Realistic Game

Chapter 386: Space anchor

  Chapter 387 Space Anchor


  Lu Bin opened his eyes wide, his eyes are like this at the moment →⊙ω⊙.

   "Really an independent space!"

  Lu Bin was very surprised. After paying a huge price, he finally convinced the Wing Kong Beast to let the Wing Kong Beast swallow him in his stomach.

  At this moment, Lu Bin was floating in the space of the Wingkong Beast’s stomach. Before entering, Lu Bin speculated that it was an independent space, but he couldn’t help being surprised when he verified the stone hammer.

  The independent space is completely different from the space stretched by the space box, and the meanings represented in it are also completely different.

  The simplest point is that for storing things in an independent space, the outside world cannot feel the weight. Although the space box is enlarged, the amount of things in it should be multiple.

   And the independent space is a small space. It is completely independent and has excellent airtightness. Lu Bin tried to attack inside, but it was useless to try to perceive the outside world with mental power.

  The spell explodes inside the air-wing beast and it feels nothing. As long as the power cannot break the space, it will not harm the air-wing beast.

  And the mental power can't perceive the outside world, it can only perceive everything in the space.

The space box is different. The space box and the outside world are still in the same space, but separated by the space box itself. Unless it is specially set, it cannot block the mental power. As long as the magical power can destroy the box material, it can also be directly exploded. come out.

  As for the deeper meaning, Lu Bin needs to continue to study and explore.

  Lu Bin looked around. This small space was about five meters long, five meters wide, and five meters high. The curved surface was filled with gray and empty fog on all sides, just like chaos.

The shape of the space is a ball that is not round enough. What divides the size of the ball and isolates the space from chaos is a colorless but chaotic film. It does not seem to be thick, but Lu Bin is not even a powerful spell with five rings. Unable to shake a single minute.

  "The space behind the wall membrane should be called the void. The small space is located in the void. The space wall membrane dispels the breath of the void and supports this small space. However, there should be an anchor point!"


  Wing Kongkong’s warning came, and Lu Bin suddenly felt a whole sense of corrosion in his body, which was “digested”.

  Lu Bin immediately raised his hand to surrender, and if he continued, he had to confess his life here.

   "Stop, stop, I won't move, I must not move."

  He was relieved to find that the corroded feeling on his body had dissipated. Lu Bin knew that the Wing Kong Beast was expressing dissatisfaction with his behavior.

  No more magic attacks, Lu Bin began to observe the structure of this small space.

   "Abao, open your mouth to show me."

  Lu Bin shouted casually. After waiting for a moment, it seemed that the winged beast was stunned. After the space fluctuation, a bunch of broken Sydney appeared in the space.

   Obviously, these Sydney pears have been chewed by the winged beast.

   Immediately, under Lu Bin’s gaze, Sydney decomposed at a speed visible to the naked eye, part of it became nutrition, and part of it became energy, and then all disappeared.

  Looking at the entire process, Lu Bin carefully pondered it.

  "There is no external space channel. Just now Sydney was directly transmitted in. Yes, the space fluctuation just now is indeed somewhat similar to flash art.

  Eating with flashing technique? "

  Lu Bin muttered.

  "Then the process of consumption should be decomposing, part decomposed into energy, and part decomposed into nutrients.

  The nutrient part should be absorbed by the air-wing beast's body. Is this aspect of energy absorbed by this space? "

  Lu Bin can feel that this small space is still expanding little by little, very slowly, but it is indeed getting bigger.

   "Looking at it this way, does the body and the internal space grow in sync?"

   Winged Sky Beast, this race is really unique. "

  Lu Bin couldn't help sighing.

  "There is a small space in the body that can grow up by eating soil.

   Use the instinctive space extension technique to use the space element, and then there is space of the same scale in the body.

  If future battles and defenses can use small space forces."

  Lu Bin can imagine.

  When the small space is large enough in the future, other people's attacks can be blocked by the small space. If you can't break through the small space, you can't hurt the airwing beast.

  And the air wing beast can also directly mobilize the energy inside a small space, the energy of a space is endless.

  Lu Bin came back to his senses.

   "Sure enough, the road of space is a broad road. Before I walked through it, my combat power was indeed weak, and it was no different from a normal mage.

  But as long as I get through and open up this kind of small space that is entirely my own, then I can directly make an unparalleled leap in terms of combat power, survivability, or running ability.

  Can continue to expand the space, using space as the source of energy, the stronger the space, the stronger I am.

  If you expand in the future, you can directly copy Lin Hui and the chairman.

  Build the mage tower and floating city into my space, and an electromagnetic railgun into the space.

Carrying space with you means that you carry the Mage Tower, the floating city, and the electromagnetic railgun with you. When you encounter those that cannot be beaten, open the space channel, extend the star destroyer-level electromagnetic orbital gun and bomb, and then rise and float the city. Forbidden curse bombing.

  It’s really impossible to turn around and run into the small space, shut the door, no one can catch me, dare to come in and die. "

  Lu Bin smiled all over his face.

   "Chairman, Lin Hu, don't think of it, yours, it will be mine soon!"

  Lu Bin let his thoughts float for a while and then he calmed his mind and started to work.

  The source of this internal space is fragments of incomplete space rules derived from the Wing Kong Beast’s bloodline spell model at that time.

  The process Lu Bin is clear here, he has seen it with his own eyes, and he can directly retrieve the details from the tower.

  And the answer is right here.

  There is a process and an answer, Lu Bin twisted his neck, raised his head and shouted Bao, open the way out! "

Not long after   's voice fell, Lu Bin noticed a wave of spatial fluctuations, and then a circular spatial channel appeared on the space wall membrane behind him.

  There is no void around the space channel, but another layer that is like a space wall membrane, but it is chaotic and chaotic, and it is not clear.

  Lu Bin felt the information inside and outside the space channel, felt the small space with gaps, felt the space film around the space channel, and the secret in his heart was sure.

  "This should be the anchor point, yes, please keep it as it is now."

  Lu Bin shouted upward, his mental power extended from the space channel, and he immediately perceives the outside world and the big mouth of the winged beast.

  Mental power connects to the prototype tower spirit and reads the information in it.

  Looking at the answer with the process, there was a gap in the small space revealing the anchor point, and he kept showing Lu Bin his secrets.

  Lu Bin uses computing power to derive the process, while spying on the secrets of space and comparing each other.

  The mist in my heart gradually cleared.

  (End of this chapter)

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