibelier for a few days in previous times.

However, this can be regarded as an explanation of why Ishikawa Ling was turned into a snake-man. After all, according to the relevant settings, the magician Serac should have become a snake-man under the influence of snake-man magic after Eibon officially became his apprentice for a period of time, and was wrongly killed by Eibon. Therefore, according to the timeline, it is understandable that Ishikawa Ling stayed in Syberrill for a year.

Of course, the question that Liu Xing is most concerned about now is what benefits Ishi Chuan Ling got in Syberrill. After all, Ishi Chuan Ling could learn several spells in just a few days before. . . Although those spells are more or less cheating and not very practical, they are still spells anyway.

Therefore, now Liu Xing is looking forward to Shi Chuanling's ability to learn more and more useful magic in this year, especially the targeted magic for these mythical creatures in Panlong Town, so that this module will become simpler.

Thinking of this, Liu Xing couldn't help but asked: "Ishi Chuanling, tell us now, what exactly did you experience during your one-year stay in Sybril?"

Ishikawa Ling nodded, and said: "When I returned to Sybril, I was following my damn cheap master Serak with Eibon to leave the Mage Tower, and went to an underground cave recently discovered by a group of shepherds, and the first to discover the underground cave, and the only shepherd who escaped alive claimed that there was a huge city in the depths of the underground cave, and that huge city didn't look like an abandoned city, because these shepherds entered the city and found people active in the city sign."

"However, before the group of shepherds continued to explore the huge city, these shepherds showed various symptoms of poisoning. The shepherd who was the first to discover the underground cave decisively chose to run away. In the end, he left the underground cave alive and passed on the situation in the underground cave. Serac obviously knew from the beginning that the owner of the underground cave was a snake man, but he pretended not to know."

"After arriving at the temporary camping site next to the underground cave, we met some adventurers, mercenaries, and magicians who also wanted to explore the underground cave, so we went into the underground cave together the next day, and soon discovered the huge city. And before we entered the huge city, we were attacked by a group of snake people.

"So, while we repelled the attack of these snakemen, half of our companions died, and these companions basically died of poisoning, and the most troublesome thing is that these companions who died were melee professionals. To put it bluntly, we didn't have meat shields, so a small half of our companions decided to retreat and leave the underground cave. At this time, Eibon and I were trying to persuade Serac to leave the underground cave, but Serac said confidently that there would be no problem."

"Then, before entering the city, Serac gave me and Eibon each a talisman with some strange symbols on it. According to Serac's introduction, this talisman symbolizes a great true god—Zategua, and Zategua also lives underground, so Zategua will bless its believers who go underground, so Eibon and I relax a little. After all, most of the gods in Sybril are quite reliable, especially for their followers."

"As a result, after entering the city, Serac became active, saying that he knew the origin of the city. Simply put, this city is called Yoss. It was established by a kind of alien creature, but this alien creature was exterminated because it offended a certain god. However, these alien races released various poisonous gases in some streets of the city before they died, so only those snake people can live in this city."

"However, Serac said that he knew how to enter the core of the city, that is, the treasury of the alien race, so the other people agreed that Serac would lead the way, and then Serac really led this group of people into the very center of the city, a magnificent palace. When entering this palace, Serac asked Eibon and I to follow him and leave quickly. Although Eibon and I didn't know where we were at the time, we still followed Serac."

"In this way, when Eibon and I followed Serac to the entrance and exit of the city, we saw a very powerful snake-man who handed it to Serac with a roll of parchment. After communicating with the snake-man in the snake-man language for a while, Serac led me and Eibon out of the underground cave, and then returned to the Mage Tower non-stop. Only then did Serac tell me the truth about what happened with Eibon."

"First of all, Serac knew from the beginning that the underground city was the territory of the snake people, and he also knew that the god worshiped by the snake people was Zategua, so Serak, who is also a follower of Zategua, decided to meet these snake people, because Serak knew that the magic of the snake people is very powerful, and when we arrived at the temporary camping point, Serac entered the underground cave ahead of time and reached an agreement with the snake people."

"The content of the agreement is also very simple. Serac lures those explorers into the center of the city, which is the sacrificial ground of the snake people, and then the leader of the snake people will give Serac a magic book. To put it simply, Serac exchanged dozens of lives for the magic of the snake people. Eibon and I were stunned at the time, but what shocked us even more was that the so-called amulet that Serac asked us to wear was actually a remote-controlled bomb controlled by Serac."

