Real Name God

Chapter 169: Reincarnation ceremony

——The huge figure in front of me is the demon that is believed to have disappeared in the gods and has not appeared in the Mayan world for two thousand years.

They are the core race of the eternal empire. The name "Samikina" means the noble lineage once known as one of the "demon nobles".

There are a total of 72 demon nobles, most of which have been slaughtered at the end of the Eternal War, and the historical records about them have long been annihilated, and they do not know where to pursue them.

However, some far-sighted extraordinary men and rulers of the world are very clear: the demons have not really died. Even after thousands of years of wind and frost, the remnants of the eternal empire still remain in this world, lurking in the dark corner, licking the wound. Scholars and believers who understand this matter also worry about their comeback all the time.

On the one hand, the demon nobles are all loyal to the emperor, and are at odds with the Holy Alliance that once destroyed the empire and now ruling the Middle-earth Continent. On the other hand, it is the terrifying ability of this race...

It can be said that they are the real natural fighting race, and the rest of the intelligent life in the Mayan world cannot be compared with the demons. Unlike humans, which are inherently weak and require hard work to make up for, the demons don’t need exercise or education. Since they were born in the womb, they have inherited all the knowledge and experience engraved in the blood of their parents. .

All the young demons have to do is to stimulate the power in the blood through constant fighting and fighting, and work hard to train new skills to pass on to the next generation.

From the moment of birth, the demon has become one of the battle weapon sequences of the entire race. The word "power" has long been etched in the depths of the demons' souls.

In addition, every noble bloodline has a corresponding innate ability. It can cast spells like a wizard, perform swordsmanship like a knight, and use God's gifts like a goddess. There is no need for a "Hall of Knowledge" or a "Tree of Faith", they are born extraordinary races.

Different from the inheritance model of human knowledge and inheritance that inevitably suffers loss, each generation of demons can completely inherit the abilities of the previous generation, and progress and optimize on this basis. It can be said that their development method is completely superior to today's human beings.

Humans were once considered the most potential race, but in the face of demons, this advantage is not worth mentioning. Because people will be blinded by selfishness and selfish desires, but the fighting skills of the demons come from nature.

From this perspective, it is only natural that the humans who are now lucky enough to replace demons and rule the Mayan world will fear this ancient race.

After all, they won the victory by relying on the power of the gods, rather than relying on their own strength.

However, wizard leaders like Howard who have accumulated a lot of knowledge after a long period of time have a deeper understanding of ancient secrets than ordinary scholars.

A debatable argument is that demons are not born naturally, not the "Maya sons" in the true sense, but a race created by the emperor of the eternal empire, the "head of all evils".

More precisely, it was He who created the existence called the "primitive demon", and the primitive demon, as the first demon in the Mayan world, became the source of this powerful race.

Some people even believe that the first generation of demons were originally humans, elves, gnomes and other intelligent races.

On this basis, a more important conclusion is that other races can be transformed into demon races through a secret method called "reincarnation ceremony."

This is how Howard intends to trade with the other party.

His current human body is already overwhelmed. Aging is second, wizards always have ways to extend their lifespan and stimulate physical vitality, not to mention Howard Newlen himself is proficient in the field of life.

The key lies in the large number of curses and plagues entwined with him, countless traces of torment, those left behind by the enemy's heavy injuries, or the trauma caused by his own experiments...

After he crawled out of the coffin, Howard found that his dying body was like a severely rusted gear, approaching the limit of its operation. It was already supported by repairs, potions, or replacement of organs. It won’t be long.

But let alone the present, even after completing his ambitions, he does not intend to die.

Therefore, when Howard accidentally noticed the traces of the remnants of the Empire near the wilderness, he put his idea on the "reincarnation ceremony"——

He has no nostalgia for human identity, and it is undoubtedly a great thing to be able to abandon the broken body and replace it with a powerful body belonging to the ancient race. The only drawback is that once the identity of the devil is exposed, it will attract the chase of the entire Holy Alliance.

But this kind of thing doesn't matter to him, after all, "Howard Newlen", the name belonging to the dark wizard, had been registered on the thorns list of the Holy See as early as a hundred years ago.

The only problem is that even though the other party had agreed to the conditions he proposed before, Mr. Howard still did not relax his vigilance, worrying about the other party going back or getting in the way of the ceremony.

Even if the Dark Tower Wizard and the Holy Alliance are not the same people, the demons have never had a good impression of ordinary humans.

"I heard that it is the emperor's right to preside over the demon reincarnation ceremony, and the demon aristocracy's loyalty to the emperor can be learned from the sun and the moon. Everyone knows it, please..."

Howard asked cautiously. This is a matter of life, even if I have the confidence to see the details of the ceremony, he can't help but careless.

Everyone knows very well that even though the demon emperor has fallen for more than two thousand years, the loyalty of the imperial survivors has never been wiped out. This belief will continue as long as the demons exist.

Therefore, the Supreme King of the year chose the policy of genocide, otherwise the powerful talents of the demons would have attracted the coveting of the major kingdoms and even the church forces.

"You are right, although the empire has been destroyed, our demons who survived by chance are nothing but the dust of history..." Samikina's tone was very calm, which was a bit unexpected by the old wizard, "but, In a mere two thousand years, it is absolutely impossible for us to let go of our blood and deep hatred, and it is impossible for us to forget the majesty and kindness of the emperor."

"and so……"

"But this is the only thing, don’t worry, human beings. Before his death, your Majesty has already handed over the rebirth ceremony to us. He knows that the empire is about to be destroyed, the building will fall, and our race will lose the protection of wind and rain. It’s difficult, so we will give us the right to survive and multiply to it? He is indeed a great person who is willing to share the right to create life with creatures."

This time, Samikina did not speak for a long time.

After expressing his emotions, the old wizard quickly turned the topic back to real interests. He couldn't wait to ask:

"So, when can we start?"

"Wait when you complete the transaction, human," the demon said. "The fog demon has trapped the group of people in the Holy See. It is not convenient for me to show up now. As long as you can drive them out, I will hold a ceremony for you. Right now, right here, how?"

"Very well, I like quick answers."

The beard on the corner of the old wizard's mouth was slightly raised.

Although he had to work with the hard stubble this time, he was satisfied with the performance of two crucial transactions at one time.

Since it happened sooner or later when the Holy See team shot, of course, the indignation and hesitation that Mr. Howard showed in front of Rasputin not long ago was mostly acting, and it could be regarded as the cunning characteristic of this old man.

"—In addition, there is one more thing."

In the shadow cast by the candlelight, Samikina tilted his huge head, as if listening to something. After coming over for a while, he asked.

"During the migration just now, the fog demon trapped another group of people in the cave. They looked like wizards from the black tower. Humans, what do you think?" Howard was taken aback for a moment, and then he grinned. On the old face, there was a slight grinning smile.

"—Let's take care of it. But I'm thinking, friends from other races have been busy all night, it's time to drink some blood and eat some meat to treat your belly, right?"

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