Realistic Game

Chapter 251: 6th level summoning spells!

"Where is Viscount Larson?"

When Lu Bin saw the news, his face suddenly became serious, and he asked aloud.

After a few seconds, a player responded in the group.

"I'm following Viscount Larsen. The map coordinates of the Maple City version are roughly (466.1691, 945.6198)."

"Okay, I'll come over now, don't care about the others, everyone will gather at the coordinate point (466.1691, 945.6198)."



One by one hang gliding squad in the sky began to change directions, and flew towards the given coordinates in unison.

In Viscount Larson's motorcade, the old butler glanced at the growing number of black shadows hovering in the sky, without the slightest expression on his face.

The hang gliding wing is extremely fast when it can control the airflow. First, it raises the height wildly, and then changes the speed with the height. Under the dive, the speed continues to increase, and they gather together in a blink of an eye.

"What's the situation with Viscount Larson now?"

The player next to Lu Bin took a look after hearing this.

"Hanging beside the convoy, not far away, nor approaching."

"He still doesn't know we have found him?"

"I didn't find it. The people who followed didn't use spells during the whole process, and they didn't use any spells during observation. It's impossible for him to find out."

When he was speaking, the stalker below silently stepped on stilts, took out the telescopic telescope around his waist, and glanced in one direction.

After confirming that Larson and his party were still alive, they immediately looked away.

"Be careful not to keep watching for too long. The intuition of this group of fighters is unclear. Many times they feel that they have not been discovered, but they can feel a little bit, which is outrageous."

Lu Bin obviously had a story, and he reminded him with some resentment.

"Well, they all know this. Viscount Larsen was hiding in the bushes over there, motionless, I don't know what means, it seems that the breath of a group of people has merged with the bushes, if it weren't for the beginning Just stare."

Lu Bin shook his head when he heard this.

"This group of people have been aristocrats for so long, they must have hidden a lot of treasures. It's normal to hide them.

I worry a little bit now. Viscount Larsen has been hanging around because of the short distance. If he has any problems, the Cavaliers team can immediately support him, and at the same time, he will not be easily spotted because the target is too big.

But now..."

Lu Bin freed a hand and rubbed his eyebrows.

"I am now worried that if we wipe out this big team, Viscount Larson will be scared away.

It's fine to run normally, and we won't be able to get rid of us if we run properly on the ground.

But I'm worried that he has something weird and strange that he can leave at once. What if he has a teleportation technique in his hand? "

The player next to him was also slightly silent, and said after a moment of indulgence.

"In fact, we worry that so much is of little use, we can only do our best.

You can catch the best, if you really can't catch it, then there is no way. "

"Yes, I'm asking the chairman for advice."

Lu Bin nodded and continued to hover in the sky with a group of hang gliding wings.

"The president is already on the way, I told the president about the situation.

After a while, regardless of the big team, go directly to catch Viscount Larsen. It seems that everyone else spreads out, opening up their mental power to capture suspicious fluctuations, leaving traces of people's passage, and any spell will cause elemental fluctuations.

The same is true with space spells. Once you catch suspicious fluctuations, you are ready to go for a long-distance attack and kill at any time! "


When everyone heard that the president is coming, the morale was shocked. Some people continued to hover, and some people spread out, finding their respective mission areas and hovering, expanding their mental power to the limit, and the end of mental power was enveloped in the environment, capturing All subtle fluctuations.

A big net slowly unfolded, but Viscount Larsen still stayed in place, taking a look up from time to time, and a bit of hatred appeared in his eyes when he saw the hovering black shadows.

And at this moment, he suddenly saw the circling black shadow spreading instantly, and it seemed to gallop in all directions.

"give up?"

When this doubt appeared in Viscount Larsen's heart, his eyelids suddenly thumped, and a strong sense of crisis lingered all over his body. A huge pressure came from the top of his head, and Viscount Larsen subconsciously raised his head and looked up.

A huge round-headed bird swooped down at him like a falling meteor, with a person standing on its back.

The huge wind pressure made the fat of Viscount Larson's face tremble, and all the bushes next to him fell to the ground, exposing him.

Viscount Larson's hand hidden behind his back was about to squeeze instantly.

The rare and incomparable four-ring space magic scroll random teleportation has been pinched in his hand, never put down, as long as he gently pinches, the spell hidden in it will be activated, and the space element will instantly wrap it and teleport it to Any corner within ten miles, the sky and the ground, the front, back, left, and right, any place where there is a transmission space that meets the transmission conditions.

But just when he was about to squeeze it down, he only felt a boom in his mind, his mind was constantly buzzing, his consciousness was dazed, and the whole person was stunned, and immediately, a magical light fell.

Viscount Larsen suddenly had a thick stone skin on the surface of his body, providing strong defense.

The stone skin is getting thicker and thicker, and the defense power is getting stronger and stronger. As the thickness of the stone skin reaches its limit, a piece of stone skin is five or six centimeters thick, and when it is glued together, its defense power reaches its limit, and Viscount Larsen also does not. Can't move.

The Wing Kong Beast forcibly turned its direction, its belly slashed across the ground and hit the other fighters. After ploughing a long groove, it rushed to the sky again, and Mo Lan, who flashed to the ground, bent over and gently picked up Larsen. The magic scroll in the hands of the Viscount smiled.

"I was also worried that you were hiding your strength. It was a dish that was pretended to be a dish. Enjoy such a good may be the same as Count Hongfeng. You are an elite fighter, but I didn’t expect you to be a real dish. , Really just a Tier 3 fighter."

Mo Lan said while removing everything from Viscount Larsen.

"Tier 3 fighters, don't fight back in front of me, you don't even have a chance to run."

Mo Lan opened the package on Viscount Larsen’s back and looked at the thick white paper with a gold border pattern inside, and looked at the densely packed graphics, nodes, and data on it. After a simple look through, Mo Lan determined that it was nearly the size of more than sixty newspapers. All of the paper records are the same content, or the same spell.

Mo Lan sent a message to recall Lu Bin and others. After Viscount Larsen was handed over to Lu Bin's control, Mo Lan began to flip through the dozens of precious white paper with gold border patterns.

A spell model that is the size of more than sixty newspapers can be clearly expressed, and a sheet of densely packed data, content, and graphics can express more than a dozen spell nodes.

Even so, with more than sixty sheets of paper, the spell model has at least six or seven hundred spell nodes. Looking at the words that occasionally appear, Mo Lan showed a shocked look on his face.

"Six Ring Summoning Spells!"

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