Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 134: Shocking Materialization Department (2)

When Gao Miao was choosing this experimental topic, Li Jian persuaded Gao Miao to choose carefully.

He never thought that Gao Miao would tell him that his experiment had been successful.

Li Jian obviously didn't believe what Gao Miao said. He thought whether Gao Miao took the wrong path when adapting, and regarded a wrong thing as an experimental result.

Li Jian said, "You said your experiment was successful?"

Gao Miao said a little embarrassedly: "I actually changed the experiment topic."

Listening to Gao Miao's words, Li Jian finally understood. It turned out that the experiment topic was changed to a simpler experiment content, and it was normal for the experiment to be successful.

Li Jian took the paper handed over by Gao Miao with a smile. He was stunned when he saw the title of the paper.

"The Mixing Ratio of Positive and Negative Materials and the Influence of Battery Packaging Technology on the Performance of Lithium Batteries"

This topic is huge! It is much more than the thesis topic that Gao Miao chose at the beginning! And the experiment is even more difficult to do!

Li Jian frowned and flipped through the thesis catalogue.

The further back he looked at Li Jian, the more frightened he became.

The table of contents of the paper is logically clear and very organized.

Li Jian was reading the content of the paper in detail, and the more he read, the more surprised he became.

Some of the experimental methods and arguments are quite advanced.

This is secondary. The most important thing is the experimental process and that kind of strict logical structure. Even if it is done by the teachers of the school, it may not reach such a level.

The atmosphere in the office was eerily quiet.

Gao Miao sat quietly opposite Li Jian, waiting for an evaluation of the paper.

Although Luo Hao couldn't sit still a little bit, but because the teacher was here, it was difficult for him to leave first.

Seeing the middle of the paper, Mr. Li even took out paper and pen to write and draw something on it, or turned on his computer and flipped through some materials on it.

About 40 minutes later, sweat had soaked Takamiao's back.

But Li Jian never spoke, and Gao Miao didn't come from a good background.

At this time, Li Jian stood up and said, "Wait for me here for a while."

After speaking, Li Jian did not wait for Gao Miao to answer, and left the office with the basic papers and other materials.

He went to the office of the head of the Department of Materials and Chemistry.

Tan Deming, head of the Department of Materials Chemistry at Jiangzhou University, is an expert in Xia Guo's materials chemistry industry.

Tan Deming is currently leading a military-backed scientific research institution in Jiangzhou to study chemical batteries.

Although Jiangzhou is backward, and most of the places are mountainous, it also gives some secret scientific research institutions a living environment.

Some institutions with background will set up laboratories in the deep mountains. On the one hand, it is relatively quiet, and on the other hand, it is not easy to be detected by foreign spies or reconnaissance satellites.

Tan Deming also has a lot of research on lithium batteries.

At a technology enterprise summit in the first half of the year, Tan Deming said that lithium batteries must be an important trend of mobile power in the future.

Because compared with nickel batteries, lithium batteries have great advantages in terms of volume and energy density.

However, Tan Deming's speech was not valued by Xia Guo's battery companies, because now everyone's focus is still on nickel-chromium batteries.

Nickel batteries are widely used in mobile phones, and after the development of the past few years, mobile phones are entering thousands of households at a rapid speed.

At this time, the production capacity of bromine batteries is being transferred from Xiangjiang City and Dongyang in Xiaguo, and Xiaguo Bay area to the coastal areas of Xiaguo.

For many companies in Xiaguo, nickel-cadmium batteries still belong to the sunrise industry. Everyone has spent a lot of effort to introduce equipment and technology from foreign companies. This has just begun to produce, and they are absolutely unwilling to change technology and production lines. Research on lithium batteries that have no clue.

So the meeting was a meeting. After the meeting, everyone forgot what Tan Deming said.

After all, what a scholar said, there are not many people who take it seriously.

In this era, most entrepreneurs are in awe of the technologies of the West, the East, and South Korea.

I think that the domestic technology is actually very poor. If I can imitate the products of Toyo and South Korea, it is already quite remarkable. I never thought about it at all, and I have the strength to carry out technological innovation.

Li Jian handed the paper to Han Deming and said, "Director Han, I took a few students to write a paper on lithium batteries. I personally find it very interesting. Some of the technologies and principles are very advanced, so you can take a look."

Han Deming had some surprises, because lithium batteries are a frontier subject and not something that ordinary people can play with. Li Jian has students doing research on lithium batteries, of course he is very interested.

"Your students are actually doing research on lithium batteries? I'd like to take a look."

For the papers that Han Deming took over, each catalog and related content were reviewed in detail.

Han Deming looks at the paper with ten lines at a time. He only looks at the key points of the paper.

After half an hour.

Han Deming turned the paper to the last few pages.

He turned his head and asked, "Who wrote this paper?"

Li Jian said, "Director, what do you think of the quality of this paper?"

Han Deming said: "I need two things now! One is who is the author of this paper? I want to meet him! Another is that they must have finished products after they have done the experiment, and the data on the paper also shows that they have Finished, I want to see this thing."

Li Jian had some surprises and asked, "Director, what do you mean?"

Han Deming said: "I have spent a year thinking about the positive electrode and packaging of lithium batteries. You also know that I was on a business trip in Toyo three months ago."

"I specifically contacted a professor at the University of and asked him to act as an intermediary to introduce me to meet with the technical person in charge of Sony batteries."

"I've asked the technical guys at Sony for some advice, but they're almost reluctant to talk to me."

"After a sentence, regarding the core technology issues, Dongyang people are not willing to communicate with us sincerely. The reason is that our country's technology is too backward."

"But this paper, with a lot of inferences and results, is something I can't understand!"

"Especially here, at the end of this paper, I wrote about the influence of two-dimensional carbon molecules and polymer separators on lithium batteries. After reading it, I was very enlightened!"

"A person who can write such a paper must be an expert in materials chemistry! I am the head of the material chemistry department. We have such excellent students, how could I not know?"

"If I knew I would definitely take these students myself!"

Hearing what Han Deming said, Li Jian was also excited.

He hurriedly said, "I'll go and call her right away!"

Han Deming added: "In this way, you will notify all the professors above the vice-senior level of the college to come to the meeting! This paper is very important to the entire lithium battery industry!"


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