Realistic Game

Chapter 231: Unicom element world?

  Chapter 232: Unicom element world?

  "If I die and resurrect, will the fire element still be there?

  Would you like to try? Try it, try it. "

   Mo Lan muttered to himself, thinking for a moment, constructed a fireball spell model in his mind, and then filled it with magic power, and the spell model was formed.


  Mo Lan only felt his head warm for a while, and then there was a soft sound, his head exploded like a ripe watermelon, red and white.

  Click to resurrect.

  The debris on the ground disappeared without a trace, Mo Lan resurrected, and felt the state slightly.

  The resurrection penalty for the first death is not serious, and Mo Lan feels that he can solve the weak state by meditating for a period of time.

  After confirming this, Mo Lan focused on the fire element.

  The fire element that was still in the fire element pool has disappeared without a trace, Mo Lan did not rush in the slightest, but chose to look inside.

  I saw a fire element slowly burning in my mind.

  Mo Lan smiled.

  Obviously, the fire element and Molan have become one and they are regarded as a part of Molan.

  When Mo Lan is resurrected, the fire element will follow.

  This discovery made Mo Lan even more pleasantly surprised. After he eased down, Mo Lan began to feel the fire element's control ability.

  As soon as the thought moves, the surrounding fire elements dance with it.

  Mo Lan no longer needs to use mental power to catch the fire element bit by bit.

  At this moment, controlling the fire element is like controlling the hands and feet, just like instinct.

  "Shouldn’t the fire element be first-order just after it took shape? But how do I feel like a third-order fire element?

  Why is it a Tier 3 fire element? Could it be that it became stronger because of the strength of my mental power?

   But if it is synchronized with my mental power, it should also be Tier 4. Although Tier 3 and Tier 4 are only the first level, there is a gap between the professional level and the elite level. The gap is big. "

  Mo Lan felt the state of the element of fire while thinking about it. When the state of the element of fire became clear, Mo Lan suddenly understood.

   "It's not that the fire element can't be promoted to Tier 4. It's just that some conditions cannot be met, so it's stuck in Tier 3."

  Mo Lan immediately understood.

  "The strength of the fire element is indeed directly linked to the strength of the spiritual power, but the fire element wants to advance, besides the spiritual power, what else seems to be missing?"

  Mo Lan said this in his heart, and then began to test the fire element life’s control range and strength over the fire element.

With the thought of   , the fire element in a radius of nearly 100 meters was controlled by Mo Lan, and immediately gathered directly towards Mo Lan.

  Mo Lan stretched out his right hand to hold it imaginarily, and the fire element within a radius of nearly a hundred meters compressed towards the right hand.

   did not deliberately compress, just the instinct of the fire element gathered all the fire elements within a hundred meters in a radius to form a red ball with the size of a fist.

  A trace of fiery red smoke appeared inside the sphere. Obviously, its energy density is definitely not low.

   Feeling the fire element in the palm ball, but Mo Lan was slightly disappointed.

   "It won't explode?"

  Mo Lan threw the orb in his palm, and as soon as he left his hand, after letting go of his control, it collapsed and spread again.

  "It seems that there is no tricky method. If you want to cast a spell, you must honestly study the spell model.

  First think of a way to solve the problem of fireball adaptation. Since you want to be a master of plastic energy, fireball should be the most basic, right? "

Mo Lan muttered, looking down at the element pool. At this time, the element pool was still smoky, as if nothing had changed, but Mo Lan knew that the fire element contained in the fiery red liquid at the bottom of the element pool accounted for the proportion. The biggest, and now that most of the liquid has disappeared, and it can't even cover the bottom of the pool.

   "I have to accumulate slowly again."

  Mo Lan was a little helpless.

  "This element pool is good, but the speed of collecting elements is too slow.

  Mage Ta is cool. It just eats the element pool too much, and the amount stored for such a long time is enough to put dozens of darkening fireballs·group cast version.

This is also the group cast of the third ring. The element consumption of the fourth ring spell is not at the same level as the third ring. It is too much. Not to mention that I don’t have the constant fourth ring spell now. It is estimated that even if it is constant, it may not be possible. Release it. "

  Mo Lan, as a four-ring mage, the difference in cost between the fourth-ring and third-ring spells is naturally clear to you.

  "When the group casts spells, the third ring group is equivalent to the sixth ring spell attack, and the fourth ring group is equivalent to the seventh ring spell attack. This directly surpasses the elite level and the master level and consumes the sky.

  Damn, if I am in a hurry, I will grab a few fire spirits, specifically to control the fire element, specifically to replenish the fire element in the element pool. "

  Mo Lan had just finished speaking, but after thinking about it, she felt wrong.

  "Wait, this seems to be of little use. The speed of improvement seems to have a limit, not much faster. The surrounding fire elements are just so little, and they are not in the fire element world.

  No matter how fast I can absorb it, it is so fast, and it is greatly constrained by the environment.

  Unless the fire element world is connected. "

  Mo Lan was shocked by his bold idea, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was feasible.

  "If you master the space channel opening and maintenance technology in the later stage, then this kind of idea is not infeasible.

  Open a space channel directly in the element pool, and then place the part that absorbs the element in the fire element world, or part of it in the fire element world. Isn't it possible to use the rich fire element of the fire element world?

  Similarly, if other element circles also exist, element pools with different attributes connect the element circles with different attributes. If this step is really achieved, then energy should no longer be a problem for me, right? "

  Mo Lan murmured to himself, there seemed to be stars shining in his eyes.

  "This idea can be retained for the time being but it is estimated that it will be difficult to achieve in the short term. It depends on Lu Bin's performance. I'll do the business first."

  Mo Lan picked up the firewood wood that was set aside, looked at the fire element pool, and gave up after thinking about it.

  First put down the fire wood, and then re-create an empty pool next to it, a constant spell model, pull the energy path, and open the channel between the fire element pool.

  The strong fire element flowed past and filled the secondary element pool. When the fire element in the secondary element pool gradually became richer, Mo Lan stood the fire wood in the center, and the two-meter-long root system was tiled on the bottom of the element pool.

  After fixing the firewood wood, Mo Lan released his hand and carefully observed it mentally.

  When the fire element began to follow the slender roots into the firewood wood, a smile appeared on Mo Lan's face.

  Maybe firewood can adapt to the environment of the element pool and survive in it.

  Mo Lan watched this scene happily, watching one after another the light spots representing the elements enter it along the roots of the fire-grained wood, and then suddenly an idea emerged.

   "Can my mental power go in together?"

  (End of this chapter)

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