"So, Eibon and I dare not speak out. At this time, Serac gave a date with a stick, telling me and Eibon that he was very optimistic about our potential, so he decided to accept us as his formal disciples. Then Serac began to retreat to study the magic of the snake people. Serac and I were also granted the right to move freely. Except for Serac's closed room, Eibon and I can go to other places."

"In the beginning, I thought I was going to come back here, so I wandered around and accidentally found a spare key for the closed room. I put it in my pocket casually, but soon I found out that this trip to Sybril was extremely long, so I decided to go to the library to learn magic by myself. During this year, I have learned and mastered many kinds of magic. I will show you later."

"Just two hours ago, I was practicing a new kind of magic—the induction technique. To put it bluntly, this induction technique is able to sense whether someone is using a spell within a certain range. After being refined, I can also judge the strength of the spell. Then I sensed a strange wave of magic coming from Serac's retreat room. This is very different from the magic wave I sensed before, so I decided to enter Serac's retreat room. Anyway, I have the key in my hand."

"When I entered the retreat room, I found that there was no Serac in the retreat room, but a snake man appeared instead, so I killed the snake man with the sulfuric acid at hand, but the snake man used magic on me before dying, transported me to the wilderness, and gradually transformed me into a snake man state, and then I lost consciousness because of the pain. I thought I was going to die this time, but I didn't expect that I would return to Beaulieu Town and be saved by you."

"However, I can feel now that I have become a half-snake man, but generally speaking, there are advantages and disadvantages. Although my appearance has become a bit weird now, I also have some snake-man abilities. For example, the snake scales on the left side of my body can provide me with a certain degree of defense, and then my left eye also has the ability to see things in the dark, and I can also feel the heat changes within a certain range around me to determine the dynamics and status of surrounding creatures."

Hearing this, Liu Xing nodded, knowing that Ishi Chuan Ling had gained a lot this time. First, he had learned a lot of spells, and then he had some snake-man abilities. The most important thing was that Ishi Chuan Ling also killed Serac. You must know that killing Serac should be a round of world quests.

But when it comes to world missions, Liu Xing found out that after he switched from "Liu Xing" to "Watanabe Meteor" character card, the world missions were not transferred to "Watanabe Meteor". It seems that Yi Shiren is using the "Liu Xing" character card to help him complete the world mission.

But then again, Ishi Chuan Ling's ghostly appearance is too scary to go out. If there is no way to change Ishi Chuan Ling's half face back to its original state, then Ishi Chuan Ling may have to turn from the front of the stage to the backstage. After all, Ishi Chuan Ling can't go out to communicate with ordinary NPCs like this.

After all, Liu Xing reckons that the current Ishi Chuanling's APP value is around twenty or thirty at most. This kind of APP value can be said to be impossible for ordinary NPCs to look at directly, so let alone communicate.

Therefore, Liu Xing frowned and said, "Shi Chuanling, have you learned any transfiguration, face-changing or something? After all, your current appearance is really scary. I'm afraid that if you go out now, people in Panlong Town will treat you as a monster."

Shi Chuanling's complexion changed, and he said helplessly: "I really know how to transform, but the side effects of this transform are a bit serious, so personally, I don't want to use this transform, so..."

Zhang Jingxu shook his head and said seriously: "Let me tell you the current situation in Panlong Town first, Shi Chuan Ling, and then Shi Chuan Ling, you can make your own decision. Although we will act secretly for most of the time, we still need Shi Chuan Ling to come forward at some times."

Zhang Jingxu told Shi Chuanling everything that happened during the time when Shi Chuanling went to Xiberil.

"All in all, the current situation is like this. I hope Ling Shi Chuan can put the overall situation first. You can tell me about the side effects of your transfiguration, and we will help you solve it." Zhang Jingxu finally added.

Shi Chuanling nodded embarrassingly. After thinking for a while, he plucked up his courage and said, "Actually, the transfiguration technique I learned can actually be renamed sex-changing technique, because as long as the transfiguration technique is used, in about a month or so, the caster's body structure will completely change into the opposite sex, no matter in appearance or voice..."

Liu Xing frowned, barely holding back his smile.

Although Liu Xing knew that the spells that Ishi Chuanling learned in Xiberrill were all cheating, but he didn't expect that Shi Chuanling's transformation technique would be so weird, no wonder Ishichuanling was unwilling to use this transformation technique.

However, judging from Ishi Chuan Ling's narrative, Ishi Chuan Ling should have used the transformation technique once, and that transformation technique lasted for a month.

That is to say, Ishikawa Ling has been a girl for a month.

At this time, Zhang Jingxu touched Shi Chuan Ling's shoulder with a half-smile, and said, "Why don't you, Shi Chuan Ling, use the transformation technique to make our brother feel better?"

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